Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Everyone expects to see this legendary place of origin through Bozi and others.

Zhen Shenzi smiled at Chu Yi: "Sorry, since Yan Luo Xianzun doesn't welcome us, then you have to let us take a look at this earth."

Bozi stands in the middle of the street, surrounded by high-rise buildings, full of traffic, and this group of people is stuck in the main traffic roads so that the vehicles continue to whistle.

"The place of origin is a holy place. How can this group of people be contaminated? It seems that it must be spent afterwards." He said so.

"It is true. The civilization here is really low-level. These machines driven by low-level energy are placed in the fairy world. No one wants to collect it as garbage." A supreme snorted.

They want to occupy this place and have long regarded this place as their own territory.

"It's very weak, there is no strong man, at most some guru and innate, there are many people, but there is a slight aura in the body."

"Monk, it's not good to block here." Suddenly, a voice rang, and Bozi looked back, and saw three young men and women sitting in a car.

Jiang Zigeng came out and smiled: "Look at your clothes, they should all be monks. There are regulations on them. Strong monks must not affect the city."

"Bozi, do you need to save this filthy land?" A demon with a long tail said supremely.

"Since it is a filthy land, it naturally needs to be tempered." Bozi said casually.


The demon supreme grinned and looked at Jiang Zigeng, "then start with you."

He screamed, the terrible sound waves, to spread all around, with a supreme power, under this sound, most of the creatures on the planet will die.

But he suddenly discovered that he could not speak, let alone speak.

His pupils shrank suddenly, only to see his head slipping from his neck, and a burst of black blood exploded from his neck.

"Everyone, you are too much..." Jiang Zigeng said, frowning slightly.

The pupil of Bozi suddenly shrank, and he could quietly kill a Supreme, absolutely a strong man of the same level. You know, although many Supremes are forcibly promoted by mysteries and drugs, they are regarded as cannon fodder, but they are not As for death so easily.

"This is what you call your parents?" Zhen Shenzi looked at this scene and was a little surprised.

Chu Yi grinned: "That's a junior...I have said that my hometown is full of talents, so you don't provoke."

Chu Yi's words just fell, with a bang, there was a war below.

Li Ke, Meng Fei and Jiang Zigeng shot at the same time. In a flash, a terrible breath swept up and took more than a dozen supremes, including Bozi, into the space.

"It's so strong!" Bozi was awe-inspiring, but he wasn't hurt, but he died a few times under the raid.

"The three are amazing. They are really young, but they are at least as good as me." Bozi was horrified.

Jiang Zigeng and the three people are the heirs cultivated by the three great worlds. They are all cultivated by the Supreme Supreme, and they have observed some of the original power. How can their strength be weak.

The three stood in space, all of them were amazing and gorgeous, and their peers were invincible.

"Although the visitor is a guest, but we are not hospitable, please come back." Jiang Zigeng said calmly.

Bozi squinted his eyes: "The three supremes... No wonder Yan Luoxianzun has confidence, but you don't have a clear look, how many supremes we have here, just the weapons they bring, are enough to make the whole land of origin The souls are destroyed."

"Ready, fire!"

On the sun, a muzzle was aimed at the earth, and the muzzle was extremely large. Although it was not a war fairy, it had a wide enough range.

The terrible artillery fire with a hot flame swept the world, and this artillery would pass through the earth and then sweep the entire galaxy.

Of course, they think that the earth is the place of origin, naturally unharmed, as for other planets, they are not under their consideration.

However, to their surprise, the so-called explosion did not happen, but all the energy was absorbed after reaching the earth.

"It's the bug next to Yan Luo Xianzun." Everyone was awe-inspiring, saw the sword worm Yuzai wandering in the void, followed by the dark flame demon, pig bajie and white fox, and one hiding behind the back, twisting Girl with a fat buttocks.

For these guys, the power of fairyland is not strange.

It's just that it's so special that it can swallow such a huge energy.

"How can there be so much nonsense, hurry up," the sword insect shouted.

"Probably they will only talk about that, by now, they haven't seen them win." Dark Flame Demon made up a knife.

On the sun, the Jade Buddha and others nodded.

"Let's go, behead these people as soon as possible."


The army was dispatched.

The Jade Buddha shot to suppress the swordworm and others.

Followed by, there are still many terrible existences, there are several people, all of which are the level of the **** of the sea, only one step away from the high-level supreme.

"Mr. Chu, you can rest assured that you will kill whoever you want to kill. We will help you stop this group of guys."

"It's a big word!" Real God Son carried his hands on his back, very peaceful, and ignored the outbreak there.

"I'm afraid this is your final hole card, the three supremes, plus the supreme brought back from the fairy world around you."

"Not enough, far enough, how long can it be blocked?"

True Divine Son is very confident, because this is not a shot from the Wanshen Township. It also unites the Jiange, Xitian Temple, Demon Territory, Heavenly Man Holy Land, and even many forces, large and small.

This is almost equal to more than half of the powerful in the fairy world, all here.

"The Alliance of Heavenly Court is just a joke. It is better to call the Heavenly Running Dog." Chu Yi sneered.

On that side, it is already in full swing, and all the battles have spread to other stars, almost breaking the galaxy.

Even, there are many strong men who just stay on the sun and are not dispatched.

The true Divine Son looked cold: "Ignorant people, even today, you can't save you even if you move out the demon religion."

The eyes of the True God Son are getting colder and colder, and the next second, a silver brilliance blooms all over his body. There is a pair of silver wings spread out behind him, covering the sky and the terror.

Above that wing, every feather is powerful and terrifying, and has reached the point where it can manifest itself supernaturally.

The silver wings glowed, and each piece of the sword was blazed, with a different knife way, and it came to death.

Chu Yi folded his hands together, and immediately separated, pushing suddenly, in front of him, in front of him, a stream of yellow water steamed up.

"Huang Youdao!"

This is a practice created by the Yellow Emperor. It is realized by the Yellow River. A river spreads like a road that a dragon walks through.

A phantom of the Yellow River rushed down, just like a real dragon, and then cooperated with Chu Yi's understanding of the real dragon skills. At this moment, it was extremely powerful.

The scene was astonishing, and the void continued to ring through the broken sound.

Only then did the real Divine Son perceive that it was not good, and with the strength of the other party, still able to fight against himself in the realm of Immortal Venerable, this person is too scary, no wonder he can climb all the way to the sky.

"True God Son, I will help you!" The Bodhisattva came with the lotus, the golden lotus bloomed, and a sutra appeared, suppressing the Quartet.

Chu Yi raised his head, his sword pointed to the sky, splitting the sutra, and Jianguang rushed toward the bodhisattva with the sound of Buddha.

This sword is very mysterious, like a falling black light, above the sword mandrel, there is a sutra manifestation, which in turn suppresses the bodhisattva.

At the same time, Chu Yi divided a Divine Thought, and in an instant, Wujiang Fire was burning, constructing a sharp sword, and shooting towards the True God Son.

"What descendants of **** ancestors, what true disciples of relic Buddha, in front of me, but with a sword."

The sword light exploded like a thousand flowers, this scene was so amazing, Jianhua fell in space on the earth.

Although Chu Yi didn't enter the Supreme, his swordsmanship became more horrible, especially after possessing the sword reincarnation mentality, his swordsmanship broke through the shackles, and he changed everything.


The sword flower is so colorful that it changes the color of the Bozi and the Divine Son at the same time.

The two of them were just contaminated, and they were wounded. The blood could not shed, even the holy medicine didn't work.

"Use war fairy!"

The Jade Buddha frowned. In front of him, the little bug was so annoying that he couldn't get away.

He shouted to the real deity and directly used the war fairy. He didn't believe that this time someone else could use it.

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