Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Celestial realm, evergreen star, clear blue sky

This is a vast continent, connected by water and sky, somewhat similar to the earth, but the environment is more beautiful, people seem to be very close to the sun star.

The huge sun star is glowing red. This is the flame on the surface. The main flame is the sun fire.

The rising sun illuminates the entire sea level and reflects on many islands, rendering it sacred and bright.

There are many battleships, treasure ships, chariots, coming from all directions, all human forces, or extremely powerful existence.

Today's humans, with the chaotic age and rapid rise with a huge foundation, seem to be faintly becoming the first group.

Many powerful people converged towards a continent. From afar, there was a huge palace standing among the heavy mountains.

"Senior Emperor Qingdi is looking forward to the rejuvenation of mankind. Now, it seems that it feels that it has risen. At least no one dares to fight the idea of ​​mankind at will. There are really many strong ones."

On the surface of the sea, a rather large ship was walking slowly, not very fast, but with some means, no one could see it.

After completing his cultivation, Chu Yi stood up and looked around. The momentum was huge, and many forces were heading towards Dingtian Palace.

"Good guy, I didn't expect my human beings to hide so many strong men over the years, and there are a few. I'm afraid they didn't show up deliberately a long time ago. It wasn't until this moment that they showed their strength."

Chu Yi casually explored and found no less than three Supreme.

This is just this area.

"To be cunning, it is still you who are the most cunning." Swordworm snorted.

Chu Yi suddenly asked: "Sword worms, are you in the Universiade, are they insects?"

"Of course not." Swordworm looked at each other with an idiot's gaze, "Universal Palace, there are many creatures, we are just one of them, but Universiade is mainly based on human beings, otherwise my swordsman, Why should you take care of you as a human?"

In this regard, Chu Yi did not know whether it was a compliment or a loss.

"Well? That's an artifact-level flying palace!" A palace swept over Chu Yi's head.

"Who, with such a luxurious shot, the flying palace is already more difficult to build than the flying boat, but it is still an artifact level. I am afraid that it can be used as a weapon. It seems that the human race is richer than I thought."

"This group of people dared to use the flying palace, for fear of fighting for the seat of the elders, or for the palace master..." Chu Yi touched his chin.

"I think you are thinking of something bad again." Swordworm glanced.

"What a bad idea, what the teacher can come up with, are all golden ideas. Sword Master, you can't insult the teacher. The teacher taught me to be virtuous, intelligent, and beautiful, and went offline in an all-round way." Xia Houcheng grinned badly.

"Great nephew, you don't need to say more, this guy will definitely pit people more than I do." Swordworm definitely said.

Chu Yi laughed, and the two shut their mouths together.

"These people still don't know my identity. Once they know it, I'm afraid they will deal with me all together. After all, I am too famous, and I have also established a longevity monument."

"Is the son talking about infamy?" White Fox asked curiously.

"That's also a famous way." Chu Yi smiled awkwardly. "I think it's necessary to prevent them from joining forces to deal with me when the time comes. Before the Dingtian Palace, they will be split humanitarianly."

"How does Niuniu feel that you are greedy for the flying palace?"

Chu Yipi smiled but didn't smile: "Children don't tell the truth."

Chu Yi is really greedy, God-level flying palace is not only the most terrible defensive weapon, but also extremely fast, there is no need to go to each continent and use the teleportation method.

If they break through the sky by themselves, they are likely to encounter a void storm, and therefore, most Supremes will not break the sky for a long distance.

And ordinary warships flying boats can not maintain extremely fast speed on long distance journeys.

"They can't enter Dingtian Palace directly, they should stay in some surrounding cities or mountains."

Chu Yi followed the trajectory of the flying palace, let the sword worm use the stealth secret method, and approached carefully.

The Flying Palace stopped on a hill, shrinking continuously, and finally fell into the other party's ring.

From there, two figures, one big and one small, dressed in black cloaks and hats.

The small one was only the size of Chu Yi's feet, floating in mid-air.

"Supreme level... but if it is a sneak attack, it should be fine."

A supreme level sneak attack, even if the other party is stronger than himself, the other party has the probability of hitting death.

This is the difference between attack and head-on fighting.

A little bit of swordmand, condensed in the center of Chu Yi's palm, he did not intend to harm others, but only for money, and the other side was dazed for a while.

Between the mountains and forests, the emerald bamboo winds along the wind and makes a clear sound. The sound of these bamboos has a calming effect.

The black robe walked, unable to see his face clearly, but seemed to be thinking about something again.

The mist was misty, and the radiance of the sun star shone in, becoming purple-red, and stained with gold.

Chu Yi’s concealment is very good, or that the method of sword insects is really unique. At such a close distance, the other party did not find it.

He put a lot of sleep to sleep in Jian Qi.

"Do it!"

At this moment, he started, his body jumped out, no trace of energy fluctuations, he did not choose to enter the void, and then attacked.

On the contrary, in the physical space, a direct attack was launched to avoid excessive energy fluctuations.

His body was twisted by fog, like a rubber band, his feet were still in place, but his body had been pulled out for a long time.

With palm of his hand, he shot toward the back of the opponent's head.


Suddenly, an automatic defense appeared on the opponent's body. At the bottom of the black robe, metal particles flew up to form a shield full of metal. This shield was not large, but it perfectly wrapped the black robe's body.

Sword Qi and shield collided, and the energy was extremely condensed.

Chu Yi frowned slightly, and his blow only pierced the shield, and then his power disappeared.

The black robe turned back, and a long black whip came and killed, and the figure of Chu Yi disappeared into the mist.

The long whip lashed through the air and traversed the void. It turned out to be the tail of some kind of creature, with a hint of electric flower, crackling.

Chu Yi marveled, don't underestimate this long whip, he opened the long eclipse, and found out that the material space has not changed at all in the place where this long whip has passed, but the void has been broken to several layers, even the speed of healing Are very slow.

Chu Yi's demonstrating his body was nothing more than simplification, and he was no longer imposing. In the golden mist, he attacked again.

However, the sound was a little dreamy, and a sharp blade was born around it, which kept spinning and turned out a knife flower.

The black robe and the little black robe kept traversing between the sword flowers, and the body seemed to be true or false. Chu Yi cut a few swords and found that he hadn't hit at all.

"The combination of illusion and shadow."

He glanced at him, admired in his heart, and even shot casually, he met a master.

It seems that people are on the sword flower, but it is actually in the shadow of the ground, and it is equipped with illusion and body, which is even harder to find.

Chu Yi snorted, ten fingers splayed gas, slashed the sword, and forced out the other party's real body.

The latter, I don't know when, has already appeared behind Chu Yi.

The bone whip in the hands of the black robe soared sharply, snarling sharply, twisting towards Chu Yi's neck.

"Be fooled, fall!"

Chu Yi did not shy away, said suddenly.


Xia Houcheng's figure appeared behind the other party, and a black cauldron smashed down.

"Oh, it's a shock, a hard head."


The sword bug appeared and smashed again.

Immediately afterwards, Niu Niu, Zhu Bajie, and even the White Fox took the pan and smashed them one after another.

The black robe finally groaned and collapsed to the ground.

The little black robe can't stand the toss, and he fell to the ground with a cry.

"Small bitch, these two guys are so hard headed, Niu Niu is almost shocked."

"Hurry up, the supreme level will wake up." Chu Yi can't wait to lift the black robe.


As if there is some light, shining the world.

Chu Yi stayed!

The whole body of the sword worm became pink, and even the pupils became pink.

Xia Houcheng, who has never been a woman, has almost dropped her chin to the ground.

Under the black robe, a woman who fell all over the country illuminated her face for nine days.

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