My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1374: See the poor

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Above the building, the atmosphere was a bit tense, the ground distance jittered, and dust was scattered.

Tianzi slowly lowered his head, drinking tea, and the tea leaves in the cup stood up one after another, filled with Hanmang.

In everyone's eyes, a blood Buddha emerged, and at the foot of Mu Huang, flowers blossomed.

The air freezes.

"Haha, we can't bully ourselves, otherwise, wouldn't it be a joke, Supreme Supreme Yan Luo, you are the Supreme Supreme, I am the Sixth Yao."

The devil supreme laughed, "If you kill my brother and steal the king, then I will challenge you, and it should be reasonable."

"You are the pioneer of Kendo, and I wouldn't care if I am higher than you, which is fair."

"It's so good!" Tu Shengren made a final decision, and there was no chance for Chu Yi to refute it. If Yan Luo Zhizun could be killed first, then once the battle broke out, many sword repairs on their side would be able to participate in the war, otherwise, sword repair In front of Yan Luo Zhizun, it is abolished.

"Are you sure?" Chu Yi's eyes suddenly became weird. He played with the tea cup in his hand. "Otherwise, let's add a few more. The devil supreme, it's not me who strikes you. A six-supreme supreme in your area is really not enough. I fight."

"Huh, I'm not practicing kendo. Your kendo is of no use to me at all. If you are in the Liu Yao Supreme, I'm not your opponent, but you are the only one."

Ghost Demon Supreme no longer covers up, his body breath erupts, and there are a pair of black wings on the back, saying that it is a wing, but there is no feather. Above the black bone, it is covered with human head.

"In that case, it would be better to obey than to respect." The tea cup in Chu Yi's hand flicked out, and the tea cup stood in the sky and poured down.

The tea poured out like a flood, and the densely packed tea formed a Kendo waterfall.

The Kendo Waterfall is getting bigger and bigger, almost occupying the sky above the whole mansion.

The building was swaying and shaking, and the protective array here could no longer hold up and collapsed.

Many supremes are lined up around, their eyes are dignified.

I saw that the Kendo waterfall was washed down, the light was flowing, and it split into thousands of sword qi, each sword qi carried its own unique attack.


The demon supreme demon struck up with one punch, and the boxing wind brought a **** storm, and the surroundings seemed to fall into hell, and various ghosts were clustered.

But Chu Yi's sword was too overbearing, like Wang Yang, overwhelming, the sword gas chopped a ghost, and the sword sound shattered piece by piece in purgatory.

In an instant, this side of the world was washed away by the Kendo Waterfall, and the dense light of the sword shone for nine days.

When the dust settled, everyone suddenly discovered that the building was not broken at all, and Chu Yi was still sitting on the chair.


He gently raised his hand, so countless sword lights paused, and then turned into tea, withdrawn into the tea cup.

The teacup fell into Chu Yi's hands, still steaming, without any change.

The people suddenly opened their eyes wide, but they saw that on the building, the original position of the devil supreme had only a pool of meat, all kinds of treasures splashed out, scattered scattered all over the place.

Everyone's face was dull.

It was just a trick, a Six Yao Supreme was defeated in the hands of San Yao Supreme, and his body was broken. These changes made the general Supreme who wanted to challenge Chu Yi horrified.

The cold wind blew, and the cold sweat behind them made them shudder.

Meng Feng's muscles seemed to be frozen, his teeth trembling and his thinking stiff.

He remembered that he had provoked Yan Luo Supreme just now, but at that time, if Yan Luo Supreme shot, then he was probably dead.

He said that he was a dead man, maybe he really wanted to become a dead man.

Chu Yi's move brought too much shock to everyone. They could not think of it anyway. The master of Kendo would be so terrifying. Isn't the reward given by God so huge?

The small mouth under the veil of peace of mind is gently opened. Although Chu Yi is strong, because of the rogue style, in her eyes, she has never elevated the other party to the point of being comparable to the emperor. Even his words and deeds are easy. Let people ignore this person is the respect of kendo.

"Emperor, how is your sword, compared to him?"

Tian Zi Shen Sheng, a large rune flashed in his eyes: "Weaker than him, my swordsmanship, although it has reached the supreme realm, is still not as good as him. However, I will fight with him for life and death, I will never use swordsmanship. "

"Sorry, it's too heavy to start, but I really didn't expect that the demon supreme will be so weak. It stands to reason that he should be able to avoid it. At most, he suffered some injuries." Chu Yi pretended to be stunned. .

The saint slaughtered, his face sinking like water.

Yan Luo Wang Meng took a few deep breaths: "Yan Luo Supreme, the supremacy of the Devil Supreme, is originally a weakness. He may not have expected that he will be beheaded here, so he is even more vulnerable to the enemy."

"It's a pity, otherwise King Yan, you go, but I have said that some of your **** world's means are too outdated. If you only use outdated means, you won't win me."


Tu Shengren shouted, "Skills are not as good as people, don't blame Yan Luo Supreme. Yan Luo Supreme gave us an important lesson. My **** world is indeed too closed. This should be improved in the future."

Dizang Wang narrowed his eyes and smiled: "It should be so, I will introduce some ideas of fairyland in the future."

"Tea is also drunk, better than the test, old man Tu, if nothing happens, I will take a few Dao friends and go to the front."

"Since that is the case, it will not delay your journey." Tu Shengren smiled.

Several people from Chu Yi left the building, and Tu Shengren's eyes gloomed instantly.

"Turn on the big formation, prepare the war fairy, and don't let them leave the mansion."

"There is also the Supreme Lord Yan, who must die in the place of burial, and whoever escapes here is a disaster for us."


Chu Yi several people walked on the flower path.


The wind was blowing, the flowers and grass were low, and a burst of law rose into the sky, covering the sky, and then exploded like a firework.

Large and small turrets, supported by big wind geese, were placed in mid-air.

Nearly a thousand people rose into the sky and stood above the formation, condensing a formation again, layer by layer like sea water, wrapped in the outside world.

Tu Shengren brought high-level supremes such as King Yan Luo, and even nearly twenty general supremes, and appeared in front of everyone.

"Old man Tu, what do you mean?" King Zizhang shouted.

Tu Shengsheng's robe agitated: "It's meaningless, just want to ask questions for so many years."

"We want to know what is in the depths of the **** world, why the devil's son worships again and again, why there is a black moon, and why there is another energy."

The geodetic king sneered: "It's okay to tell you, where the ancestors of the devil's son, a monster of the fairy king level are buried, and once born, it will harm the entire universe."

"I am now in the past, and I naturally want to seal it."

"Oh?!" Although the saints had some speculation, they were still shaking.

"King Dizang, you are old. Let's leave it to us for such things. You will teach me the method of sealing. I will take risks for you." Tu Shengren laughed.

"Teach you, I'm afraid you have already reached an agreement with the devil's son, I really want to give you, maybe you will release the monster."

"You knew already?!"

"I just knew it when I came in."

"Then why do you still come in?" Saint Tu Tu puzzled.

Chu Yi said with a smile: "I will answer this question, or that sentence, you are just dead people in my eyes, do you really think that with these forces can we stay behind?"

"Dead man... What a supreme Yan Luo, really arrogant, you know, in your eyes, you are just a dead man."

"Among you, only King Zizang is the pinnacle of supreme supremacy, and the rest of you, even you and the emperor, only enter the state of supreme, even if you can contend with a high-level supreme supreme."

"We are here, but there are eight high-level supreme!"

"And, we don't need to confront you at all."


Under the order of Tu Shengren, on the backs of dozens of big wind geese, one fortress glowed, the energy of terror gathered, the light was intertwined, and the waves directly shattered the space.

Even if the Supreme cannot be killed, it is enough to cause the Supreme to be injured, and once injured, there will be no accidents.

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