My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1384: The last winner

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The jade hand cuts out the light, like a flower blooming, blooming in all realms, this is the space law, and the other party's supernatural powers are imprisoned layer by layer.

Each petal is a small world, immortal spirits permeate, dazzling and shining.

Mingzhe turned his hand, so the countless small worlds fell over, he looked up, and the space was twisted.

That round of meniscus cut into the world of petals, and after breaking a few petals, it never appeared again.

Chu Yi's eyes were bright, and the Tao was in their hands, like a toy, and he played casually, because they were too clear about their Tao.

The realm of the fairy king is to climb the heavenly road and open the fairy river above.

The fairy river is the Tao, and the fairy king is the existence that has crossed the Tao.

They are no longer controlled by the Tao.

Hundreds of dark moons were shaking, seeming to be thoughtful.

"Unexpectedly, you have reached this step, I thought that although you merged the parts of the fairy king, you can’t use it freely after all, but you have completely refined all the parts into your own body. In this way, you It's considered to be on the side with the fairy."

Ming Zhe raised his head and smiled, "I know you are strong, but this is not the chaotic age of the past, we can absorb the turbid gas, so that we can become more thorough. I seal you for thousands of years. After the millennium, everything has not been determined, maybe , I have become an immortal."

"Fate is not invincible. It takes a huge price to seal the sky."

"A lot of things, if you know the truth, you won't feel terrible."

"Haha, the truth, you really thought you knew the truth, why are you all so stupid, but stupid or not, otherwise, as smart as the Yan and Huang clan, in the end it is just the destruction of the whole army."

"Do you know what I admire most is the Yanhuang family, in the era when Tianlu was about to be sealed, in the transitional period between Chaos and Taikoo, the Yanhuang family, taking advantage of the last gap, a few people became immortals, but unfortunately, It’s just so smart, it’s all dead. It’s really awe-inspiring.”

Chu Yi was shocked. The Yan and Huang clan were indeed talented and terrifying. In those difficult years, they could all become immortals. The mystery in the eyes of the Yan and Huang clan was simply unbearable.

As the Yellow Emperor and the Great Elders said, their goal has always been not heaven and mystery, but destiny.

The power of the Yan and Huang clan eventually led to the coming of fate.

"And you, without the cleverness of the Yan and Huang clan, or the mightiness of the Yellow Emperor, really thought that if you could use turbid gas, you would be comparable to me?"

The black moon is crazy, there is a hurricane whizzing, and in an instant, countless black moon brushes, it will go down and go down.

Heaven, as if it was about to collapse, the space where Chu Yi was a few people had long broken, and even time began to twist.

Ming Zhe sighed and shook his head: "I said, you are not my opponent, but I came with Master's hand."

"Your Master, isn't it Xuan Chang."

"This person is mysterious. I haven't seen it at all. When I heard it, I had created a mystery, which could be comparable to the heavenly court." Heiyue said lightly.

"But it's just an oracle, it's too arrogant to suppress me."

Mingzhe said nothing, he was not slow, he took a scroll from his sleeve robe.

The reel opened, and in an instant, a stream of light and color, one after another, Changhong, rose from the darkness, across the world, suppressing the Quartet.

That Changhong is very gorgeous, with blurred colors, streamers flashing, not like virtual, but like substance.

On each Changhong, there are strange animals walking, and they start and end again and again, leaving their own breath on it.

The black moon is frozen!

The world is frozen!

Time is also frozen!

The falling moons were all fixed in the air, and then they were picked up by the monsters on Changhong and then disappeared.

"Rainbow Law!"

Suddenly, the black mist surged, and the two rounds of the black moon turned into huge eyes. The sound of the blind was like the sound of metal collision.

"Ji Dao Xian... Xuan Chang is Ji Dao Xian!"

"Impossible, Ji Dao Xian is dead and destroyed. I can confirm that he cannot be alive."

"Ji Dao Xian!" Chu Yi, Dizang Wang and others were all stunned.

This name is generally unknown to the Supreme, but their special Supremes understand it.

Ji Dao Xian is a fairy king who is a huge power of condemnation. It is extremely mysterious. Rumor was that he died in the land of condemnation.

"Little Moxian asked me to come here. Is it to reveal this news to me, Xuan Chang, that is Ji Dao Xian, he escaped from here and founded Xuanji?"


Everyone's face changed drastically. Whether it was the emperor or a few people, they didn't know all about it.

A fairy king who was supposed to die from the chaotic destiny disaster was still alive, and he also created the mystery.

"Mysterious, condemnation..." Chu Yi tranced, something incredible.

"Master is immortal immortal? Then our mystery, is it a line of condemnation?" Mu Huang murmured, this news had a great impact on him.

Mingzhe was not surprised. Obviously he knew it long ago, and smiled indifferently: "Master is powerful, mysterious and unpredictable, and will naturally not be killed by you."

"Impossible. At that time, I had broken his Yuanying, destroyed his Taoist House, and destroyed his small world, even the flesh. I bite down bit by bit."

"Even if it's a fairy king, it should be damned." Meng still couldn't believe it.

"I don't know about this. You should ask my master, but if you want to come, you have to see my master, and it will be thousands of years later."


"Wan Hong Guan Yue!"

Changhong is like a shuttle, reversing the void, and immersed in the black moon.

"Ji Dao Xian, I remembered it, ha ha, no wonder I thought he was so weak at first, he didn't want to fight me at all."

"He just wanted to get away. He used the secret method of laid off his body. He had already prepared another body."

"How do you seal me? After a thousand years, I will reappear, and it won't even take a thousand years."

The dark clouds receded, the black moon disappeared, and everything was restored.

Meng Yu looked pale: "ancestor...ancestor!"

Mingzhe stumbled for a moment, and his lips were a little dry: "Yan Luo Supreme, what else do you have now?"

"Although you use that monster to consume most of my power, but against you, I can't use much power."

The emperor looked at Chu Yi, and he wanted to know how this person could escape, unless there was another fairy directly.

Chu Yi lowered his head and smiled, "Mingzhe Supreme, do you really think that I will be stupid enough to just release that monster?"


Chu Yi grinned and said, "I let Senior Di Zang loose some seals, release the monster, and let that monster consume most of your power..."

"And smoothly, with your power, seal the monster."

"Think about it, what will happen to you in this way." Chu Yi smiled.

Ming Zhe's pupils shrunk, and his voice almost squeezed from his throat: "I used my master's hand to seal the monster, so the power of Soul Abyssal Emperor was temporarily relieved."

"Yan Luo Supreme!" Meng Yu suddenly turned to look at Chu Yi, her eyes ugly, "You even used my ancestors, you mean man!"

Chu Yi said with ease: "Don't say that using it is so unpleasant, after all, you are also using me, we are only playing games."

"Who made your ancestors so bad, I just bet on it."

Tianzi clenched his fists, he never thought that Chu Yi's real purpose was to liberate the energy of Soul Yuan Emperor, and he didn't even care about the winning and losing of monsters and Mingzhe Supreme.

In any case, even if Mingzhe Supreme loses, then the monster's power will be weakened.

The final winner will only be Chu Yi.

"My son is the most terrible when he laughs like this." The white fox shivered holding Niu Niu. It was really worried that he would be sold by his son and help him count the money.

"The teacher is getting more and more cunning, this is like me." Xia Houcheng and Lin Feiyan said at the same time, then glared at each other.

"Mingzhe Supreme, you lost. If you are in the heyday, you may be able to fight the dead Soul Yuan Emperor, but now, the Soul Yuan Emperor has enough power to kill you."


Chu Yi took a step back, and the King of Tibet came out.

Suddenly he reached out and took off his right eye. The blood on the eyeballs floated around, and then suddenly exploded, and endless energy rushed into the eyeballs from all directions, through the bloodshot, and an evil Breath came suddenly.

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