My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1396: Without delay

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Stinky boy!"

"Damn, we have been cheated!"

"This guy is just prepared. He has so much information out of us, and he just left!"

Ting Tian was angry for the first time, he did not know how long he had not been so angry.

The gusty wind set off, the void torn, and the seawater poured in.

The eyes of Ting Tian have electric awns, and the hair is even wound with electric wires, which is extremely scary.

"I am proud of myself. With my strength, I thought I could leave him completely and imprison him here forever. Even if the elders came to my heaven, there would be no way."

"But I forgot, he has also been to the Heavenly Condemned Clan, the Emperor Soul Yuan, this mighty strong man, who even played us together."

"He took away too much news from my Heavenly Court, which was enough for him to assess the overall strength of Heavenly Court."

In the stone box, Destiny was also stunned, and then said with a smile: "Haha, we two old monsters, even looked away, was played by a little monster, no wonder I said, how could he be so calm, he kept his back ."

"However, let's be entertained, you don't have to be angry. Heavenly court is powerful, even if it leaks out, can they still dare to attack?"

"Moreover, he didn't bring much loss to Heavenly Court. You don't have to worry. His fusion of basic swordsmanship is not necessarily successful. What's more, one of the Eight Commandments is also in Heavenly Court."

"Just invite him to come and play." Destiny advised, some gloating.

Tingtian's eyes were ruthless, but he calmed down. Destiny said it was right. Even if the other party knew, it was impossible for him to really hit Tianting. If he was alone, he could suppress thousands of troops, unless the elders came forward.

But the probability of the elders coming out is too low, and the elders are already afraid of losing.


With a sharp corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw a corner of his wooden house, and he even added a line-Yan Luo Zhizun, to visit here.

Ting Tian's mouth twitched and his breathing became much shorter. This guy actually regarded this place as a tourist place.


Tingtian frowned slightly, and everything on this island was turned into ashes and bare.

"It's a really interesting swordsman. It's no wonder that we can get to this point, and even we are all fooled." Destiny laughed. "Slowly rebuild."

The sea breeze is cold and the sky is very gloomy.

"When I am born and reborn, I will destroy the earth."


"Sovereign breath!"

"The Sect Master is angry..."

In the distance, Tianzi and Anxie were stunned.

"It is likely that Supreme Master Yan Luo has escaped. What means did he use to escape in front of the fairy king? I can't feel his breath in the fairy world."

But the two were relieved at the same time.

Tianzi and Anxinyou chatted a few words before leaving.

He was walking alone on the sea surface, the sun was warm, and from time to time fish swimming in the sea jumped out of the water.

He came to the middle of the ocean, inaccessible and spiritually violent.

The emperor took out a sword symbol, which he was fighting with Chu Yi, and gave it to him while he was in chaos. He never opened it to read the information inside.

After a while, Tianzi came out of the storm, his face dignified.

His feet stepped on the sea, one deep and one shallow, and apparently had lost some reason, and the whole person was in a trance.

" the Sect Master..."


Earth, Yanhuang Realm.

Above a star in the void, everyone came in and out, very busy.

Two stars, slowly flowing, connected by thousands of runes, are extremely gorgeous.

On the surface of the stars, the surface became extremely brilliant, like metal. Two stars, one black and one white, exude a cold breath.

"It's almost the same as the last process, and it can be completed. Once completed, the Peak Supreme will be finished with a shot, as long as the energy is enough, how much will die." Sky Shadow Supreme laughed, very proud.

Several supremes gathered, thinking about how to attack the heavenly court, and thinking of the scene, they couldn't think of Shu.

"Maybe, this star cannon also has an effect on the fairy king."

"Even if it's useless, but Chu Xiao said that the gods and demon religions have secret means, specifically used to deal with the fairy king, but the gods and demon religions do not have many peaks, so they have been forbearing and never shot."

The sword worm was next to the dark flame demon, bored with all kinds of emotions, and suddenly looked.

It opened its mouth and squirmed its abdomen, spurting Chu Yi's flesh out of it.

"It's disgusting!" Dark Flame Demon disgusted.

All of the Supreme People have looked over.

"I'm back?" Qingdi smiled.

But on Chu Yi's body, the greasy lines appeared, and these lines were also part of the teleportation formation.

Chu Yi opened his eyes and saw the crowd, but he couldn't care about cleaning up the slime on his body, and he said with a serious expression: "We're afraid we will change our strategy. This time we have a big trouble."

"Change strategy?"

"What's the trouble?"

Chu Yi took a deep breath: "Wrong, all wrong."

"Tingtian's strength is more powerful than I thought, and the gods and demons may be difficult to deal with."

"Of course, this is not the most critical."

"I was in heaven, and I saw the destiny!"

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and Chu Yi's words made all of you present horrified.


"Mr. Chu, did you see the destiny?"

"Fate of Destiny is in Heavenly Court, that is the core part of Destiny, and it is in the hands of Tingtian. Destiny has always been controlled by Tingtian. The previous rumors are correct. It is indeed that Destiny helps Tingtian and achieves immortality. king."

The Qing Emperor was extremely dignified. A few people looked at each other, all of them were incredible.

"Who would have thought that Destiny has become a prisoner of the order of the Lord of Heaven, it seems that this Lord of Heaven is really amazing." The Oblivion Supreme was still shocked.

Chu Yi shook his head: "Although the destiny is in Tingtian's hands, Tingtian can't help it, which is very complicated."

Tianying Supreme frowned: "The situation is far beyond our expectations. If Destiny's brain is directly in Tingtian's hands, I'm afraid Tingtian will be more difficult to deal with than we thought."

"The Star Cannon is used to deal with the Supreme Supreme of Heaven."

"The gods and gods' cards are used to deal with the court."

"But destiny appeared..."

"None of us will believe that this guy will not keep his hand in the heavenly court, and as Chu Xiaozi said, there is also a secret destiny Xie Wushuang, once we endanger the brain of destiny, I am afraid that Xie Wushuang will appear."

"The formation left by Suzaku is now difficult to start, and our time is simply not enough."

Everyone's heart was low.

They did not want to directly deal with Heaven's Destiny when dealing with Heavenly Court, but if at the last moment, Heavenly Heaven would definitely sacrifice the piece of Heaven's Destiny, then by then, they would have to confront Heaven's Destiny.

That destroys the destiny of one big force after another!

"The great elders of the Yanhuang family!" He Feng pinched his fingers, "Teacher, our odds are too low, unless the Yanhuang family comes forward and the elders, then there is hope."

"In any case, on our side, there must be a fairy-level presence in the town."

Everyone understands that this is their deadliest point, there is no fairy king.

A fairy king is enough to deal with many unexpected things.

"Alternatively, we will draw the mystery together." Chang Sheng Supreme proposed.

"Mysterious machine?" Chu Yi smiled and shook his head bitterly, "Ji Dao Xianba could not be confused on our side. After his research is completed, he will come to harvest. If he wants to persuade him, why not let me go to the elders to try it."

"It's not too late, I'm afraid we have to act quickly."

"Ting Tian will not delay too long." Chu Yi was worried that once Ting Tian and Anxie were combined to give birth to a brand new self, at that time, his strength was even more afraid.

"The Star Cannon is to be completed in a short time. I have sent the Dragon Demon of the Demon Sect to discuss with you."

"Wait for me to inform the White Emperor, if you can persuade the Lord of the Nine Nethers, it would be fine." The Green Emperor nodded.

Everyone understood that since Tian Tian watched Chu Yi leave, it would have taken some action soon.

They had to kill Heaven before the opponent was unprepared.

"Me, look for the elder again."

"If it is best to be able to move, but not to be able to move, I will also need some Yanhuang children."

"Senior Yun, I can't open the channel, but the elders still gave you a chance to trouble you." Chu Yi said.

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