Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"The elder elder laughed." The tea cup in Chu Yi's hand also shook. He did not expect that such things would be said from the mouth of the elder elder.

The elder elder shook his head: "I have become a fairy king a long time ago and have been on the earth. I felt a little strange before. According to the deduction, even if the four major realms such as Yanhuang Realm are added, it is difficult for the earth to be born. A large universe."

"What is the place of origin, that is, countless stars, countless creatures, all originated because of this place, and all survive because of this place. Once the earth is destroyed, this universe will be destroyed."

"A place of origin, gestating the origin, gestating the life of terror..."

"But on the earth, it seems far from enough."

"I made a deduction. Even if the earth is destroyed, the entire universe will be affected, but it is definitely not fatal."

Chu Yi stunned: "That is to say, we are wrong?"

The elder said: "It is not wrong to be ridiculous. Even if the earth is not the place of origin, it should be related to the real place of origin."

"I don't believe that after Destiny knows the earth, there will be no action, even if the last Heavenly Court coalition appeared, it is not the action of Heavenly Court, nor the action of Destiny. Why does Destiny not pay so much attention to the place of origin."

"Then there is only one conclusion, the real place of origin does not appear."

Everyone was surprised. As for Chu Yi, it was a bit bitter.

He originally came here to tell the elders something, so that the elders can change certain decisions, and even go out of customs, but now, the situation has become more complicated.

Chu Yi suddenly had a meal, then smiled and patted the table.

"Great elder, I was almost fooled by you. It doesn't matter whether the earth is the original place or not. We didn't find it, we didn't find the destiny. For us, it doesn't affect the overall situation."

"Instead, the elders deliberately disturbed my mind, making it difficult for me to persuade you, even if you are not born, then you can't deal with me like this."

"Or, the elders are afraid, this time they are not afraid of fate, maybe they are still afraid of the court?"

Chu Yi's words just fell, the sword light behind him was like a firework, and he continued to skyward, and then burst fiercely, falling towards the elder.

The elder snorted softly. He pointed a little, and in an instant, the space was twisted, forming a shank.

The collision between the two is very delicate, and finally melts in the void.

Chu Yi's legs were fierce, like a tiger, his fists attacked, and the flames roared like a beast.


"Let's step back!" Qingyou Elder took Yan Yan Road and shook his head. "They have no intentions, they will not fight for no reason."

At this time, the elder elder was still lying on the wicker chair, and the entire wicker chair floated back in the direction of Chu Yi's fist, keeping a distance of one meter with Chu Yi's fist.


The wicker chair rotated, and the elder's beard was thrown like a long whip, cracking Chu Yi's fist.

At the same time, the silver hairs were crystal clear and penetrated the void.

Chu Yi's sword light bloomed across his body, slashing into the hair, and the collision seemed to be the sound of friction with the metal weapon.

"The elders suppressed the cultivation..." Yun Weng said.

"The two are discussing, but an immortal king suppresses cultivation and is invincible at the same level."

boom! boom!

The sky exploded, the earth moved and the mountains were shaken.

After a while, the two fell down and returned to their original place.

"How?" The elder said lightly.

Chu Yi closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "I was in Heaven, and I had a discussion with Tingtian under the condition of fellow practitioners."

"Elder Elder, Tingtian is probably just a little weaker than you."

The wicker chair shook and made an old sound, the elder said: "Many years ago, he was not my opponent at all, so I said, I am not afraid of the heavenly court. At that time, although the heavenly court surpassed the supreme, boarded the heavenly road , But the Xianhe River has never been opened up, and now it seems that it should have completely transformed."

"His talent has not reached that level, it must have taken this path through destiny."

"However, don't worry. Destiny can help him to this step. It is already the limit. If Tingtian has no special opportunities, he will always be weaker than me."

The elder elder's eyes were burning, and for a moment, Hanmang flashed. Obviously that was his strong heart for years.

Chu Yi suddenly said: "So, he wants to be reborn again, with the help of the blood of his family, to subdue the body of destiny, and to open the way for his cultivation."

The method of cosmic cultivation is strange and strange. According to Chu Yi's knowledge, a creature has now been born that can devour the enemy's cultivation behavior and then complete his own cultivation.

There are some souls who can only cultivate with the aura in the solid.

Like Chu Yi, most of them depend on themselves, although they are most, but they do not hinder the birth of other special methods.

After all, the weak cannot be the weak forever. Heaven will leave a line of vitality, and that vitality is the way to the strong.

And Tingtian obviously wants to take a shortcut.

"Come on, I won't be born, or that sentence, heaven is not the key."

Chu Yi nodded: "However, elder, I want to borrow some Yanhuang children and need them to arrange the unique formations of the Yanhuang family. Rest assured, I will not let them go to the front, but arrange in advance."

"Great elder, as soon as it is set up, I will send them back immediately."

The elder elder remained silent for a long time before he said: "How many people you can move depends on your own ability, but only one year, after one year, they must come back. If there are casualties, I will personally find you ."

"Good!" Chu Yi smiled.

The Qingyou elder chuckled: "Mr. Chu, you are too happy. My disciples of the Yanhuang family will not go out with you. With so many years of injunctions, they must understand the elder's temper."

Chu Yi patted Elder Qingyou on the shoulder and said, "Elder Qingyou, are you willing to go out with me?"

"We are making star cannons. Star cannons can kill the Supreme and use the best batch of pharmacists in the entire universe."

"As you can imagine, they made two huge stars as a panacea, one for Dabu and the other for poison. The secret method involved in it, I can't even understand it."

"They are competing with each other and cooperating with each other. Today's pharmacists and toxicologists are changing with each other."


Qingyou Supreme breathed quickly, "Impossible, where can I change, my medicine path is the most powerful, if I take the refining, it will definitely not take so long."

"Then you and I will go out and find out." Chu Yi tempted.

"Good..." Supreme Supreme Qingyou was about to agree, opened her mouth wide, looked at Chu Yi with a stunned face, and then turned red, "Good ass, good."

"You devil, even confuses me, does it make sense." He shook his sleeve robe, don't look too far.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "Brother Yan, the chaos is coming, the outside world is changing, the practice is changing, the method is changing, the skills are changing, the artifacts are changing, the battleship is changing, and even the fire control skills have also changed dramatically. , Why not go with me?"

Yan Tongdao opened his mouth and glanced at the closed elder again. Finally, his eyes were excited, and he nodded silently.

"I..." The elder Qingyou was about to speak, but saw Chu Yi smiling.

"Elder Qingyou, I know you won't go, but I can't stop others from going."

Chu Yi said goodbye to the elders and went out. When one was encountered, he asked one. Whether it was the Supreme or some innate, Chu Yi was persuaded.

Even the Presbyterian Church was Chu Yilian's end, all agreed.

The quiet elders were flushed.

Fei Xing Supreme looked amused and secretly said, "Elder, don't you ask for bitter food? Chaos is coming, there are many creatures outside, and every moment is changing. Although the elders don't like our birth, they are equally big The elders don’t want me to fall behind.

"It's just that the elders are stubborn and have strong self-esteem. They refuse to lower their faces and let us go out."

"This time, after Chu came, he gave the elder a step, and the elder agreed."

"If not, do you think we dare to go out?"

"This, this, this..." The Supreme Supreme Qing's face was purple, his beard fluttering, angry, "This kid deliberately pits me."

"Well? Qingyou old man, you have become purple, will it change color like me?" Swordworm asked.

"Go!" Qingyou elder scolded.

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