My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1404: Fierce shot

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Chu Yi's heart sank, and he was able to let Tianying Supreme and other veteran Supremes say this. One can imagine how terrible this person is.

"Qing Di, Tian Ying Supreme, Yan Luo Supreme..." Sheng Guangchang smiled at the three people with a gentle attitude. He didn't have a trace of murderousness around him, as if he were a peaceful old man, and his guard was completely gone.

"What a terrible guy!" Chu Yi was shocked. Such enemies are more terrible than those fierce.

Immediately, he took a step and said with a smile: "It must be that the predecessor is the famous leader of the Holy Light Group, and the Holy Light has grown."

"You know me?" Shengguang Chang said in surprise.

Chu Yi arched his hand: "It is natural to know that the predecessor's reputation, such as Lei Guan'er, the predecessor's medical skills, is even more ancient and present. Such a famous name spreads throughout the universe, how can the younger generation not know.

"You..." Shengguang Chang suddenly laughed, "Yan Luo Zhizun, you are really an interesting person, compliment this seat, but you seem to be wrong, I have never appeared in the fairy world, it seems Someone told me about you. We have a lot of spies in heaven."

"This old guy is not easy to deal with. This is the first real confrontation, but can't fall into the disadvantages." Chu Yi secretly said.

He looked up, his eyes full of sincerity and emotion, and the Holy Light looked confused.

"I didn't expect that when we came, we would still be greeted by the Holy Light. I was really moved."

Holy Light said softly: "Sovereign Yan Luo, you don’t have to pose in front of me. You brought the whole city of Gods and Demons. Isn’t it for traveling?"

"I don't argue with you, how do you feel about looking at this heavenly court?"

Chu Yi looked far away. The continent was full of scenery, the clouds were translucent, the sun was falling, and it was extremely harmonious. There were many creatures below. At this moment, he looked up at them.

"Peace and prosperity, the vastness of the heavenly courts, and the birth of countless races are really admirable."

Holy Light said long: "You should know that this is the God and Demon Dao Field. At that time, the God and Deity Ancestor was selfless, preaching the world, and many chaotic creatures gathered here to understand the God and Deity Ancestor's way."

"There are also countless ignorant races, all of which have opened their wits."

"Heavenly Court, imitating the gods and ancestors of that year, restored the glory of that year again, the integration of all ethnic groups, the revival and transformation of all kinds of Taoism, whether supreme or ordinary creatures, here can be harmonious, there is no killing, no disputes. "

"Sovereign Yan Luo, why do you come here to cause disputes?"

"Below, there are a lot of creatures, not even congenital. How many creatures will be painted in this battle." Sheng Guangchang sighed.

Chu Yi frowned, then smiled: "I originally thought that the Holy Light was here to fight, but I didn't expect to come to persuade."

"Since you and I don’t want too many casualties, why didn’t Heaven surrender to us."

"You have said that this is the God Demon Dojo, and that is also the site of my God Ancestral Sect. It is more appropriate for us to take over."

"You don't have a fairy king, you can't frighten the fairy world, and they are also not mysterious opponents." Sheng Guangchang's face seemed very worried.

"No one wants to die, you don't want to, and we also don't want to. If you can sit down and talk about it, it's a beautiful thing."

"That's really great. The Lord of Heaven is for the benefit of the people. I don't want to go to war when I think it's long. The light is long, why don't you just take off and cultivate yourself, what about sincerity?"

Shengguang smiled and said: "Sovereign Yan Luo, it seems that he refuses to make peace."

Chu Yi laughed: "Ting Tian, ​​wholeheartedly, for the sake of the world, but how many people did he do to the Yan and Huang clan, how many people died, do you know?"

"The two worlds confront each other. If one side is defeated, how much life will have to be buried. Could it be that only the creatures in the heavens are people, and those dead creatures are not. I, the Yanhuangs, should I deserve it?"

"And you, the Holy Light is long, according to rumors, during the ancient times, there was a demon peak supreme, the nickname is Taimo supreme."

"He is extremely tyrannical, knows all kinds of curses, kills countlessly, and is full of grievances, but he has a disciple named Evil Light Daoist."

"Evil Light Daoist killed his master, inherited everything from his master, and started the most ruthless killing."

"Suddenly one day, the Evil Light Supreme disappeared. He committed countless killings in the fairy world. Up to the supreme, down to the unborn baby, they became the souls of his men, when they were crusted by many monks in the fairy world. , But disappeared without a trace."

Sheng Guangchang smiled: "Yan Luo Supreme, what do you want to say?"

Chu Yiyouzai said: "I don't know if it's true or false. My friend, who did not want to be named, said that since then, there is one evil light supreme in the fairy world and one more light in heaven."

"It's you!" Both Tianying Supreme and Qingdi looked at each other in horror.

Because of the scenes of the year, they were vividly remembered and experienced first-hand.

Holy Light shook his head and said: "Nonsense."

Chu Yi held his arms in both hands: "The Holy Light is long, and the hypocritical mask has been worn for a long time. If you want to take it down again, you have to cramp and peel the skin, even blood and meat."

"You have been pretending to be a good person for a long time, and even naively think that you are a good person, but you have always been there."

"Of course, I don't dare to be interested in you. I just want to say that it feels like a magistrate, more qualified than you to talk about love and peace."

Sheng Guangchang lowered his head and smiled and said: "Yan Luo is supreme, but his teeth are sharp. Since this is the case, it seems that he can't be condemned, only blood."

"However, you seem to be the coach this time. A coach who hasn't even reached the Supreme Supreme is really worrying."

"Exactly, I have a disciple, I have been admired for a long time, and I want to see Supreme Master Yan Luo."

"Feng'er, come out."

In the void, a young man came out and smiled at Chu Yi: "Wei Chifeng, please advise."

"Big fox and little fox, these two people laughed a lot, they were very fake." Dark Flame Demon said lying on Chu Yi's back.

Chu Yi nodded.

Holy Light said long: "Feng'er was a swordsman since he was a child, and he went side by side, but his talents were reluctant. Up to now, he has also entered the Liu Yao Supreme."

"He has always admired Yan Luo Supreme, you cultivated swords, he has been walking the path of your swordsmanship, see you today, I hope you can give some advice."

Chu Yi understands that Shengguang Chang must be very humble, and the other party cannot fail to know his own strength, but since he can take the lead at this juncture, I am afraid this young man is extremely good.

"You're welcome, Brother Wei Chi is probably the arrogant man of heaven. I can't teach him, and my sword only kills people, doesn't teach people. If it hurts, wouldn't it destroy the friendship."

The sword worm rolled its eyes and came here, talking about friendship.

Sheng Guang smiled and said: "It's okay, injuries are inevitable, and I have a certain ability to treat, and can breathe a breath in one breath. Supreme Master Yan Luo can let go and just teach."

"My disciple is so ill-tempered. I taught him chivalry. He is still pretentious. Today I just used Yan Luo Supreme to suppress it."

"Yan Luo Supreme, you are a senior, I will shoot first!" Yu Chifeng disregarded Chu Yi's promise or not, he opened his arms, the center of the palm, the runes flowed, a sky blue long knife and a magma long The sword suddenly appeared.

"Sword Warriors!"



But when he saw a cold light, he suddenly appeared in front of Wei Chifeng. The sword and sword techniques in Wei Chifeng's hand had not yet been deployed, and he felt a little cool on his brow.

There was a drop of blood in his eyebrows. The blood was spreading, and the wound was spreading. From top to bottom, he directly divided the person into two halves.

The sword qi is criss-crossed, and the sword light is like a tide, drowning his body and chopping it into a little mud.

In the air, there is no other person's figure, only a large number of magic tools and clothing.

Everyone is stunned!

What a fast sword!

What a cruel heart!

Tianying Supreme and others were terrified. They never knew that Chu Yi had grown to this degree.

Chu Yi slowly wiped the Po Tianjian in his hand, then touched the back of his head, and said to Shengguang Chang: "Sorry, he started a little heavier, I did not expect that your apprentice is so weak, I thought at least one with Tianzi Level."

"But since the Holy Light is proficient in healing, please trouble you to resurrect your apprentice."

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