My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1406: Only one person

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The sky is high and the sky is clear.

Carrying an axe, Banjing walked out of the demon city.

Everyone frowned.

The Holy Light was long and light, and there were some surprises, looking at Panjing: "If I am right, Yan Luo is supreme, this monk can't be in the realm of the Dao."

Chu Yi smiled and said: "It is indeed the realm of Daofu, don't you think it's interesting? If a realm of Daofu, the fairy slayers who killed your heavenly court bowed their heads one by one, no one would be more shocking than this. ."

"You don't need to be fooled with me, these people, all of them are shocked and gorgeous people, they were originally chosen to suppress me and so on, then we are not fooled."

"A word of caution, don't underestimate my student, otherwise you will lose miserably."

"Senior Labor is here." A young man came out, wearing a red armor, and the whole person was bathed in flames.

"The Red Fire Race..." Chu Yi was a little surprised. "I have seen your race in ancient books, and once disappeared, I never expected to live in heaven."

Fang Qiong of the Red Fire Clan, holding a flame spear, stepped forward step by step. His eyes were cautious, and he did not take it lightly. How could Daofu who can play here be simple.

This person is honest and well-dressed, but Fang Qiong is still holding his breath, destroying the other party with a powerful blow.

Panjing touched the back of the head, seeming a little surprised, could not help saying: "Aren't you guys together?"


"Are you a fool, you are a humane man, how far can you go against the sky?"

"Hah..." But Panjing no longer gave them a chance, he took a violent step, like the wind and thunder cloud, his palm pressed hard against the group of people, the attack range was very wide, this is to Include everyone.

The geniuses were frightened and angry.


This palm fell like a thunder on the ground, and countless people were shocked and shaken.

The Holy Light is long and the people in the courtyard below are dignified, and their pupils are slightly constricted.

"This is..." Ting Tian narrowed his eyes slightly.

There was a big explosion in the void, to be precise, it was just an explosion within a range, as if around them, the stars formed a sphere, which was isolated from the outside and completely undisturbed.

Thirty Immortal Venerables were broken up and their eyes widened one by one, but they immediately reacted and showed their talents to kill Panjing.

boom! boom! boom!

There was a big explosion here, all of them were geniuses cultivated by the heavenly courts. They were famous. If they faced others, they could crush everything by themselves, but at this moment they encountered strong enemies.

Panjing pumped the axe, and the handle seemed to run down from the sky, and in an instant, everything was still.


The Chihuo tribe flew away immediately, with blood on the surface of the body, endless flames flowing down, and the whole arm was split into powder.

Some people are even more bleak, with limbs and bodies separated and torn apart, and the blood flowed out after a long time.

From the outsider's point of view, this is extremely weird, because the movement inside is too slow, as if it is slowing down, but in a flash, thirty immortals are injured, which is dumbfounded.

"Brother Master went out and made it clear that the teacher was going to stand up and solve it together. We had no chance at all, we could only watch the show." Ye Tian pouted.

"Involving time and space... Master Brother is too perverted. The teacher is actually cheating. The Master has a special physique. It seems that he is only in the Daofu, but I am afraid that he has entered the Supreme."


A big murderer avoided Panjing's blow, but the next second, Panjing slashed again, and their bodies were uncontrolled and swept over.


The blood spattered, and inside this transparent void sphere, there was a vast ocean.

"Time and space physique!" The Grand Inquisitor stood up with a brush, his face more dignified than before.

"This is a more terrible space-time physique than my physique. I am only involved in time. He can also control the space. Once everything is broken and grown up, I can't even take him."

"Unexpectedly, there are such geniuses in the other party's camp."

"Sect Master, this person cannot be killed, I want to keep it."

Tingtian was also amazed: "Keep it, keep it, the fairy world is big, all kinds of holy bodies come out, but the space-time constitution is the most top-notch in these special holy bodies."

"I have a hunch that this Supreme Lord Yan Luo came here this time, kind of like giving us a treasure, and found that a monk with a space-time physique and died of thirty immortal venerables is worth it."

Tingtian tastes fragrant tea. It seems that what happened above is not worth mentioning to him.

Panjing closed his axe and arched his hand at Chu Yi: "Teacher, all right."

Chu Yi nodded, but was amazed in his heart.

During these days, he gave Panjing to the sword worm. Obviously the sword worm knew more about this physique, and the effect was obvious.

"It's a terrible physique to slash my 30 geniuses in a single court."

"However, who gave you the courage to dominate here."

Shengguang's long voice became colder and colder: "The gods and demon religions, plus the chaotic creatures on earth, and some miscellaneous people, do you really think that you can calm my heaven?"


In the distance, hundreds of warships took off, horribly and terrifyingly, coming in a violent atmosphere. This is a battleship of many forces in the heavenly courts. It is necessary to directly wipe out the devil city in the first time.


Although Sky Shadow Supreme is prepared, it is still shocking. The level of manufacture of these warships is similar to that of the earth. You must know that the forging on the earth has far exceeded the fairyland.

But they couldn't come up with as many battleships as Heavenly Court, because the time was too short to build, so they could only fight with strength, but in this way, they consumed the power of their Supreme Masters.

Everyone looked awkward, knowing that Heavenly Court was showing their strength a little bit, and collapsed their Dao heart.


It was only at this moment that Chu Yi was moving. The sword behind him bloomed, and the sword was suspended all around him, and every handle shone brightly.

Chu Yi was holding a Xuanhuang sword, wearing a Yanhuang suit, and wearing a god's crown. At this moment, the fiery light penetrated the nine days, and the terrifying breath seemed to tear the world.

"You don't have to shoot, I'll kill!"

"It's just heaven, I will suppress it all by myself!"

This is domineering. Who dares to speak so loudly in the heavenly court, and who dares to stand alone in the heavenly court.

"This lunatic!" Far away, the Great Mi Buddha and others looked at each other one by one. They were the supreme of the fairy world. They did not dare to come forward to face the heavenly court. Who would have thought that someone pointed at the heavenly court and forced the heavenly court to fight.

Chu Yi had a murderous attitude, he did not know whether it was his own killing intention, or the killing intention of the Yanhuangs.

There is court and destiny here, and the Yanhuang family has accumulated the resentment of several eras, and it seems that all of them broke out at this moment.


Faced with hundreds of the highest-tech warships, Chu Yi alone killed the past. The sword was magnificent, like a peacock on the screen. It was gorgeous and bright. The sword's awn density was terrible.

Inside the battleship, countless powerful men released their small worlds, wrapped around them, and squeezed out Chu Yi's sword way.

And soon they discovered something was wrong, the opponent's kendo was born from their small world.

The explosion of the void, the collision of sword light and sword light, refraction, divided into two, divided into four, the number exploded exponentially, the horrible sword awns formed a disk above the sky, like a white hole, directly pressed Go down.

People were terrified, dumbfounded, and the supreme supremes all felt taboo. What power is this? What a six-superior supreme can really exert?

Some warships disintegrated, and some monks turned into powder in Jianguang.


It is useless to keep trying to escape through space.

Jianguang is pervasive. What they have to face is not only the swordlight of the outside, but also the sword intention of the inside.

Chu Yi killed a battleship with a sword, and he split the battleship with another sword.

He walked among the sword lights, which were like soft feathers.

The picture was so beautiful, the sound was lost, and there was no big bang. It seemed to slow down. I watched as hundreds of warships collapsed.

The group of people screamed, but no voice came out, and King Chu Yan walked with his sword, reaping a lot of lives.

He broke out, without reservation, Kendo realm, crushed everything, the sword species in his body bloomed colorful light, trembling constantly.

This is his first time, so hearty.

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