Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Looking at the tumbling void, Chu Yi slowly exhaled a breath of air, and his heart finally relaxed a little. This star cannon was enough to deter the enemy.

If the other party is careless and a few Supreme Masters are involved, the loss will be even worse.

"Fortunately, so much effort and resources are not in vain."

Several emperors of the Qing Emperor were gratified, Yun Weng showed his face and smiled.

The star cannon is enough to quickly narrow the gap between the two sides, and in the end, only Tian Tian is left.

"His!" The devil's palms couldn't help shaking, his eyes were horrified.

"Could it be said that Yan Luo supremely wanted them to destroy the heaven?"

At the beginning, they did not think about it at all. Even if Chu Yi killed 200 high-ranking Supremes alone, the strength of Heavenly Court was still not fully exposed.

But now, everything seems to be off track.

"No no no!"

"How can there be such a terrible weapon, this kind of weapon should not appear right." Mingzhe panicked, he felt his life was threatened, as long as the other party has such a weapon in hand, he will match one day sooner or later.

"I must take away the body of the fairy king as soon as possible!"

He disappeared, no longer delayed, but put one eye outside, always observing everything on the sky.

"What's this?" Tingtian's complexion changed slightly, and he could feel the fear of dozens of pinnacle supremes behind him. The terror and coercion created by his own side were all destroyed by this gun.

He finally understood where the uneasy feeling came from before, but he didn't expect the opponent to have such a card.

If he did not become a true fairy king, I am afraid that he would be seriously injured under this gun.

Around this, he was still terrified.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "An ordinary war fairy, Tingtian, you don't have to worry, it can't kill the fairy king, unless you are a pseudo fairy."

Ting Tian gave a profound look and smiled, "It's really an ordinary weapon that can kill a pinnacle supreme, I want to see it."

"You're angry..." Chu Yi was fearless, "High-level Supreme Death, you didn't mind, but the Peak Supremes are the foundation that Heaven can stand, but now you find that these Peak Supremes are for us, It’s just a matter of one shot, so you’re worried."

"And, you are also worried that we will come up with something that can kill the fairy king."

Ting Tian suddenly smiled mildly: "Your remarks are really ridiculous, but I have long understood your lips and will not be shaken."

"If the weapon that kills the fairy king level really exists, you have already started it, and you will not wait until now."

"As for the war fairy that you hide, if I expect it to be good, its consumption is at least hundreds of times, or even tens of thousands of times, compared to ordinary fairy weapons. How many cannons can you shoot?"

"Then it depends on how many guns you want to get." Chu Yi grinned. "Although the consumption is huge, it is absolutely enough."

"Hahaha, Tingtian, you are threatened, it's really heartfelt!" Destiny laughed loudly.

Ting Tian was not angry: "Sovereign Yan Luo, demon city, you are indeed somewhat beyond my expectations, but you seem to have forgotten one thing."

"I'm here……"

He took a step forward.

"I am here. Everything you do is in vain."

Ting Tian stepped forward step by step, he alone had supreme style, so that everyone could not lift his head.

"No matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you think, but I'm here!"

"You have a fatal flaw, you don't have a strong king level."

"As long as the destiny does not die, the elders are not willing to go out."

Ting Tian smiled indifferently: "Yan Luo Supreme, shoot at me, otherwise, I will step into the devil city step by step, and the so-called artillery that can kill the Peak Supreme is for me, but it can be wiped out."

A fairy king is enough to control this war.

Even if all the monks in the entire heaven are dead, but the heaven is still alive, then the heaven is alive.

Chu Yi lowered his head and smiled twice: "Ting Tian, ​​do you really think we haven't considered this, do you really think that I will use a cannon against you?"

"Oh, what do you mean?"

"Have you forgotten, where is Heavenly Court?" Chu Yi grinned, very relaxed, now is the last showdown time.

"God Demon Dojo!" Ting Tianmeng's meal.

"Shen and Demon Daochang, anyway, is the territory of the God and Demon Ancestral God. Even if your court is even more powerful, it is far worse than the God and Devil Ancestor."

"Do you really think that the God Demon Dojo has been investigated clearly by you?"

Chu Yi's voice just fell, but he saw the sound of countless gears turning in the God and Demon City.

Suddenly opened beneath the city, a high cliff appeared suddenly, and suddenly fell down.


There was a loud noise in the world, the cliff was not broken, but fell to a sea.

"this is?"

Destiny and Tingtian had a meal at the same time. I saw the waves of the sea rolling, like boiling, and the whole cliff melted like snow.

At the sea level of that area, the golden light flickered, and at the next moment, it suddenly sags down, and continues to pass through the ocean.

A golden scroll appeared slowly.



Tingtian shot directly and wanted to intercept the magical oracle.

But that hand's oracle bloomed with terrible light, hundreds of millions of runes circulated, and the heavens were dimmed.

At the same time, the Star Cannon started again, penetrating the void, and one of the pinnacle supremes was careless and died of nothingness.


The Fangfang Supreme scolded, "Even taking advantage of the Sect Master to **** the oracle of the devil, he opened fire directly at us."

But they did not dare to attack the **** and demon city, like the fierce tooth supreme and other people, they could only move constantly, their bodies were in the void, and they dared not show their true bodies.

At the same time, the devil's hand slowly stretched out, blocking Ting Tian's interception, and escaped into the void. When it appeared again, it was already in the hands of Chu Yi.

How could a mortal could hold the oracle of the demon, but the demon reached the extreme of the fairy king.

Chu Yi's arms, with the lines of the God Demon Ancestor, only then caught.

Above the oracle, full of characters, contains heavenly principles. For a moment, Chu Yi only felt his sword way, which seemed difficult to start.

The fairy king is strong, detached Avenue, and the universe.

And the gods and gods have their own oracles, and they are equally powerful.

"A long-time oracle of the gods, dare to threaten me?"

Tingtian sleeve robe turned, he was angry, thunderous, hunting, the sky cracked, countless thunder spread out like claws.

And his own eyes were blue, and the Thunder origin appeared, tough and terrible.

One person triggered a large thunderstorm. He stood above a thundercloud and could not resist it.

At this time, even Chu Yi felt that he would be beheaded at any time.

The wrath of the fairy king can be burned for nine days!

The heaven shook, the magic city shook, there was chaos here, and no one could leave.


Mysterious, above a desert.

The darkness was surging, and Ji Dao Xian listened to it and came down to report it, slightly surprised.

"I originally thought that this Supreme Master Yan Luo could hardly contend with the heavens. I didn't expect that even these weapons were made, but it was even more crazy than my mysterious virus."

"You can't compare with him." Little Moxian said coldly, standing in the desert, like flowers under the scorching sun.

"Do you still hate me?"

Ji Dao Xian smiled and said: "Although I killed your brother, I have no idea about you. After all, my secret method can only be used once."

"If the kid survives, I don't mind shooting to help him once, let him come to the mystery, I will release the virus again."

"Daughter, you need to know that the fate of the world can't be destroyed. Only the destruction of the universe will make him disappear."

Little Moxian didn't speak, but just looked at each other coldly.

Ji Dao Xian didn't blame, but instead showed a smile, and said to the void: "Dao friends, I'm surprised, my daughter's temperament is relatively cold, and I haven't seen it for many years, it is inevitable to be rusty."

The void melts, forming a channel.

The elder with his hands on his back slowly paced out.

The pupil of the little magic fairy is slightly shocked.

"The great elders of the Yanhuang family, although you and I have never seen each other, but we have been in love for a long time. Would you come here to stop me?" Ji Daoxian's expression is strange, and the **** robe has been dragged to the ground.

The elders were indifferent: "I don't have much life, and I don't want to trouble you. Your virus is nothing more than that in my opinion."

"Then why are you here?" Ji Dao Xian is obviously dissatisfied. This is the result of his years of research.

"Destiny." The elder said calmly.

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