Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Do not!"


Chu Yi only felt that his hands and feet were cold, like it was a long time ago, when he was still alive on the earth, and he was homeless in the cold winter.

The snow swaying in the air was biting, deep into the chill of the soul.

Now, he shudders again.

"Chu Chu, what's wrong?" Sword insects and Zhu Bajie and others hurried to his front, but they saw the latter dull, murmured, and couldn't believe it.

"Impossible, absolutely wrong, absolutely wrong, I was wrong!"

Chu Yi shouted loudly and shook his head frantically.

Everyone is ignorant!

A high-level supreme, can't be crazy like this.

"Yan Luo Supreme, do you still want to pretend to be crazy and sell silly?" Ting Tian sneered.

"You shut up!" Chu Yi scolded and showed no mercy, which made Tingtian have a slight meal.

"What's the matter?" Tianying Supreme and others were puzzled and only felt that something had changed.


"I split the void with a sword, I split more than 500 layers, 508, or 509?"


He was a little confused and helpless.

"No, I want to split again."

Regardless of the persuasion of sword worms and others, Chu Yi waved his sword again. Instead of using the sword character, he only used his own sword.

Jianguang is full of sharp edges.

His kendo realm seems to split the void more easily than the fairy king.

In an instant, Chu Yi remembered the orders of God Demon Ancestor.

In an instant, he remembered Huang Di again.

Ting Tian didn't move, Ji Dao Xian also stood on the spot, looking at him curiously.

Jianmang, breaking through the void layer by layer.

The void is deep, mysterious, and everyone has deduced that every layer of void is bigger than the universe, except that there is only endless destruction and very rare void creatures.

Even the fairy king cannot be explored.

The void under Chu Yi's sword was like a piece of paper, torn apart by layers.

One hundred floors... two hundred floors...

Five hundred floors...

Five hundred and seven floors... five hundred and eight floors... five hundred and nine floors.

Suddenly, Jianmang paused!

Just as if it hit a rock, it made a ding noise.

Ji Dao Xian's eyes are like fire. He is a fairy king and can be seen through naturally. His eyes have always followed Jianmang.

When Jianmang paused, his gaze also stopped.

Immediately afterwards, a deep chill came from the bottom of Ji Dao Xian's feet and rushed to the back of the head.

He felt his back froze, his body staggered, his lips pale, and a fairy king could hardly stand.

"I do not believe!"

"How can it be!"

He jumped like a thunder, his body exploded, and the terrifying energy made him look even more terrible.

Tingtian's mouth twitched, and he naturally saw the scene too. Many Supremes did not respond, but their fairy king knew it in a flash.

"con man!"

"Yun Luo Supreme, you liar, this scene is made by yourself, it is an illusion you made, you just don't want me to kill you, you deliberately!"


Tingtian laughed suddenly, madly, dancing all over.

Everyone's eyes are weird. At that scene, it disappeared too fast. No one except the fairy king said.

"Absolutely wrong!"

Chu Yi still didn't believe it. He cleaved sword after sword, and the sword cut through the 509th layer of the void.

All Jianmang stopped at the 509th floor.

Jianmang made a jingle.

At this moment, sword worms and others finally saw it.

The sword worm jumped up with a wow, and a pair of mung bean eyes were almost ejected.

"It turns out so, it turns out so!"

"No wonder I always feel something is wrong. No wonder Chu Xiao's kendo can't resonate with the original source. It turns out that this is...haha..."

Pig Bajie is silent.

The dark flame demon turned around and pulled the white fox to dance: "wrong, all wrong..."

The white fox was also stupid, and was turned around by the dark flame demon.

Heaven Shadow Supreme, Qing Emperor, Dragon Capture Supreme, and Nine Nether Lord, all of them were expressionless.

That was the expression of horror to the extreme.

Da Mi Buddha and others were in a trance, and also saw this scene.

The demon master shook his head desperately, and his neck was broken, and the demon blood was empty.

But he still didn't believe it.

Everyone is ignorant!

Everyone is stupid!

These fairy kings, these supreme, these monks who are enough to peak the entire universe, at this moment, all are demented.

God, peace of mind... Everyone panicked.


Chu Yi muttered to himself, his heart was cold, and he had never been so desperate even in the face of destiny.

"No, you are wrong, you must be wrong, your swordsmanship is not strong enough, the void cannot be only 509 layers!"

Ting Tian shouted frantically, he was no longer calm, and lost the gentleness of the past, the elders destroyed the physical body of Destiny, and did not make him so sick.


Chu Yi cut the 509th floor with a sword.

With each sword, he split 509 layers. Not only he can do this, but the void, only 509 layers.

what does this mean?

"Really, it's true." Chu Yi was decadent. "Yellow Emperor broke into the void, and he must have discovered this secret. The void has only 509 floors. I can feel that my sword is still powerful and can be broken. Go on, but it's over."

Chu Yi smiled at everyone: "You, you must believe that this is true, you have also seen it, and the two fairy kings have also seen it. When my sword awn broke into the 509th floor, the deepest , A mysterious symbol flashes."

"If I didn't anticipate it, it's a seal formation."

"It stands to reason that there are hundreds of millions of layers in the void, otherwise, there will inevitably be no existence between the universe and the universe. The two universes interfere too much with each other, and a stable environment cannot be born at all, so there is no such thing as life."

"This means that our universe is fake!"

Chu Yi said every word, everyone said his face was pale.

"The universe is fake, we are here by artificial seals."

"The sky is false, the ground is false, the Tao is false, everything was created by someone."

"The ghost knows what we are, maybe we stay in a prison, maybe we are all prisoners, slaves, food, maybe someday someone from outside will pick us."

Chu Yi laughed, his voice mad.

He believes that God Demon Zu knows, and Huang Di also knows.

Everything is fake.

"Do not!!"

"Don't say it!" Ting Tian collapsed and his beard was distributed. He prepared the endless years to control the entire universe. Now some people tell him that this universe is fake and artificially created.

Ji Dao Xian was silent.

If everything is false, then his previous reasoning is also wrong. How could destiny be a will of heaven, or a product of balance.

Sky Shadow Supreme thumped his chest, they worked hard all their lives, they killed Heavenly Court, they killed the destiny, they thought they would live a good life and pursue the avenue in the future.

However, more bad news came.

They would rather not know this matter.

"It turns out that we live in a false universe, and maybe our actions are controlled by the person who created... Haha..." The Oblivion Supreme sat on the ground.

"My dear..." the fat man shouted, also somewhat unacceptable.

"Maybe we are just a mighty illusion, and when we wake up, we will be wiped out."

Heavy blow.

More sad than destiny, enough to kill the will of all monks.

The truth came too suddenly, too violently.

"I'll just say, I have so many fairy kings in the Universiade, as well as the master, how can the environment here withstand the birth of a master!"

"No wonder the earth is not a place of origin, because this is a fake universe and there is no need for a real place of origin."

"Mr. Chu, don't be discouraged. I understand that this false universe is not as fake as you think."

"It floats in a corner of the truly big universe, but it is sealed by people around it, and then it creates layers of voids, even the fairy emperor, it is impossible to create hundreds of millions of layers of voids, then the monks who made this universe, at least It’s the fairy lord, and it’s the peak fairy lord who has such a terrible ability."

"Your basic kendo, once fused to a certain extent, even if this false universe is isolated from the outside world, but your kendo can also feel the origin of the real universe. Once that day comes, the real thunder will be Come in and break through this universe!"

Swordworm said cheerfully: "At that time, we can get out."

"Yes, destiny..." Swordworm suddenly looked at destiny.

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