My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1422: Behind the scenes

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

In the Divine Demon City, the atmosphere is dignified. In the hall, the supreme men are all silent.

"Horrible." Cang Qiu Zhizun sighed, "You guys, what is your opinion."

"What else can I do." Old Profound Bird is at ease, all living creatures of endless years, and now he is in a calm mood, but he is also happy.

"It's time to eat, drink and drink, the rest depends on the leader."

"The leader made a breakthrough, or not, the two choices, of course, the premise is that our guess is true."

"You are a dead bird, you don't have a long life, and it doesn't matter." The Dragon Snatcher said nothing.

"Fate, your head, even cursed me dead bird, I will live forever!"

The Dragon Snatcher pouted, no longer arguing, anyway, it is not the old bastard's opponent.

"A lot of doubts, if fate is not necessarily credible." Chu Yi said, everyone naturally looked at him.

"Yellow Emperor's suicide, there are too many doubts. With the strength of the Yellow Emperor, he will never commit suicide because of this kind of thing, and destiny is not enough to let the Yellow Emperor commit suicide. It can be seen that what the Yellow Emperor saw in the void is more than what we saw. need more."

"Yellow Emperor's character generally does not commit suicide. He will compromise unless someone threatens, or even threatens the entire universe."

"What did he see?"

"Why is destiny trapping us here?"

"No, what do I always feel is missing?"

Chu Yi stood up, bowed his head in contemplation, and kept mumbling. With his current strength, he could clearly remember everything, even hundreds of years ago.

His memory is retrospective.


Suddenly, Chu Yimeng clapped his hands and looked up horror.

"What's wrong?"

Everyone was puzzled.

"Swordworm, I ask you, the lord of the Universiade, what do you mean by my ancestor, what is his strength?"

Swordworm said: "Nature is the pinnacle of the immortal master, and it becomes an immortal emperor in one step, but this step is too difficult and too difficult. This universe is false. No wonder my memory and reality will be confused."

"These are not important. What matters is the peak of the fairy lord."

Chu Yi said, "The Universiade once encountered a fate attack, which is certain, but how much strength is the fate of?"

"Peak fairy king!"

"This is when the destiny is at its peak."

"Peak fairy king, attack the Universiade where the pinnacle fairy master sits, and it seems to have succeeded, isn't it ridiculous?"

The Sword Bug widened his eyes: "You mean..."

"Not destiny!"

Chu Yi said his guess, "Only the peak fairy can create this false universe. The level of the fairy king is impossible. That is to say, it is not destiny to attack the souls of the Universiade, but others."

"Maybe this universe was created to trap the Universiade."


Everyone gasped.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "And that guy should be alive, otherwise, destiny can't be so confident, Huang Di may have committed suicide because of that."

"I always felt that I was missing something. I recalled it and found out that when I came to Heaven before, I had a brief meeting with Xie Wushuang."

"Xie Wushuang said that he missed his mouth. We always thought his master was destiny, but in that conversation, he had directly called destiny, not the master."

"It can only be said that his master has other people!"

"And the creature is still alive."

Chu Yi's words left everyone in a daze: "Is it a stronger existence than Destiny, or is it the Master of Destiny, everything is under his control, a pinnacle of the Immortal Lord?"

"Only in this way can it be comparable to the Universiade."

"Fate, it's just a guise thrown out."

Heaven Shadow Supreme is silent, he dare not imagine it, because as he goes down, he may find the truth more and more scary.

Destiny, but pediatrics.

Faced with destiny, they still have a way, but no one can do anything more powerful than destiny.

Chu Yi smiled. Instead, he looked away. Since the matter is over, he can only take one step at a time.

"The creatures in this area of ​​the seal are still alive, but the end is definitely worse than destiny. Universiade is not so good to deal with."

"Otherwise, he has already appeared."

"Moreover, it can only be attached to Xie Wushuang's body."

Chu Yi speculated, but had to say that this was already the truth, and everyone could not refute it.

"A monster that is more powerful than destiny..." Xialong Supreme sighed. "We have done our best to deal with destiny alone. How do we deal with a peak fairy?"

It was too far away for them, they didn't even have the fairy king, and going up, it was simply out of reach.

"That's what will happen in the future, not to mention the fact that the other party hasn't come forward at all now, which shows a problem. He is too weak, and he may be killed by the Supreme."

Chu Yi said, "To make a simple guess, the sword worm once said that the sword-bearers will not be generated at will. Only the Universiade can produce the sword-bearers. This seems to be favored by God."

"We speculate on the real universe outside."

"Many sword-bearers were born in the Universiade. The rest of the forces were dissatisfied and felt a crisis. They might join forces to destroy the sword-bearers. This is a normal guess."

"Next, we have the existence of a false universe on our side, perhaps to trap the Universiade, and then slowly kill all the swordsmen, but I don't know what the reason is, and the universe on this side still exists. As a result, Destiny and the Master of Destiny were seriously injured."

"They should now want to restore power, and then wipe out all the creatures in the entire false universe, so that the swordsman no longer exists."

"In this way, everyone competes for the position of Immortal Emperor with their own abilities."

"We are here, after a long time, it is gradually forgotten."

Chu Yi said: "Indeed, there are very few blood vessels left in the Universiade House, which can sense the swordsmanship.

Although this speculation is unfounded, but everyone also agrees.

Pushing yourself and others, if you are yourself, will also destroy the Universiade.

They are all like this. The real universe outside is more competitive.

"Then we can only go out by relying on the leader?" Qinlong Supreme asked.

"There is another way!" Chu Yi smiled. "All the stars here are almost fake. They are all evolved from the destiny master. They are virtual, but they can't be all fake, even if it is illusion. Based on truth, everything needs to have truth."

"Lunar Star and Sun Star!"

"At least these two stars are true."

"Fat man, if you and I can complete the cultivation and use the power of the lunar sun star, maybe the seal of this false universe can also be blasted."

The fat man widened his eyes and exaggerated: "Haha, is it such awesome, I will say, God is the savior."

"So, we have three paths now, the first is my sword, but I don't have any perception. The tenth form is really difficult to integrate."

"Second, the sun star and lunar star!"

"Third, kill Xie Wushuang, kill the creature of the level of the immortal master."

"However, it's not enough. Many are speculations. To verify the speculations, you must find the Universiade."

That's something older than the age of gods and demons.

"God Dojo!"

"I think about it, but I can't find any place where I can get in touch with the Universiade, except for the mysterious God Dojo."

"According to the record, there are almost no people in the Shangdang Dojo. Occasionally, they are also the pride of the sky. They are completely different from the God Demon Dojo. They are very secretive. It is difficult to enter even now."


Tingtian watched Xie Wushuang coming and narrowed his eyes.

"Fate, the master is very dissatisfied with you. You almost ruined everything the master arranged. You must know that if there is no master, you are nothing." Xie Wushuang said to the destiny.

"Subordinates are incompetent." The destiny was terrified, and his voice was lowered.

Tingtian's pupils shrank suddenly.

But seeing Xie Wushuang's palm, silk threads stretched out, and those silk threads twirled and entangled together to form a vague creature, and the evil breath spread, making Tingtian not consciously feel cold.

"the host."

Destiny's voice trembled violently, full of fear.

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