My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1425: War Pavilion

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Chu Yi came out this time and did not bring too many people. The fat man screamed, and he must come, and he had to take this guy who had entered the Supreme.

"Brother Chu, don't underestimate my strength, you and I will always practice together, so it will benefit both parties."

The fat man patted Chu Yi on the shoulder, a teasing look, like a flirtation.

Chu Yi turned his head and grinned: "Fat man, I just went home and stayed with my two daughter-in-laws for a while, pity you can only hide in the back hill, and play chess with the senior stone monkey, the moonlight is long, it is really pitiful, life again, you Still single."

The fat man withered, his eyes drooped down, and then furious, pulling Chu Yi's collar.

"Give back my wife! You are about to change sex!"

"I'm so pitiful, alone, I'm so solitary."

"Fat man, don't be sad, I will introduce a little sister to you next time." Baihu laughed.

The fat man glanced sideways, crying without tears: "I want human race...

"Daughter-in-law...not good...single good." Zhu Bajie said seriously.

"Yeah, fat man, to see how good this demon king is, he has to be trained by two women when he returns home, plus his mother, that is, three women, yes, and his sister."

The dark flame demon fluttered its wings and flew high into the sky.

The entire Shangdang Daochang is a vast continent, in which the space confinement is far beyond the fairyland.

The place where Chu Yi and others came was a desert, the wind and sand rolled over, and the desert was deserted.

They walked for half a day and finally saw an oasis.

"There are traces of spirits, and the energy here is enough to give birth to spirits naturally." The sword worm lay on top of Chu Yi's head, and looked away from afar.

Just approaching, several people are all moved.

In the oasis, the corpses were messy and blood was splattering, and every corpse was cut off.

"The blood hasn't completely coagulated, this is not long before death."

Chu Yi solemnly said, "These indigenous people have almost no strength, but are better than ordinary people. You see that the wound is very smooth and should be killed in a breath."

"Supreme breath..."

"Mysterious person?" Chu Yi guessed, but vaguely felt wrong, but in addition to mysterious person, who else would be here?

"Mysterious people will fight aimlessly?" Chu Yi stood up, and everything in this oasis has not been passive, just like the murderer just passed by, and then killed smoothly.

"I have smelled the Universiade..." The Swordworm suddenly cried, "It's deep, it really smells of Universiade. The owner must be alive and sleep here!"

A few people marched forward, but they saw a strange high mountain above the desert, and a winding road straight to the top of the mountain.

"It's here, the top of the mountain has the breath of Universiade." The sword worm was very excited.

But at this time, a horse and horse gradually emerged from the desert, and a huge unicorn carried the chariot and moved under the desert.

"Yan Luo Supreme, don't come without any trouble!" Dozens of figures appeared from the car, and the leader was the Nightmare Supreme, but at this time, he turned into a human form.

Behind him is a group of supremes.

"Will the Supreme Nightmare still kill me?" Chu Yi smiled, but didn't care.

The Nightmare Supreme showed a weird face, but said helplessly: "I was going to kill you, it was as easy as a palm, but I was repeatedly escaped by you. Now, with your strength, I am afraid that I can easily escape from my hands."

"Although I'm arrogant, I won't be arrogant. Since I can't kill you, I won't do it. What's more, your only hope is to go out."

"On this mountain, there is a breath of different treasures. You and I all follow this breath, so it is not too late to make a distribution after we get the treasure."

Chu Yi did not object.

"By the way, Supreme Nightmare, before you come here, have you passed an oasis?"


"We have been advancing on the ground without passing through the oasis, what's wrong?" Wu Di Supreme asked.

Chu Yi touched his chin and said, "That's trouble, we just passed an oasis and found a supreme-level strongman who killed the natives here."

"There is such a thing? In addition to your team of my horses and my mystery, there are also Great Mi Buddha, Devil Lord, Nine Cloud God and other people, but they come in from behind, it is impossible to be in front of us. Say, in this secret realm, there is still a strong existence?" Wu Di Supreme Confused.

"Climb first."

A group of people climbed the mountain, the mountain road was misty, very peculiar. After a thousand turns, the supremes were almost dizzy.

A supreme sweater: "The terrible road, the illusion set is unpredictable and almost lost."

The seemingly ordinary mountain road almost made several Supremes unable to hold on, as if they had gone through a lifetime.

The mist cleared and the top of the mountain was clearly visible.

"A corner of the Universiade!" the sword worm shouted, but was disappointed.

"My Universiade, as a whole is a very powerful magic weapon, even the Immortal Lord, can not be broken, but now it is disintegrated."

The sword worm was sad, and his mood was very low.

They have seen the corner of the Universiade Palace in Dingtian Temple, and here they have also seen a broken place. I am afraid that the World War I was too dangerous, and the Universiade Palace has fallen apart.

Swordworm's hope is also getting slimmer, although it has long been expected.

"It's a terrible palace!" Wu Di Supreme exclaimed. Looking from here, the palace in front contained countless murders. The pavilions and pavilions were faintly visible. The sculptures on it were shocking.

"War Pavilion!"

"This is where the Universiade is responsible for the war, but it was also broken."

The doorway, all kinds of broken equipment, almost eroded, even if the powerful magic weapon, so long years have not been maintained, it will eventually weather.

Chu Yi was about to push the door in, but saw the door open automatically.

"Well? Someone?"

Fairy mist filled, a girl opened the door, the girl was splendidly dressed, like a sunrise, and the jewelry on her body was brilliant, very extraordinary.

Although she looked soft, she stood there, with a terrible aura, and a strange look flashed in her eyes.

"Aboriginal?" the girl asked, not particularly concerned, she killed many Aborigines along the way, but these aborigines seem to be relatively powerful.

"It seems to be aboriginal. The aborigines here are not right. You should be the aborigines in the mysterious realm outside. You have arrived in the mysterious realm."

She affirmed that there were strong winds in her eyes, as if hiding a world.

She is very powerful, ascends to the pinnacle of supremacy, and has many magical tools on her body, so that she is not afraid of any strong man.

Chu Yi found a special breath on the other party.

He was shocked, when such a strong man appeared.


What secret?

"Who are you? Where do you come from?" Chu Yi stepped back and asked.

The girl crossed the threshold, and everyone realized that behind the other party, she was dragging a slender tail.

"Who am I? Giggle..." The girl chuckled, speaking the language of the universe.

"I am a fairy outside the heavens. I come from the big universe. This Jade Heaven secret realm is my Jade Heaven Gate. You are just the creatures born in the mysterious realm, and naturally I am the slave of Jade Heaven Gate."

"But your luck is good, we are here for the first time and we are just short of people."

Luo Juan took out a few Fulu and said, "This is a slave contract. After you sign it, you will be mine. It seems to be much better than the indigenous people you met before."

"People from the outside world!" Chu Yi and Wu Di Extreme looked at each other, his body shuddered.

The outside world can come, does that mean that there is a passage here that can lead to the big universe.

Their eyes were startled and their breath was short.

It's just a little sad. The place where they live is only a little secret for the creatures of the universe.

"It's really pitiful. You live in this huge secret environment, and you think the whole universe is impossible?" Luo Juandai raised her eyebrows slightly, and her beautiful eyes were also curious about Chu Yi.

"In this secret realm, if you practice to the supreme, your talents should be good."

"Sign a contract and I can take you out of here."

"Sister, are you really someone from the outside world? Can you take us away?" Chu Yi said sincerely, showing delighted eyes.

Luo Juan smiled undiminishedly: "This is nature. I am in Yutianmen. A lot of people have already entered and understand this secret realm. Ten years later, when the altar is reopened, I can take you away."

"Where is the altar?" Chu Yi then asked.

Luo Juan was about to answer. Suddenly awakened suddenly, the whole body thundered and thundered: "Good boy, even using God's way of thinking, it made me take it lightly, and almost elicited my words."

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