My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1427: Bigger crisis

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"Untouchables in a mysterious realm are going to rebel, waiting to put on the shackles of slaves and see how you turn the sky."

The man was grabbed by Chu Yi's head, but he was still fierce. As soon as his voice fell, his head sank, and then his body shrank like a deflated ball.

A virtual image burst out of the skin, and Chu Yi looked at it, turned out to be a lizard, but the lizard was engraved with ghost eyes on its entire body, and its head was fan-shaped.

Chu Yi glanced at the bladder in his hand. The level of this bladder was extremely high. I am afraid it exceeded the level of his student.

"Wow, son, he's peeled. It's really ugly. It's better to put on a leather bag." Baihu said.

"Little fox, when I kill your son, I will peel your skin and make you into a shirt."

"I'm afraid, people are just ordinary foxes, why are you so fierce." The white fox pretended to be afraid.

"Mr. Chu, this is a ghost-eyed lizard. It is rare in number. Once it is an adult, it is a fairy king level. It is good to be a mount," the sword insect introduced.

"Oh?" Chu Yi smiled. "The mount is still forgotten. It doesn't have this blessing. Or eat it. It looks like a big supplement."


"court death!"

The opposite people were angry, they did not take Chu Yi in their eyes at all, because for them, Chu Yi, they are slaves, they are their property, especially, they are from Yutianmen, what a terrible, in the universe It's all a hegemony.

As core disciples, they are super powerful, and they will never be reduced to being defeated by an untouchable in a secret realm.

"He is the king of this secret realm, he should be the strongest, you must be careful." Luo Juan reminded.


Several people's eyes lit up immediately, "That's right, they captured him, took his memory, and then surrendered directly to the entire secret realm without effort."

The ghost-eyed lizard opened its mouth, and a tongue swept out. It was extremely long.

Chu Yi stood in the same place, indifferently, when the tongue was approaching, he suddenly caught fire in his hand and directly grabbed the other party's tongue.

"Ah!!! My tongue!"

The ghost-eyed lizard screamed.

"It's cooked, and it looks good." Chu Yi's sun patterns circulated throughout his body, and then pulled abruptly, pulling the tongue off, and then threw it to the dark flame demon, swallowed in one bite.

"Delicious, good tail, hello, I said lizard, can your tongue grow any longer, if we can, then we will not kill you." Dark Flame Demon said overbearingly.

On the opposite side, the five people were red-eared and extremely angry, especially the ghost-eyed lizard, who was eaten by the tongue in public.

"It's very powerful, it is worthy of being the strongest in this secret realm, but it still doesn't work. With us here, we will eventually be slaves."

A man's fan fluttered between trances, splitting the void, which was a great magical skill, and various techniques were combined on a fan.

On it, countless characters are scattered, suppressing invincibility.

Chu Yi's body flames burned, and one flame after another rose. The sixth flame is blood thunder and fire, which can produce thunder and lightning, but Chu Yi has not fully mastered it and has not yet succeeded in cultivation.

But the remaining five flames are intertwined with each other and shine on each other, which is already scary enough.

Numerous characters were burned, and the fan was burnt directly through a hole.

"My treasure fan!"

The man was terrified. This fan is not a vulgar thing. What flame can penetrate through instantly?

Suddenly, Luo Juan looked pale and screamed: "No, these flames, no border fire, diamond fire, earth fire, sun fire, gold fire!"

"It's all legendary fire!"

"Brother Fang..." Luo Juan's voice trembled, and he looked at a rather stable fellow.

The pupil of Brother Fang suddenly shrank: "I have seen in ancient books that before the endless years, there were the Sunshade Eucharist and the Moonshadow Eucharist, manipulating extremely hot and extremely cold objects, and practicing with the Taiyin Sun Star."

"That's the top holy body, the top forging body method, but suddenly one day, the lunar sun star disappeared, this terrible celestial body, even disappeared, no one can detect where it went, and then disappeared. Is the Sunshade and Moonshadow."

The more he said, the more excited he was, and his voice was high: "You turned out to be the Sunshade Eucharist, so it seems that the legendary lunar sun star is also in this secret realm."

Brother Fang had goose bumps all over his body: "We really did this time!"

"A lunar sun star, a slave of the Sunshade Eucharist, is enough to enhance the overall strength of my Yutianmen!"

"No, please inform the master, you must not let this sunshadow body escape."

Chu Yi's changes made them more fanatical. His eyes were like fire, and he looked at Chu Yi straight, like he was looking at treasures. This kind of look made Chu Yi very uncomfortable.

However, he also got a lot of information from the other party's conversation. The lunar sun star is probably not simple in the big universe, and his solar shadow body and fat moon shadow body are equally extraordinary.

"Would you like to inform Brother?"

"It seems there are others."

Chu Yi started, so that they did not even have the opportunity to pass the voice.

The flame burned, and he killed five people on the opposite side.

"You guys, from the outside, still come and talk to me, I really want to know the situation of the outside world."

He started, the long sword fell, and sealed all around, making the space here full of swords.

Brother Fang also raised his sword, but the next second, he was broken and kept retreating, and there was a sword mark on his chest.

"What kind of kendo is this?!"

He was shocked and saw Chu Yi punching the ghost-eye lizard in half.


Several people stood up to resist, the magical power was invincible, and the glow was all over, but they were desperate because they could not break the imprisonment here and could not get in touch with the outside world.

"Let us be slaves?"


When Jianguang fell, another person died. Chu Yi did not stop his hands. These people were even more fierce than himself, killing countless indigenous people, so he did not need to be polite.

Until only Luo Juan and Brother Fang were left, he stopped.

"Supreme Yanluo... It's terrible..." Wuyue Supreme and a group of mysterious supreme priests all showed their frightened faces.

They are so humble to the outside world, but they are supreme and invincible.

Chu Yi is getting stronger and stronger, and his swordsmanship is too advanced. As the sword worm said, his swordsmanship has reached the extreme extreme. The so-called extreme is compared with the genius of the entire universe.

Another breakthrough is earth-shaking.

"You... your executioner..."

"I asked, you answered." Chu Yi smiled, "Yu Tianmen, how are you going to deal with this secret realm?"

Luo Juanhuarong lost her face and replied in a hurry: "This secret realm, near our Jade Heaven Gate, we explored the endless years, and finally found an entrance, and it was only the suzerain's shot that I was able to break through."

"The next time it opens, it will be ten years later."

"When you get the control source, you can enter and exit at will."

"It's just that I advise you to surrender. This is my private property of Yutianmen after all. If you go out, you can only pass that specific passage, and the patriarch is outside the passage."

Chu Yi frowned and asked, "Private property?"

Brother Fang was full of blood and nodded quickly: "Yes, as long as you get the control source and apply to the Universe Administration, you can get asylum. The Universe Administration is the most powerful force in the universe. All private property will be protected. ."

Chu Yi's heart was awe-inspiring, he knew it was in trouble.

Even if they find their way out, after going out, they will face the Yutian Gate where the peak fairy king sits in town and countless fairy kings exist.

But if you don't go out, you will be stuck here for a lifetime.

"It’s useless, you can’t hide for too long. This secret realm has fluctuated. The secret realm level, once it is not handled as soon as possible, will become bigger and bigger. In the end, even the fairy realm will participate, and they think It is not difficult to break the seal and enter it."

"You hide here, or go out, in the end, you will only become slaves, it is better to cooperate with us Yutianmen."

"We can promise that those of you present will not become slaves."

Chu Yi gasped slightly, he knew that this matter was no longer simple, more trouble than Destiny, and even more than the Master of Destiny.

If there are multiple fairy lords staring at this place at the same time, then they simply escaped everywhere.

"All creatures will be sold, and our loved ones will become slaves." Chu Yi was very cold.

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