My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1429: Beicang Universiade

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"This is the fine wine of Yutianmen, named Zuixian. The fairy king can be drunk. I don't have much stock in my hand. I want to come to Brother Chu and should try it."

Four people sat down.

Sword worms and others shrank on Chu Yi's back, but they were not conspicuous.

"Drunken Immortals are the flowers from the burial place after the death of the Immortal King. They are extremely precious. My brothers are very powerful. Brother Chu can kill them. They are also superb in comparison to their strength. Wait for fine wine."

"Brother, this time is generous, and even my father is reluctant to drink it on weekdays." Yu Zhen laughed so much.

Chu Yi took a sip, and suddenly there was a warm and charming power, instantly passing through his small world, directly arriving at Daofu, and entering Yuanying.

In a flash, Yuan Ying was red and glowing, and there was a feeling that the clouds were riding the fog.

The fat man was dizzy and his cheeks were flushed.

He was about to take a second sip and was stopped by Chu Yi. If this kind of wine is not enough, then he might drink the dead.

Yuan Ying will fall into a lethargic state, which will affect Dao Xin.

"Good wine, a sip of wine, is worth my cultivation for several months. The universe outside is really magical." Chu Yi exclaimed.

Xiaoyusheng was a gentleman and nodded, "The universe outside is very vast, genius and earthly treasures. There are so many things to do. Although I am quite powerful, the Yutianmen will not dare to make orders once it encounters a real overlord."

"Dare to ask your friends, what is the situation outside the universe."

Xiao Yusheng thought for a while and said, "I will introduce it to you this way. The entire universe, the highest authority, is the Universe Authority, and as long as it is stationed in the Universe Authority, it represents great power."

"Cosmic Administration, composed of 36 immortals, 108 shrines."

"Xianjia Shenfu?" Chu Yi was stunned.

"The so-called Xianjia refers to the 36 top forces, and the so-called Shenfu is the 108 second-rate forces."

"My Jade Heaven Gate is one of the temples."

"All important decisions of the Universe Authority are voted by the Xianjia Shenfu. The Xianjia has two votes, and each of the divine houses has one vote."

"The entire universe, the endless territory, whether it is a beast or a human race, whether it is a **** or earth demon, whether it is a plant life or a rock life, is under the control of the Universe Administration."

"The existence of the Cosmos Administration has brought order to the vast universe, and any disobedience will be punished."

Xiaoyu Sheng booed: "There are so many fairy kings in the universe, and they may become the peak fairy king, and have the power to master certain resources. There are very few forces. The shrine requires at least one peak fairy king, and at least fifty cents. King level strong."

"This is the minimum requirement, and the number of shrines is fixed. If you want to be promoted, there will definitely be an old shrine."

"And the thirty-six immortal family, there must be an immortal master sitting."

"Among them, four are the most important!"

Xiao Yusheng's eyes are extremely hot: "The Barren Hill Mo Family, Dong Tian Lei Family, Bai Gui Huo Family, and Xin Hai Si Family!"

"The barren hills are full of sand, and no mortal can enter."

"East Heaven's Place, Thousand Years Thunder, Burial of Evil Evil."

"The domain of a hundred ghosts, the wind and bones, the gods drink hate."

"The boundary between the heart and the sea, there are hundreds of millions of ghosts, and the physical body is difficult to survive."

Xiaoyusheng breathed quickly and was full of worship: "Brother Chu, you know, there are peak fairy lords in these four places, that is supreme power, only one step away, you can rank first."

"There are many geniuses in the four families, and mastering the mysterious mysteries has kept me out of reach."

"But, the fairy emperor is hard to come out. The four have been fighting. They have too much power in the cosmic authority, restricting each other for hundreds of millions of years. They just want to appear a fairy emperor in their own house to control the universe."

"Don't there ever been a fairy emperor?" Chu Yi curiously said.

"Yes!" Xiaoyu Sheng said solemnly, "It is rumored that before the endless years, even now the Immortal Lord can't see it, and only catch words and words through ancient books."

"An immortal emperor was born and took control of the universe, but he did not know why he fell. Since then, our universe has no more immortal emperors."

"Although only the fairy emperor falls, it is possible to give birth to another one. Unfortunately, it is too difficult to be a fairy emperor. For me, achieving the peak of the fairy king is already the limit."

"Brother Chu, you should really go out and see, countless races, countless geniuses, countless magic weapons, countless wealth, the birth of a genius, it is absolutely impossible to be occasional and accidental, all due to the combined effect of countless factors."

"The world is fighting!"

"Only one person can rule the roost!"

"Don't look at those fairy lords standing high, but on the Star Wars list, those geniuses are all directed at the fairy lords, to knock down the old fairy lords."

"As long as no emperor comes out in one day, even the peerless evil spirits of the Yuanying level are full of confidence and will strike the first person."

"You think about it, such a vast territory, the accumulation of endless times, generation after generation of geniuses, all rushing to the only realm, how terrible is this competition."

Xiao Yusheng was excited.

"And there are deductions, the world is coming, the immortal emperor is likely to appear in ten thousand years, and now it is time to be white-hot, even the peak fairy lords dare not slack off, and many more evil spirits are born."

Chu Yi sighed: "You can only become an emperor if there is only one person in the world."

"So, you know how much I desire this secret level of the fairy king." Xiaoyu Shengdao, "Without this secret realm, I can only become a supporting role, and once I get it, I might become one of the protagonists."

"I have Yutianmen as the foundation, I have this foundation, Brother Chu, you follow me, I will take you to take a look at this world."

Chu Yi knocked on the table and drank the last glass of wine. He said, "Originally speaking, Taoist friends still want me to be a slave."

"It's not a servant, just a follower." Xiaoyu Shengdao said, "There are no shortage of followers around the strong ones, either for advice or mounts, or for music. This is not shameful, but common."

"There are rumors that if you want to become an emperor, you must have good luck, and the luck of your followers will also be added to your body."

"The Immortal Emperor at that time also had many followers. In the end, all are the existence of the level of Immortal Lord. This is a two-for-one thing."

"It turns out that it is acceptable to say so." Chu Yi smiled.

"However, Daoyou, I have another question. Do you know the Universiade?"

"Dayun Mansion?!" Xiao Yusheng's complexion suddenly changed, and he stood up in horror, and the jade around him was really terrified.

"Bei Cang Universiade House!"

"How do you know!"

"The Universiade is comparable to the other four, and I learned about it only after Yutianmen joined the conference of the Universe Administration."

"Bei Cang Universiade...a taboo, suddenly disappeared before the endless years. After that, it was included in the black taboo list. I can't talk about it or mention it. I only know that there is such a taboo."

"Chen Huo Xianzhu, is the invincible existence of that year, and squashed the other four."

"But, I only know so much, and the rest do not understand at all."

"Why did Brother Chu know..."


The wine glass in his hand fell to the ground, and Yu Zhenzhen seemed to have thought of it too. The harp was broken, and it shattered directly. The remnants continued to buzz.

Xiao Yusheng's eyes were dull, staring at Chu Yi, and after a long time, he said hardly: "Don't tell me, this is the Universiade!"

"This mysterious realm is created by Lord Chenhuo!"

Chu Yi nodded. He didn't expect that the coming of Universiade was so terrifying. It used to be the pinnacle of the universe, and no one could compete.

"I have to say, you guessed it, this secret realm is the Universiade."

"University Hall?"

"This secret realm is Universiade Palace?!"

The two were stunned.

Yu Zhenzhen suddenly shivered: "Brother, this secret realm, we cannot eat, we cannot eat, we will die!"

In the universe, the peak fairy lord is not only found in those four houses, and occasionally there are wandering peak fairy lords, not in any force.

So they were ecstatic at first.

But if it is Universiade...

This has already involved the core organization of the General Administration of Universe Management. It is no longer as simple as a single peak fairy.

The former is an opportunity, and the latter is a huge disaster for Yutianmen.

"No, if we can hide it! This is my chance to turn over Yutianmen!" Xiao Yusheng almost growled.

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