My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1433: Title Supreme

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"This is not an exception, but a tradition. Followers always have dissatisfaction, and generally strong ones can become followers, and such people are naturally arrogant."

Xiao Yusheng was not annoyed and smiled, "Since Brother Chu can kill me Luo Shimei, they naturally have some skills."


"Luo Shimei killed them?"

"Brother Fang..."

The rest of them were frightened one by one.

"My disciples at Yutianmen, how can you kill if you say killing, the brother is kind-hearted, it is not easy to think of your practice, and you are accepted as a follower. You are not only grateful, but also mocking the brother."

A giant Lei Ye came out, intertwined with thunder patterns.

"It's just a mystery. The closed world, like the frog at the bottom of the well, doesn't know the sky is thick and thick. I really feel sad for you."

"Even the immortals were captured by us. What did you count?"

The Lei Ye clan strongman sacrificed the war drums, beat the drums, and were full of strange lightning.

Chu Yi opened the Eclipse Dragon Eyes and saw that the lightning was all composed of fine and dense runes, which was very remarkable, only a trace worse than the Thunder origin in Tingtian's hands.

The origin of the Thunder was originally created by the Universiade, not the real origin, but it seems that the Thunder created by the Universiade is still good, at least in the real big universe.

Chu Yi raised his head, a sword sword turned into a real small sword, streaming light quickly, overturning the war drum.

"It's a shame to kill Luo Shimei." Yu Zhen nodded, no longer covering up, revealing his nature.

Yutianmen was not kind at first, not kind.

To everyone's surprise, the war drum was cut in half.

You know, that is the natural weapon of the Leiye tribe, which has been refined for a long time.

"This kendo..."

Xiao Yusheng pondered, but felt a little weird.

"Untouchables stop!"

Several other members of the Thunder Leaf family shot at the same time. The thunder mist was raging and the thunder exploded. They were born to be able to control the thunder. They are talented races. They also have a status in this universe and a large number of people.

Thousands of thunder beasts rushed towards Chu Yi.

"I know that you are hiding evil and killing countless lives. If there were no virtual creatures, our world would be sold as slaves."

"Since that is the case, you will not be able to stay."

Chu Yi showed no mercy. He was like a demon, urging the terrible power of the demon.

His arms are as strong as a unicorn, tearing the void, and the powerful Thunder leaf clan are terrified, and their tongues are flat, because their thunder is also torn by those arms.

Someone fell and was swept over by a vigorous force.

"Divine Demon Race?"

"Are you a descendant of the gods and demons?"

The gods and demons are also the top races in the big universe. The gods and demons are endlessly innate, and they are gifted with meaning and self-skills, which is daunting.

Chu Yi now only understands why the strength of the God Demon Ancestor is so powerful, it can be called the first, because his lineage determines his achievements.


Thunder landed, but Chu Yi took a big sip, and suddenly countless Thunder was sucked into his abdomen.

"It's not as good as fate, but it's barely okay. You still don't want to use thunder to deal with me. I am a person who is naturally not afraid of being struck by thunder."

He's real, since he has already shot, he won't let these people leave.

Bloody sky, there are strong Lei Ye clan to escape, Chu Yi was caught in one hand, like a chicken.

This is too horrible. They were originally high up, wanting to level this world and become a hegemon, even the immortals have captured, but they are not opponents of this person.


Several monks shot together, and the dead leaves at their feet boiled like a flame burning, forming a vortex.

They finally understood that this person was too difficult to deal with. If they did not join forces, they might be beaten one by one.

"Withered leaves become a fire, it is also strange, as if this flame has a breath of death."

Chu Yi probed his hands, and he caught countless dead leaves in his hands.

"How could it be? Our dead leaf fire was caught by someone?"

Everyone was shocked. At this moment, even Xiaoyu Sheng was moved.

"It turns out that it's no wonder that it's so familiar. It turned out to be a flame on the sun star, not named, and unexpectedly called dead leaf fire."

Sun Star is too mysterious, especially Chu Yi heard that this is a terrible star in the universe, and the position of Sun Star in his heart is a spontaneous ascension.

"Since the lunar sun star disappeared, the terrible fire above it no longer exists. This is the only kind of fire in my family. Damn, how could you be captured?" The monk yelled in horror.

Taiyin Sun Star, half born countless fire species, half born countless cold species, is a huge wealth of the universe, but disappeared before the endless years, so that many strong people or forces that rely on this star to cultivate greatly damaged.

However, they did not know that there were many flames on the sun star in the hands of the people in front of them.

Sun star, there are countless fires in each layer, but each layer, there is only one kind of flame, can be called the king.

The flame above it is extremely domineering, and it is very difficult to get simple but want to conquer.

It's just that Chu Yi holds the strongest fire in each layer, and is not afraid of other flames.

"I'm afraid that the separated lunar and solar stars are greatly reduced in power, just like the sun shadow body and the moon shadow body. Only when they are combined together is the real horror."

Chu Yi meditated in his heart while sweeping everything.

"Get back."

Suddenly, Xiaoyu Sheng opened his eyes, his eyes burning, his brows like swords.

"Brother Chu is not easy. I look away. Your qualifications are only weaker than me. If you achieve the ultimate supremacy, I am afraid that in my Jade Heaven Gate, I am the first, and you are the second. ."

"A closed secret realm, even if it is the secret realm of the Immortal Lord, is not as extensive as the outside world, especially if you have just come here, indicating that it has never been passed on."

"It's terrible that you can get to this point alone."

"Finally, I will give you another chance to become my follower or my slave."

"Your value is much stronger than that fake fairy."

Chu Yi gave a sympathetic glance at Mingzhe. This guy is actually powerful, but they just have a good way to kill fake immortals.

These methods are not effective when applied to Chu Yi's body, but they are very useful for false immortals.

"Xiaoyu Sheng, you are too conceited. Although the outer universe is vast and there are many strong people, you are not qualified yet."

"You are tempting me, I am also tempting you, I want to see if you are qualified to be my follower."


At this moment, Xiaoyu Sheng collapsed from behind, and the terrible coercion made his fellow worshipers bow down.

A big star rises from behind, a piece of emerald green.

The great star of Huanghuang is extremely huge. This is not the same as Xiahoucheng's refined stars. This is not artificial, but a real star in the big universe.

Xiaoyusheng sat cross-legged on the big star, like a holy god!

The world trembles. He holds a powerful method. When he dealt with Mingzhe just now, he used a special method of hunting immortals. With his fellow students, it is now his true personal strength.

"Jade Tianmen, the supreme first person, Xiaoyusheng!" Xiaoyusheng looked down at the Quartet, oppressing Chu Yi with breath, and made him kneel.

"In the universe, the Supreme Realm is the cradle of the strong, and the title of the master is not sealed by myself, nor is it given by my Jade Heaven Gate."

Yu Zhenzhen proudly said, "Only outstanding achievements and dazzling achievements can be awarded the title by the Universe Administration."

"Those with titles have the qualifications to achieve the peak fairy king, and they are all outstanding in the universe."

"Supreme title!"

"Supreme glory!"

"One endless territory after another, one huge empire after another, titled Supreme, but can run wild and enjoy the treatment of the fairy king."

"It seems that there are a lot of titles, there are hundreds of millions." Chu Yi sneered.

"Ignorance." Yu Zhen sneered, "At this level, the 100 million and the 10 million, in fact, the strength will not be much different, and the master, has more potential and a brilliant record than the rest."

"The entire universe, the realm of supremacy, only one million people can get this title."

"And then again, it is the asterisk supreme!"

"Only people on the Star Wars list have this honor."

"The asterisk supreme, named after the famous stars in the universe."

"Forget it, having said so much, you don't understand, just a pariah." Yu Zhen's delicate face showed a trace of disdain.

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