My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1435: Smash the title

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Overestimate me?"

Xiao Yusheng was irritated and sneered a little. He went across the universe, and not many people of his generation dared to talk to him like this.

The symbol on his forehead is very mysterious. It is the real title issued by the General Administration of Space Administration, but the shape is distorted, like a brand mark.

The brilliance of the imprint is like a crown, and the breath is soaring.

Who he is, is the title of supreme, was even described as a waste of name.

This is the supreme glory. This title can bring him endless benefits, that is, even the heart is stabilized a lot, so Xiaoyusheng is not in a hurry to break into the realm of the fairy king.

Their accumulation is very deep, and once they break through, they can cross the four or five fairy rivers.

As for those on the Star Wars list, it is even more terrifying. Each one is heading towards the peak of the fairy king. If you want a breakthrough, it is the peak of the fairy king, and then directly hit the fairy master in a short time.

The stronger the fairy river, the stronger the strength.

Like a normal breakthrough to the fairy king realm, if the fighting power of the first fairy river is one unit, the second fairy river is two units.

And so on, until the ninth Daxianhe.

But those evil spirits want to break through the Nine Dao Xianhe in one go, then once they succeed, the fighting power of each Xian Dao will be nine.

Only each Xianhe reaches its strongest state, the higher the probability of breaking through to the Xianzhu.

Immortal master is the dream of every monk, hundreds of millions of territories, immortal master can be counted.

The accumulation of Xiaoyusheng has not yet reached that level, but it is really extraordinary.

Coupled with the help of Yutianmen, it is actually not difficult to obtain a title.

He grabbed his hands with his hands, his robe exploded, his ten fingers were very soulful, and his mind was like silk, intertwined, matching his fingers.

"Dading Fengtian Yin!"

Suddenly, he shouted, countless thoughts and energy gathered, and the glory circulated, and a great tripod was born, which was stable in all directions, and a red flame, and the terrible fluctuations were even frightening for Mingzhe.

"What kind of method is this? How can I feel more terrible than the war fairy."

"The strange method of imprinting can even cooperate with Shennian, fearing that it contains a spirit attack." Chu Yi is like an enemy. Although he is powerful, he has never seen the real universe from the outside world, and he is afraid of being recruited.

It is like a savage who can defeat a modern man with bare hands, but he will definitely not be an opponent with a pistol.

"Is the title Supreme... It seems that it really has its meaning. This little Jade Saint has made a lot of achievements on the Indian law."

The sky was chapped, and those cracks were filled with energy, forming the Supreme Ding.

Dading is a sheep's head with a skull hanging like an ancient sacrifice.


In a flash, Xiaoyu Sheng moved!

The hands shook slightly, the Ding glowed, and then suppressed, the skulls fluttered above, the bells rang, and the head bleed, it was strange.

The fat man sobbed: "I'm going, what kind of magical power is there, and the world is mourning. God and I are far away from each other, and I feel that my bladder is tight. Pig you can quickly see if I have leaked urine."

Pig Bajie gave him a trotter and shut him up.

This pedestrian is silent, and they are all watching it carefully, so as to understand the genius of the outside world.

I have to say that Xiaoyusheng is terrible. In the same rank, they can outperform each other in the world of their side, but five people, these five people, even the emperor can’t be counted. Until now the strong.

"I think we still stay in our hometown honestly. Now think about it, as long as those destined creatures in the realm don't act indiscriminately, we are also very good here. Do we want to talk to them and wait until we die?" The dark flame demon counseled.

"Small bitch, I think it's better to be home."

"Every useless guy!" The sword worms were indignant. "Our side is not an ordinary secret realm. Dayun Mansion, Lord Chenhuo, the unparalleled existence in the universe, Dayun Mansion is top. Of power."

"It can be said that all the secret realms of this side are the forces of the Universiade, and you and I are disciples of the Universiade, even in that court."

"It was born out of the secret realm created by Universiade, we should be proud of it."

"It's them who should be inferior."

The sword bug's body was very excited, and it was purple.


In the distance, there was a rainbow in the sky, Chu Yi's Yuan Ying soared into the sky, and he was automatically separated from the flesh.

The kind of sword is a short sword, and it is extremely bright, and the seven sword patterns on it have already gone up.

There is no sword move, nor any method, this sword, splitting the runes of the sky, smashing the void, and then cutting the big tripod.

The blood was scattered, the sheep's head was broken, the bones turned into powder, and a piece of buzzing.

The animal path of the sword reincarnation is actually not suitable for attack, but is suitable for survival, and can be transformed into many creatures to escape.

Although Chu Yi does not have a clever sword technique, but now, just the basic swordsmanship of fusion is enough to defy the sky.

Yu Zhenzhen and others were panicked. They saw a **** sword light, and from the bottom up, they penetrated the sky all the time, very straight.

The sword light exploded suddenly, splitting in all directions, piercing the big tripod.

"How is it possible, Master Dingfeng Tianyin, but the core inheritance of my sect, although the sheep's head only appeared, only completed a quarter, but it is not simply a sword can resist."

Everyone changed color.

They could not see the mystery of that sword.

Kendo is like a blooming flower, and fusion of basic kendo is equivalent to shrinking the flower into a flower.

The more integrated, the more condensed and converged the mystery, outsiders simply can't spy.

Therefore, apart from Chu Yi, the rest of them, even the Immortal Lord, can not watch the secret of this sword. This is another way to control the universe.

Xiao Yusheng was injured, his face was pale, and his mouth vomited blood. His eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he couldn't believe the result.

He is invincible, he is conceited, and he has never looked at the creatures in this secret area.

In particular, the artificially created secret environment is difficult to communicate with the outside world, the Daoist law is incomplete, and it is difficult to create a strong man at all.

However, he was injured, and the opponent was still strong, with a long sword in his hand, smashing his big Ding Feng Tianyin.

After all, he was proud of himself, and such a huge drop made him angry.

"Do you know, what is the title of Supreme Master?" Xiao Yusheng understood that instead of killing one by one, he could only come up with the final killer skill and directly decide the victory or defeat.


The mark between his eyebrows glowed, the **** red awn broke through the sky, and then turned back and fell, gorgeous to the extreme, like the aurora.

"I killed the devil, slaughtered the Buddha, and on the battlefield of the starry sky, I have cut countless strong men, and this is the title."

"The title is not just good, but a strength, the coronation of the Universe Authority."

"This is a method!"

"Every title is sealed with a different law, which is obtained from the Space Administration."

Xiaoyusheng's black hair dances wildly. This is his most powerful card. All the titles in the title are an immortal master, tailor-made according to the practitioner's own conditions.

At a critical moment, we can definitely change our lives.

Bloody as the sun, the road roared.

That touch of blood turned into a huge piece of blood jade, as if echoing his title "Little Jade Saint".

The jade pendant glowed, and the endless red blood awns fell.

"My title, sealed with blood jade innumerable cut!"

Chu Yi raised his head calmly and his eyes were dreadful: "If you can enlighten yourself on this method, I am afraid I will have a headache. Unfortunately, you are only using the title to show it. You have not yet realized this method."

"It's a pity that such a huge treasure doesn't even comprehend."

"Supreme title, this is the case, I am also excited."

The sword species buzzed in the body, the eight rays of light appeared quietly, and Ning'er was not sent.

Immediately, everyone only saw Chu Yi gently wielding his sword and closing it...

As a result, the huge blood jade in the sky collapsed, thousands of runes collapsed, and turned into a little star.

"Do not!"

Xiao Yusheng collapsed completely, roaring, and seemed to see extremely horrible things.

Yu Zhenzhen and others have changed their complexions.

"No, the master used the method inside and was broken. The broken title means that the title is gone..."

"His title is no longer..."


The title of Xiaoyusheng's forehead quietly shattered and became invisible.

At the same time, in the vast universe, an old man suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked at the sealer in front, a million seals, engraved on the metal token, densely packed into a sphere, rotating in the secret room.

"Huh? Is there a broken title?"

"Dead, or was the title broken?"

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