My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1437: Leave with weight

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Several people from Chu Yi went up the mountain again.

"Dayun Mansion..." The sword insect's expression was dim. It glowed all over, and a rune burst out into the void.

However, no towering mansion appeared, and there were no alarming signs. There was only a huge pillar, bare, which appeared abruptly on the top of the mountain.


Chu Yi stunned, the sword worm bowed his head.

"I knew that the Universiade Palace was gone, and even the owner of the palace did not exist. How could the Universiade Palace still exist."

"This is the stone pillar in the main hall of the Universiade Palace. Everything disappeared, and the Universiade Palace was completely broken. Only the pillar was still there."

The pillars are towering like a cloud, with 30 pieces in various colors. There are no blood stains on them, nor are they weathered, but they are just pillars, engraved with some exquisite patterns, but those patterns lose their spirituality and have no fluctuations.

Everything was completely gone.

"This is the Universiade Palace?" Ting Tian strolled down from the clouds, looked at the thirty pillars, and looked at it carefully.

Then, his eyes fixed on Chu Yi.

Chu Yi smiled embarrassedly but politely: "Senior, how come you got out soon, really congratulations, it seems that the strength has made progress again."

Ting Tian showed a weird smile and said, "You called me an old thief before and called me by name. Now you call my senior. Why is your face so thick?"

"I have already arrived. I have been watching in the dark for a long time.

He didn't do it, he was still observing the stone pillar, but unfortunately there was no movement here, Xiao Suo.

The entire Universiade was beaten and fragmented, and even the main hall was left with only a few stone pillars.

The world is faint yellow, and the pillars soar.

Tingtian looked closely at each stone pillar without missing anything.

"People from outside have arrived and want to come to our side. The secret realm has been discovered. If so, there is a chance to escape."

Chu Yi said with a smile: "Senior thought too much, now we are in a dilemma."

"The prison in the heavens and the earth traps not us, but the imaginary creatures. It is a means established by the master of the Universiade. The so-called imaginary creatures are those destiny monsters. They are also a harm in the universe."

"When we go out, they are likely to follow. We don't go out, and we stay here to die."

"Destiny's words are all lies, but it's just for me to integrate the tenth form and break the imprisonment for them."

Ting Tian's gaze flickered, and his mind was agitated.

"I'm guessing that above the destiny, there are more powerful imaginary creatures, then the imaginary creatures should have found seniors. This time, the seniors came to the heavenly arena, which was also ordered by the imaginary creatures." Chu Yi said lightly .

Ting Tian sneered and remained silent.

Chu Yi looked at the other party: "Seniors don't need to deny that this is a very good reasoning thing."

"During the peak of destiny, it was only the peak of the fairy king. How could it be the opponent of the fairy lord, it can only be said that there are people behind him."

"And the imaginary creature was seriously injured, otherwise, it would have come forward long ago."

"Xie Wushuang should protect the imaginary creatures, and they must not take actions at will, but they still need someone to do things for them. I think about it, except for the seniors, I can't find a second person.

Ting Tian sighed and said: "It is Supreme Yan Luo. If you can achieve the Supreme Supreme, I really have to worry."

"That creature in the realm, named Huang, did find me. You have revealed the truth, are you afraid that I will kill you directly?"

"Seniors will not."

Chu Yi laughed and relaxed. "I can't think of the reason why my predecessors killed me."

"In order to stifle the idea of ​​the outworld creatures going out?"

"Seniors are not so noble. According to my understanding, seniors would like me to integrate the tenth form and break through this side of the false universe. Even if you let the creatures of the virtual world go out for harm, you are too lazy to ignore it. You are not a person with a full sense of justice. "

"I die, and your way out is broken."

"And the predecessors were not willing to be manipulated by the wasteland, especially, the other party was also seriously injured."

Ting Tian gave Chu Yi a deep look: "As long as you have no use value, I will kill you as soon as possible. I think that you are more terrible than the shortage."

"But I still have use value, so don't worry."

Chu Yi shrugged.

"Now, our situation is very bad. Once the outside world knows that there are virtual world creatures in it, at least Yutianmen will not act on his own and enter this world again."

"In the end, layer by layer reporting will let the Universe Authority come forward."

"They come forward, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, we do not know, so it is difficult for us to pin our hopes on them."

Ting Tian asked: "Then what do we do?"

"Three methods!" Chu Yi dignified, no longer joking, "The first method, once ten years later, when Yu Tianmen sends people in again, we will kill them all, or trapped, we can drag and drag."

"Drag to the wild to restore strength?" Ting Tian shook his head.

"The second way, we kill it, as long as a peak fairy king is born, as long as we are stronger than Yutianmen, we can kill it, and destroy the unsuspecting Yutianmen, and we will not be sold into slaves."

"Difficult!" Tingtian still shook his head. "The barren will not let go of the imprisonment, and if we want to break the curse and let more and more people become immortals, it will be too difficult and too difficult."

"Then there is only the third way, my tenth style of swordsmanship. If it can be achieved, the entire mysterious realm will automatically break, and then everyone will leave and be well."

Ting Tian frowned and pondered for a long time, but couldn't think of any other way.

Suddenly, he looked up at Chu Yi: "Will you merge the tenth style?"

"I doubt you will!"

"This prison was made by the Universiade, and the predecessors worked hard to completely trap the barren here. With your character, it is not like a person who will destroy all this."

Chu Yi blushed: "My predecessors overestimated me, I am selfish, and there are so many strong people in the big universe. There is no strong man in our world. If you can’t get stuck in the end, let them go. All right."

"Dayun Mansion, everything is scattered, nothing is left, even the heritage is gone." Swordworm cried.

"I'm going to take these thirty pillars, and other broken mansions around."

"No." Ting Tian shook his head. "Who knows where the inheritance of the Universiade Palace is, absolutely must be left. With the strength of the Immortal Lord, it is impossible to break his inheritance."

"Whether it's the mansion or the pillar, I need to take it away, don't think about it." Ting Tian said firmly, this was the basis for his negotiation with the wasteland.

"Seniors have gone too far, this is just a relic of the old man, and it is the thing of my ancestors." Chu Yi said angrily.

Ting Tian chuckles: "How strong I am, how can I not take you, but you can't help me, I will take it away if I want to take it away."

"Boy, you have pitted me so many times, this time, I took these items for interest."

Ting Tian waved his hand, a pillar did not enter his body, but suddenly his face changed.

Because the pillar is too heavy, it seems that a world is overwhelming.

"Come again!"

"Come again..."

But Tingtian was not reconciled, he felt that there must be something in this pillar, otherwise, Chu Yi would not show this strange look.

He wants to become stronger, get rid of the shackles of talent and become a generation of overlords.

No matter what means.

In the end, Tingtian put all the 30 pillars into his body, he couldn't even make it empty, and could only leave step by step.

Every step out of the ground is cracked.

Swordworm looked at the back of Ting Tian's departure in frustration, and after a long wait, he laughed three times: "This idiot, we have been deceived like this, and those pillars are of no use at all."

"The prefect's character is cautious, and he will never leave the news in the pillars and the Universiade."

"I let him bully us, hum, go back home with the pillar, don't exhaust you!"

Chu Yi's belly gangsters, Chu Yi couldn't help crying and laughing. Ting Tian's way back, I'm afraid he would have to cultivate for several years. After all, he still had to collect many broken mansions.

"Where is the legacy left?" White Fox asked curiously.

"In my hand." The sword worm stretched out a tentacle.


"So important heritage, in a humble stone?"

The sword worm proudly said: "You haven't reached the realm of the Immortal Lord, naturally you don't know the means of those characters, let alone a lot of inheritance, even a big world can be refined into sand and dust. This is me. I found a special sign for the Universiade on the mountain road."

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