My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1439: Lost heritage

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Chen Huo Xianzhu, a pinnacle fairy lord, is himself a swordsman.

However, there is only one throne.

One can imagine how jealous such an identity would be.

It is even a small family on earth who is intriguing, not to mention the huge universe.

Picture by picture, how depressed, I can imagine how Master Ye Sen wrote in the beginning, every stroke, using blood, the last line of words is even more dignified, even because the emotions were too Despair caused unstable pen strokes.

Why is there no reinforcement?

Chu Yi sighed: "They hate, it should not be the enemy, the universe is big, there are enemies and friends, the intelligence quotient of Lord Chenchenxian, naturally will not be stupid enough to wait for the enemy's reinforcements."

"What he expects is naturally a reinforcement from a friend."

"Unfortunately, it didn't arrive, and because of this, Master Ye Sen was so desperate and heartbroken."

"The enemy will never have the opportunity to betray, and only friends can betray."

Everyone was silent, Chu Yi said very reasonable.

At this step of Lord Chenhuoxian, they certainly will not take the entire Universiade House into it. They must have made a foolproof arrangement beforehand.

But in the end, the reinforcements didn't arrive. The entire Universiade had to be buried in the starry sky, blending into the vast universe and not being discovered.

"Friend...Betrayal?" The sword worm sobbed and pondered for a while, but there was no impression. Presumably it was also very young, which was protected by people and escaped the disaster.

Everyone looked at it again, and behind that, it was the core heritage.

"Mr. Chu, look next. We avoid this part. It is about the inheritance of the core. We are afraid of chaos." The Qing Emperor walked away naturally.

As soon as he left, he also drove the rest of the Supreme People off, leaving only Chu Yi and Sword Bug on the scene.

"The rest of the inheritance is already terrifying. Those who can be recorded on it, just come up with a practice method. For many forces, it is already the core inheritance."

"But my Universiade, the most important heritage, there are three."

"One is the sword reincarnation. I don't know the reason. The swordsman will only be born in the main vein of my Universiade, so my main vein has always been the main vein."

The sword bug points to a character, which is a scroll that contains the complete inheritance of the samsara.

Chu Yi waved his hand gently, attracted by the sword, and the reel of sword reincarnation naturally fell into his hand, but he did not open it.

"The inheritance of a force has its secrets. As far as the sword reincarnation is concerned, there are a total of five other reincarnations on the reel. But the animal path is not on it, but on our sword insects."

"Once someone gets the scroll, even if he learns five reincarnations, he can't learn the complete inheritance, and his power is greatly reduced."

"Second, it is the order of cultivation. It is only correct to cultivate the animal path first. Otherwise, it is a wrong way. It seems to be an extremely powerful mentality, but in the end, the essence of sword reincarnation is Nanyuan. Retreat north."

"Of course, there are many other details."

Chu Yi nodded. These top forces naturally attach great importance to the core inheritance. Even if it is obtained, without a lot of research, it is likely to be a mistake in cultivation.

"The second door, not here, is in the main wife's wife."

"There are a lot of secrets in this, and I don't know very well. I just heard that the master of the house gave this secret method to the Ziling clan, that is, the wife's mother's family."

"This method was created when the master of the house became the peak fairy master. That year the master of the house also integrated the thirteenth basic swordsmanship, which is invincible."

"This exercise, named after the Zi Ling clan, is called the Zi Ling Fa."

"The third gate is the undefeated astrology tactics... This practice, the elders with meritorious service in the house have learned it, and it is very good..."


The picture was completely unfolded, but no characters appeared.



"The undefeated astral tactics were obtained by my Universiade in a cosmic secret realm, and then through the transformation of the master and many elders, the pinnacle of achievement was the peak secret."

"It's impossible to give it to others."

The sword worm was horrified. It jumped up, looking left and right, staring at the scroll.

"No, it should have been there before, that is, someone secretly printed him away?"

"Through any special means, I stole this exercise!"

"Damn, even stole my heritage from Universiade!"

The sword worms were all in flames, and they looked extremely atmospheric.

"With the strength of the master of the house, it is impossible to be watched by others, and it can be taken away by special means. I am afraid that only the same level exists, and I know the secret to crack this seal."

Chu Yi frowned: "Maybe, it is the so-called reinforcement."

"By means, maybe after an endless time and space, stealing."

"Damn, I can't remember it." The sword worm hammered his head, very painful.

Its existence is to train and educate the swordsman, so not much is known about many things.

"A core inheritance!" The sword worm was very angry. "Even if all the important inheritance methods in front add up, it can't be compared to a core inheritance. Such inheritance, in the peak power, each family has only one or two. ."

"Core inheritance is everything, and it is also the basis for the birth of the strong. Without core inheritance, it is a waste."

"In my Universiade, the sword reincarnation is only suitable for the person holding the sword, and the Purple Spirit Dharma is in the Purple Spirit Clan, suitable for other people to practice. Only the undefeated astrology tactics, that person even stole this Dharma!"

"Who is it!"

Stealing core inheritance is too serious, even more serious than murder, because core inheritance is about the rise and fall of a force.

"Go to the Big Universe, Mr. Chu. Let's go to the Big Universe to see. We must get the news and get the heritage back."

"Go outside?" Chu Yi smiled, "You are stupid, we can't go out at all, and there is a greater danger of going out. Now we have a dilemma, and we can't protect ourselves."

"Who can't tell?"

The sword worm snorted, "The Universiade was in a critical situation. The master was determined to seal the wasteland here, so even the source of control was destroyed, and there was no stay."

"I guess that once the wasteland is restored to the level of the Immortal Lord, I am afraid that this piece of heaven and earth will collapse instantaneously. With the last power conceived in these years, this piece of heaven and earth will be buried together with the wasteland."

"It's a last resort. The owner will not let Universiade completely ruin the inheritance, so we still have time and a way to go out."

"any solution?"

The sword worm jumped onto several previous scrolls depicting war.

Its tentacles extend into the painting, and the picture ripples like water waves.

After a moment, he took out a jade door from inside.

The door is three and three meters high and three and three meters wide. There are some runes engraved around the door frame, which are constantly twisted. After staring for a while, you will feel that the surroundings are twisted.

"Get out through this door!"

"This door can leave this secret realm?" Chu Yi was puzzled.

The Swordworm explained: "No, to be precise, it is not a physical departure, but only a ray of divine thought."

"In the vast universe, there are countless races, some races are large in number, like human races, Zerg races, and some races are rare in number, and one of them is named Big Dream Beast."

"The big dream beast is a very special creature. It has been in sleep since its birth and rarely wakes up."

"There are only two or three big dream beasts in the entire universe."

"A long time ago, there was a talented monk who used the talents of the big dream beast to create a big dream world."

"Your infant will walk into that door, and then will fall asleep. Then, a ray of thought in the infant will enter the dream world."

"The big dream world connects the entire universe, and countless creatures can reshape the true body through the mind."

"In Big Dream, some people buy and sell, some fight, some take risks, and they don't need to worry about dying at all.

"The vast universe, the true universe, is difficult for even the immortals to walk around, not to mention most of the universe's spirits. From one area to another area, the cost of transportation alone is enough to ruin the family."

"But the big dream world brings together many creatures in the universe."

"A shrinking universe, based on the dream of the big dream beast, is estimated to be the size of our false universe."

"From the inside, I can certainly find a lot of news."

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