Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

No one dared to respond around.

This is an evil star, if it is ok in reality, some people rule him, but it is difficult to do here, the strength is limited, the body is only a trace of the mind condensed with the help of the big dream world, can not use all kinds of reality Instruments and items.

Powerful people like calligraphy and painting rely heavily on paintbrushes to perform magical powers here, and their strength will be greatly reduced.

In reality, Chu Yi will converge a little bit, fearing that he will meet the real strong man, but here, he is even more unscrupulous.

"Like my arrogant princes, shouldn't you be very welcoming? It's too sad for me. I still go slowly by myself." Chu Yi was distressed and caused a group of people with black lines and convulsions in their mouths.

He walked in the direction of the city.

There is a stone and wood to lead the way, so naturally you are not afraid of getting lost.

The great wildness is boundless, the immortal venerable world is vast, and the sky seems to be somewhat distorted.

"The big dream world was formed according to the will of the big dream beast, but this big dream world was obviously transformed. Who was that genius in that year? Why did it create such a desolate big dream world?" Chu Yi asked. .

Di Ye sits on the shoulders of his descendants. Even so, the height is still enough to reach Chu Yi's waist position.

"I don't know that the genius of that year has long disappeared. This big dream beast has survived for endless years, and it has a longer lifespan than the peak fairy lords that existed in the world." Di Ye shook his head.

"Yuanying, Tongshen, Xianzun, Supreme, Supreme Supreme..." Chu Yi murmured, "Don't you think that if you look at it abstractly, does it look like our body?"

"Some people noticed it and studied it, but they couldn't find out what happened. It stands to reason that the genius, the owner of the big dream beast, after his death, the big dream beast didn't need to maintain the world at all, but so many years have passed We can still enter."

"This kind of thing can only be answered by inquiring about Big Dream Beast, but Big Dream Beast has only appeared once in the endless years, when you called it." Lord Ye was quite strange, they later called too big Dream beast, but the other party did not appear.

Of course, this does not matter to many people.

"In the universe, there are a large number of Immortal Venerables and Supreme Venerables, and their wealth is often amazing. Therefore, in the Immortal Venerable Realm, there are mansions of major forces.

Shi Mu glanced at Chu Yi worriedly: "You are going to be upset."

Soon after, I saw the front, towering buildings, each with its own characteristics.

"Boy, how do you get the next invincible method?" Lord Ye was curious.

"do not know."

"But because I don't know, then I'll know if I'm in trouble. Whatever happens, I will always show signs."

Chu Yi was straightforward and went in.

Among the Mo family mansions, Mo Wuwei, Mo Wuqing and others sat beside them, and there were many Mo family fairy king level strongmen, but when they arrived here, they could only exert the power of Xian Zun level.

"This kid is really here. Since my invincible has been instructed, he is inconvenient to come forward, so I will be my father." Mo Yefeng smiled, his spirits fluttered, he had not yet reached the peak fairy king, naturally unable In the seat of elders, but within the family, even the elders dare not offend him.

"The second uncle was worried, only because he was in the big dream world, it made my Mo family have so many troubles, but this time, there is a big brother his short sword, which must be able to kill."


A flying sword fell into Mo Wuwei's hands, "He's here."

"However, he is coming to my Mo's house, still far away, the barren hills' Mo's house, not just when he wants to come."


"Listen to Yunguan, Master Rong Rong, do you want to stop me?" Chu Yi just stepped in here, but saw dozens of people standing in front of them.

They are all high-ranking monks, tall, short and fat, but all have Dharma in their bodies and Buddha's light in their eyes.

Master Ku Rong nodded and said: "I listen to Yunguan, walk the world, listen to the voice of the people, listen to the suffering, promote good and eliminate evil, you are in the big dream world, but you have killed too much, although not really killing people, but I can also know that you are evil in your heart, but you are not forgiving.

"It's not so good to say that I don't want my invincible method. If I say, tell you the method of the invincible method and let you wait and kill me. I'm afraid you will agree."

Many monks changed color.

Said sarcastically, "So, my evil is not as good as the greed in your heart."

"The world exists and has desires. The so-called greed is also normal. I just look down on you hypocrite."

"Greedy is greed, there is nothing to admit, but I want to make myself so noble, this is what I mean."

"And, you are nothing but Mo Family's stooges."

"Mr. Chu Yan, it's not a good habit to be unreasonable." Bai Long Surui appeared again, with a group of people in Bailong Cave.

Not long after, a group of frost-covered monks appeared.

"Frostwolf family, one of the powers of Shenfu, please enlighten me." A young pupil is like a wolf, and their family is half orcs.

Three major forces want to kill King Chu Yan here.

"He didn't help this time, so he must fall down, or where would the Mo family and their faces go?"

"I've arrived at Immortal Venerable Realm, and then I'm going to be the Supreme. Many methods can be used, and there are some powerful formations."


"He really thought that an unnamed boy could make waves in this huge universe?"

"Even if he has some invincible methods, but I don't believe that he can practice in a short time."


In the distance, a drum of drums sounded, and Chu Yi faced almost a hundred people, his face unchanged.

"Would you like to help?" The dark flame demon rubbed his fists and rubbed his hands, and Zhu Bajie was even more eager to move.

"No, this battle, I rely on myself to make a reputation. In this way, when I hit the Supreme Realm, there should be the title of the Supreme Supreme, and then maybe I can see a fairy master." Chu Yi shook his head.

Someone once achieved the asterisk supreme here, he just achieved the title supreme, it should not be difficult.

"Amitabha." Master Ku Rong shook his head and sighed, and immediately, the white jade flying elephants under these monks suddenly swelled, and a golden rune circulated on the long ivory like a sharp blade.

A group of giant elephants ran wildly, the earth shattered, the void burst, and the terrible energy wave swept toward Chu Yi.

They come from all directions, and the position of each one is very particular, vaguely, as if forming a peerless array.

"Pang waves like array!"

"The white jade flying elephant is a holy beast listening to the view of the cloud. A white jade flying elephant is not terrible, but if dozens of white jade flying elephants are united together, the formation into a formation will definitely destroy the world."

"This guy is absolutely dead. He is really angry when he listens to Yunguan. He wants to kill Chu Yan and use it to shame, otherwise he will not use this kind of formation."

"Haha..." Someone laughed, but suddenly, his laughter stopped abruptly.

The waves condensed like waves, and the sound was horrible, like hundreds of millions of giant elephants walking through the sky, but suddenly, the array stopped.

Everyone saw that behind Chu Yi, the swords flew, flying like a hundred flowers, very gentle, with a holy radiance, like the hand of a big Buddha.

But the next second, the heads of a white jade flying elephant flew high and separated from the body.

Numerous swordsmanship centered on Chu Yi and swept in all directions.

Bai Yufei's terrible flesh was disintegrated in this sword mandrel, his limbs were split, and his ivory was broken. At the end, all of them disappeared, and none survived.

"Listen to cloud concept, destroy!"

Chu Yimeng took a step, and then the whole person ran across in the direction of the audience audience.

It was like a huge broad sword, just inserted into the crowd.

Everyone was still immersed in the shock of the broken formation, but the next second, Chu Yi had launched an extremely terrible attack.

Long swords are vertical and horizontal, and the world and the monks who listen to Yunguan all change color.

I only heard a roar, like a train passing through the platform, the cassocks on the monks shattered, and their faces were terrified.

Except Master Rong escaped the disaster, the other senior monks, with their hands and feet cut off like a puppet, sat on the ground with their eyes horrified.

"I don't kill you, I'm just too lazy to kill you. You either look here like this, or you explode this body, and you leave the dream world and come back later."

I don't know when, Chu Yi has returned to the original place, the voice mocked.

One trick, the monks who listened to Yunguan were almost destroyed!

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