My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1473: Immortal Lord's killing heart

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Mo Yutian smiled angrily, and the whole body of the star was ups and downs, like an earth and earth, but that was his real body, and he had never entered this world.

Seemingly here, but actually not here.

He didn't mean to come here. This time, he wanted to explore Chu Yi's identity. If he is really a descendant of the Universiade, then he will be killed without any care.

But if not, then the grievances of Chu Yi and their Mo family, he will not pay attention, after all, it is only among juniors.

"Slow sword?"

"Yes...but I hope you can still take it this time."

Mo Yutian took out a dagger from a star sand a moment later.

"Senior, what is this swordsmanship?" Chu Yi asked, as if nothing happened just now.

"There are still enemies."

The short sword in Mo Yutian's hand exploded, and at the next moment, the dense sword awns came like waves.

In the distance, everyone's cold hair brushes are all upright, and layers of goose bumps fall to the ground. This sword move is more terrifying than before.

"Mo Yutian, who is old and immortal, what is he going to do?" Di Ye murmured in his heart, but he still enjoyed it when he saw this guy deflated.

"The owner of the Mo family is furious. It is really rare. King Chu Yan is really unlucky, but all this is what he asked for. Even if the Universe Administration has strong rules, it is inevitable that Lord Chen Chen will teach the king of Chu Yan. "


But at the moment, Chu Yi's eyebrows exploded, where a sword light appeared.

Jianguang is very slow, but very fast, it seems to have a strong illusion.

"This Kendo!" A group of geniuses were horrified, even if they had to admit that Chu Yi's Kendo has reached an extremely high level.

"What is a slow sword, the slow is not the sword, the slow is the heart, and the heart of the enemy."

"Swords are not unhappy, but we look unhappy because our hearts are affected by his sword."

Many masters are speechless, with supernatural powers emerging in their eyes, to see through this slow sword.

"Since ancient times, the Mo family's swordsmanship has been regarded as the most respected. Speaking of the swordsmanship, the Mo family is everyone, and the Mo family's people, no matter what practice they practice, will achieve success in the swordsmanship.

"And Mo invincible, constantly transforming, finally achieved the pinnacle of Kendo."

"As the head of the Mo family, his accomplishments in this course are absolutely extraordinary, but he was even crushed by a supreme junior."

"The sword of the Lord of Dust is faster than the sword of King Chu Yan in our eyes."

Because it is a slow sword, so fast, it loses.

Chu Yi waved his long sword, and the tip of the sword crossed the ground, bringing up some dust.

"It has always been heard that the people of the Mo family are the family of swordsmen. Historically, the saints and swordsmen are all from the Mo family, but I did not expect that the sword of the Mo family is the same."

"Senior, your sword won't work, let me change another method, or another fairy lord."

He is domineering and only Chu Yi can dare to talk to the other party with such a mentality.

"Do you know that you are talking to this seat?" Mo Yutian's voice was cold, like a cold star in the vast universe.

"Seniors are now seniors, and when they can, they will not be seniors."

Chu Yi was extremely arrogant, "Some people said that the emperor calendar began to come, the seniors did not think it was my birth, let the emperor calendar come."

"I am a saint in an era, but in a hundred years, I can sit on par with my predecessors, but in a thousand years, I can become the peak fairy, but in ten thousand years, I can become a fairy emperor."

"It's good to have faith, but to be blindly confident will lead to death." Mo Yutian's eyes are indifferent, and he seems to be persuasive, "I have seen countless geniuses like you, but after all, few people have come to the fairy lord. position."

"Predecessors have never achieved the peak fairy lord, nor the emperor's throne, then in the future, we will all be competitors." Chu Yi laughed, "you just lived some more years than me, minus this period of time, you are not too much ."

"Because of these years, I can overlook you." Mo Yu said.

"If I live for tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, I can become an emperor without an emperor calendar."

"Senior, please come back, you can't teach a future emperor." Chu Yi was very open.

"Too arrogant!"

"I just achieved the title of Supreme, and even dared to watch the emperor, this Chu Yan is really arrogant..."

"act recklessly."

The fat man grinned and teased: "My brother, can you arrogant with Immortal Lord, do you dare?"

"What is an emperor?! Heaven's second son, my boss, you even the district lords are trembling, what emperor?"

"It's not a cat or a dog coming here. It's a little stronger and needs respect."

"Respect is character, service is virtue, and fear is strength. An immortal lord, there is no virtue and no virtue here, and he can't exert his strength. Why should he be respected?" The fat man rolled his eyes.

A paragraph made everyone blush.

"The young man still has the guts to compete with the immortal master, but you dare to bow your heads one by one." White Fox swept three tails, and looked contemptuous.

Speaking of them, they are all bred from the Universiade, and their status is no worse than that of the Mo family.

Not to mention that the other party is an enemy.

"Huh!" Mo Yutian breathed out slowly, very long.

"This seat has not been irritated for a long time."

"That's because everyone fears you and doesn't dare to speak in front of you."

Chu Yi bluntly said, "It seems to me that it is not interesting to live to your level. Juniors are afraid of you. Many fairy lords are only simple contacts with you. You are also afraid of the peak fairy lord."

"In my opinion, you are not qualified to be an emperor at all, and you have no courage to challenge your ancestors."

"You need to come to a conclusion when you act in this seat. If you want swordsmanship, this seat will give you again."

Suddenly Chu Yi said, "Scene Lord Waste, what are you going to see?"

"Or, what do you want to see from me?"

"Your appearance is too weird. With your status and background, you don't need to bother me. When I said that I wanted swordsmanship, you agreed without hesitation, and when I insulted again and again When you are, you have to create a sword for me."

"Boy, what are you going to say?" Mo Yutian said the same.

Chu Yi smiled: "I saw in the records of ancient books that there was a force called Dayun Mansion. Now that Dayun Mansion is extinguished, the sword spirit appears in Mo Family. Are you confirming my identity? Is it the successor of the Universiade, is it the swordman."

Mo Yutian's pupil shrank sharply, the darkness surging, and his eyes were gone.

"Then your answer?"

"You want to confirm that my basic swordsmanship has not merged more than three forms, then my answer is, if you believe, you will exceed the three forms, if you don't believe it, it will not be."

Chu Yi laughed. This was something he had prepared for a long time. He knew that after the war with the Mo family, the other party must have noticed that even Mo Yutian's appearance was in his expectation.

He will not give a definite answer, but he will not give a negative answer.

He wants the Mo family to guess and make the Mo family into a panic.

Although the Mo family designed everything at the time, the Mo family couldn't control it at all.

The Mo family did not know how many people there were in the Universiade, where they were, and whether there were strong men.

Once panic, there will be some action, then more truth and even flaws will be revealed.

Chu Yi never wants to wait quietly, he likes to let his opponent reveal his face slowly.


Suddenly, the sky turned around, and I saw that the dream of the Dream Realm was crazily twisted and cracked, with Mo Yutian as the center, spreading in all directions.

"This... Lord Fangchen, are you going to forcefully kill King Chu?"

"No, it's such a big deal, it's a violation of regulations."


Immortal Venerable Realm, the world is cracking, and the scars of terror stretch for tens of thousands of miles.

Countless people changed color, and an immortal master was angry, even though he couldn't enter this big dream world, but as long as a trace of power penetrated, then Chu Yi would be killed.

"Decisive decision!"

Chu Yi's face changed, "I guess the people's heart is wrong. I didn't expect this Mo family head to have such a strong murderous heart for me. This is unreasonable."

"Fairy Dust Master, what are you doing?!" The figure of Big Dream Beast appeared, which was squeezing out the power of Dust Dust Master.

"Big Dream Beast, I can't enter it, but I can kill it only by killing a Supreme."

Mo Yutian is so overbearing, he has a grain of star sand all over his body, which keeps expanding and turning into countless huge stars. In a flash, he broke through the shackles of the big dream world.

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