My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1493: Sword in the mountain

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In the cage, the demon's eyes on the wooden sword opened, and an extremely thin sword awn, like a wave, slowly spread.

The big knife in front of the god's corpse shattered, the cage around him shattered, and at the end, Jianmang tore the picture, and the figure of the **** corpse reappeared in reality.

"The sword man, without the sword in his hand, how can he be called the sword man?"

"Senior, you already have the spirit of violating the swordman, you don't have the sharpness of the sword, there is no sharp edge of the sword."

The demon eyes on the wooden sword of the **** corpse were red, and he refined his eyes onto his sword, which was extremely strange.

"Take out your sword, take out your sword intention, otherwise, you will definitely lose!"

Chu Yi didn't say a word. His body flew high, standing on the ground, the ground was high, turned into a giant stone, and a huge sword array was bent to penetrate him.


He keeps flying high, and those sword stones are also elevated, turning into Jianshan.

The Kunxu Cave was completely exploded, and this place was completely transformed.

For tens of thousands of miles, looking around, all turned into Jianshan, towering into the clouds.

Chu Yi stood on a sword mountain.

These sword mountains are very sharp, and at the top, the mountain tops are like sword tips.

"One hundred thousand heavy mountains and one hundred thousand swords, this guy succeeded in practicing the swords in the mountains." Swordworm screamed.

Chu Yi naturally saw this sword skill in the Universiade. It was a terrible sword skill, but he only needed to reach the realm of the fairy king to practice.

"After an endless period of time, the dispute between the two generations of swordsmen, I am afraid no one will think of it."

"It's really sighing." Chu Yi exhaled for a long time. "In the broken place of the Universiade, facing countless ancestors, you have to come and plunder from the enemy's standpoint."

"It's not predatory, it's just that you are not qualified to be a swordsman, and I will complete the mission of the swordsman."

"Pull the sword, otherwise you are not my opponent." The **** corpse raised his hand, and the wooden sword pointed to Chu Yi.

Chu Yi's eyes narrowed, and the opponent's sword was too sharp for him to look directly at.

"Don't pull the sword, die!"


The sword mountain under Chu Yi's feet collapsed, and countless sword qi was like a devil's claw, covering him.

The sky collapsed.

Chu Yi turned into a dragon and swam away at a rapid speed. The flames in his body made up for it, and he could not hide it. He was flying a sword with a punch.

Pig Bajie and Swordworm are also helping.

"This trick has blocked the space, we can't escape through the void!" The sword insect shouted, "This is a terrible talent. The sword in the mountain has been infinitely close to the invincible law. It is extremely terrible. This guy can succeed in cultivation, I am afraid At that time, in the vein of the swordsman, they were all top-notch, what mistakes did they make?"

The sword worm swallowed the opponent's sword gas, and the sword gas sprang around in its body, almost puncturing its body.

"It's too sharp. His sword, with a sharp edge, almost opened my heart to the sword."

Pig Bajie kicked back and forth and saw another sword mark on the pig's trotters.

Chu Yi dispatched with a palm, and in an instant, endless water splashes, and there were various flames in the water.

There is a terrible aura between water and fire.


A sword mountain was directly crushed, and the overwhelming sword spirit fluttered.

"With a sword!"

The **** corpse appeared behind Chu Yi, and Mu Jian immediately stabbed—

Brush brush!

A sword mountain floated up, followed the long sword, and continued to shrink.

The huge Jianshan Mountain has shrunk to a ray of sword awns. One can imagine how terrifying this sword awn will be.

"The sun shines!"

Chu Yi's hair burned like flames, and six flames flew, forming a huge sun star behind him.

The divine light turned and the sun was shining.

On Sun Star, there seems to be a giant. As Chu Yi punched out, the giant also punched.


This place exploded, the hot sun shattered, and Jianshan fell.

"Be careful!"

The sword worm dragged Chu Yi away.

"What a terrible power, although this man is only the Six River Fairy King, but his achievements in Kendo may be comparable to the high-level Fairy King."

"I'm miscalculated!"

Chu Yi's teeth were bleeding and coughing constantly. The wisps of swords just now were heavier than a star and had a terrible breath of swordsmanship.

"I don't know his basic swordsmanship, I have merged several moves, but at least there are more than six moves, plus his cultivation is suppressed..."

The situation is not optimistic.

There, the smoke dispersed and the body of the **** corpse appeared slowly.

The void is burning, and Chu Yi's flames leave the area in chaos.

The bandage on the face of the **** corpse was burning, and there was a magnificence.

The wind blew, and the bandage slowly fell off, revealing a face full of scars.

The left eye was dark and had been removed and placed on top of the wooden sword.

The corpse touched his face with his hand and grinned. His teeth seemed to be a short sword with sharp edges.

"A good punch, but unfortunately Sun Star is no longer the Sun Star of the year, otherwise this punch can kill me."

"I want to compare swords with you!"

"Sword out!" The **** corpse seemed a little angry, he always wanted to let Chu Yi out of the sword.

"You don't deserve it." Chu Yi's eyes calmed down. "You are a sinner, a sinner in the Universiade House, and I don't deserve to let me shoot the sword."

"Boy, you say it again."

"Unworthy is unworthy." Chu Yizheng said.


Suddenly, 100,000 Jianshan rose from the ground, all suspended in the sky, one heavy sword mountain and one heavy sword, one hundred thousand sword mountain, that is one hundred thousand sword.

"When I used the sword, you didn't know where it was, what qualifications do you have to say that I don't deserve it?"

"You don't respect swords, you don't respect your swordsmanship." Chu Yi looked directly at each other.

"You just think that the identity of the swordsman is a kind of glory that makes you proud and different from others."

"Because of this sword, you have a noble identity. You use this sword as a decoration to you, which is a symbol of your identity."

"You are not enjoying Kendo, but the glory brought by Kendo."

"You let me use a sword, but you don't know that I am already using a sword. Whether it is boxing, painting, or poison, it is my understanding of kendo."

"This universe is the universe of swords. The first energy should also be the energy of swords, then everything is regarded as swordsmanship."

"Your kendo, if it is just a sword, then it is too narrow."

The corpse's eyes shrank sharply.

"How many basic sword tricks have you integrated?" Chu Yi asked.

Behind the **** corpse, one hundred thousand sword mountain rises and falls.

"Seven moves."

He looked at Chu Yi again with questioning eyes.

"You said that I am not worthy of being a swordsman, but I have integrated nine tricks..."

"Nine...stroke..." Suddenly, the **** corpse suddenly showed a terrified look on his face. At the end, the emotion turned into a loss of soul.

"How can you... you are the only one who has reached the top, and you have integrated nine strokes."

"How can this be... I am the most powerful..."

Kaka Kaka!

Behind him, countless Jianshan began to disintegrate.

He felt incredible, his right eye and the eyes on the wooden sword looked straight at Chu Yi.

"Chu Feifan..." Suddenly, the sword worm beside him spoke.

The corpse recovered.

"I think of you!" Swordworm patted his head. "When I was in Universiade, I heard your name mentioned by the three elders."

"The proprietor had a hunch that my Universiade had a catastrophe, so I had already made arrangements."

"You should be stealing the inheritance of the sword reincarnation, but the master of the house discovered it, and the master of the house drove you out, which is still a legacy."

"Impossible!" The corpse shook his head.

"What level of the master of the house, when they reach their level, should have a hunch, if he really wants to abolish you, you can't re-cultivate to the realm of the fairy king."

"No, it's not like that, obviously he hates me very much, and he hates it, even the first volume of the sword reincarnation is not taught to me."

"No, it's not like this. Your sword is too sharp. I think the master wants to sharpen your sword."

"I don't believe..." The corpse is still shaking his head, his body staggering, as if immersed in memories.

He ignored his eyes and closed his eyes cross-legged.


Chu Yi turned around and left, "We only temporarily disturbed his mind. This kind of existence, although tough, has experienced too much, and now the state is even stranger, and it is easy to be disturbed by Dao Xin."

"When he recovers, we'll be dead." The sword bug nodded and ran away.

"However, I am not telling lies. The three elders did tell me that way, depending on whether he could get the feeling."

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