My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1507: Benevolence

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The young man has red lips and white teeth, holding a crimson red spear with various fierce lines on the head.

He stood barefoot, and the blue shirt made him look calm.

"There is no limit!"

The crowd made a shocking sound. Mo Wuliang is the Mo's third-ranked asterisk supreme. Especially recently, Mo Jia's luck is strong, and Mo Wuquan's strength has soared. He has ranked in the top 20 of the Star Wars.

He looked a little thin and dwarfed the mighty spear beside him.

"Mo Wuquan?" Chu Yi repeated, laughing, "Is the Mo family so poor and makes Dao friends so thin, Dao friends still have to go back and eat more, it's better to drink more milk, otherwise they don't grow tall."

"Here is the big dream world, there is no food, but unfortunately, Supreme Master Yan Luo can not eat the last bite of rice." Mo Wuliang walked slowly.

Behind him, there is a group of middle-aged and old people, but they are all standing quietly and paying attention to it silently.

"Mo Wudi will not come to this Supreme Realm, let you come to die?" Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, his pupils became darker, like a black hole.

Mo Wuliang stared at each other's eyes and lost his mind for a moment, but quickly recovered.

"Although Brother doesn't care to fight here with you, you have already made an agreement to fight in the Peak Supreme Realm and show your true strength, but since you come here, you will naturally pass me. I will give you time, you have only experienced several rounds of fighting, and I will let you recover."

Mo Wuliang is very confident and looks like a rock in the wind.

His spear was erected firmly on the ground.

The second elder looked at more and more crowds around him, as well as masters of various forces, and even many peak fairy kings and even fairy masters were hiding them.

He frowned slightly.

"Supreme Yan Luo, the number one in this block, Liuying, is the ten elders of the Mo family. If you insult the Mo family, you can go on the road. We will not be soft-hearted."

"Innumerable, don't talk, this is the Supreme Realm, we are bullying less, and we are not ashamed, let alone, Yan Luo Zhizun's strength really makes me wait and see, he may be stronger than you, my Mo family will not underestimate any opponent ."

"I also shot." A fat monk came out, holding a wooden fish in his hand, but he had hair.

"Jinmu Fairy King." The second elder introduced to Chu Yi.

He looked at Chu Yi and gave a brief introduction.

Standing in three people, there is an invisible aura.

Everyone was silent. The Mo family was obviously impatient and wanted to deal with it quickly.

"Shall we help?" Baihu asked.

"No, it's his own business. We just look at it. He has strange energy in his body now. If he can fight and suppress it in battle, there won't be too many problems in the future." Sword Insect condensed.

"Will it run away?" White Fox curious.

Swordworm smiled happily: "Then we have to congratulate, the whole universe has gotten a devil."

"In the past, there was a phenomenon of violent running by the swordsman, but only with the presence of the lord of the house, he could suppress it. Without the lord of the house, hey... The sword reincarnation was originally a sword trick of evil monks. Rumor was created by this universe. At that time, the first method was formed."

Chu Yi smiled and said: "Mo family is really welcome, three people to one person, but want to come, Mo family has this face."

"If you go to hell, even the sharpest knife can't cut your face." Golden Wood Fairy King sighed.

"If you can stop here and stop moving forward, my Mo family is willing to ignore it, and even because of its relationship with the Universiade, my Mo family is willing to do its utmost to train you." Ten Elder laughed.

"You don't know the dangers. There are some things that you can't explore. The demise of the Universiade Palace has its inevitability. This is what luck did, what the imaginary creatures did, and I don't have a shot. "

Chu Yi was stunned and wondered. What are the ten elders of the Mo family doing? Are they investigating whether they know something secret?

"I also know the people of Universiade. I was fortunate to have a few brothers and brothers, all of whom were open-minded and enterprising. They were all generations of heroes. Presumably they did not want their descendants to embark on the so-called revenge. the way."

"Mo family, it's shameless." Chu Yi was speechless, his eyes were as dark as darkness.

Elder Ten sighed: "I am willing to take care of their descendants for my former friends, but I don't know what happened to them, causing you to start hating us."

"My Mo family has done everything right, and you can only apologize if you are obsessed."

Ten elders reached out and the sand on the ground turned into quicksand, which rose from the ground and gradually formed a sharp long shuttle.

The three walked slowly towards Chu Yi from three directions.

The air kills and solidifies.

Then behind them, the rest of the Mo family monks also came up.

Chu Yi's pupil shrank, and then a strange smile appeared: "I thought you only had three people, and still thinking that Mo's face is not too thick, it seems to underestimate you."

Elder Ten smiled apologetically: "Special period, special means, if in reality, my Mo family would not mind one-on-one."

Behind some monks, manifest all kinds of violent or holy things, while others start to mutate, from humans to beasts.

The Mo family is very large, and it is not only the people whose surnames are Mo. Naturally, various monks join.


Two ox-ghost-like creatures suddenly appeared on top of Chu Yi's head, and stone-like things fell in their hands.

The sword gang above Chu Yi's head buzzed, seeming to bring some black.

Break through the stone mill and cut off Niu Gui's head directly.

"A strong sword."

At this moment, there were three long swords, which came from one direction.

It turned out to be a three-armed man, one sword killing one body, one sword breaking the law, and one sword destroying the gods.

Chu Yi only felt that the evil spirit in his body was Ling Ran, and there was a terrible breath to break through his shackles.

"Boy, the more you fight, the more you can't control the situation in your body. Be careful, your demons are too strong, and the asuras drawn are also very powerful. One is not good, and you will be replaced by Asura."

"You have to suppress, no matter how much you want to release this power, but still have to suppress, this is tame."

"If you release it now, after that, you will become Asura, not you."

Chu extraordinary voice came out.

Chu Yi understood that he was indeed affected. Before that, with just a random sword, he had brought out a little darkness and easily killed the two bull ghost monsters.

Chu Yi sighed, sweating coldly behind him.

He made a sword first, blocking the opponent's long sword, then another sword, breaking the opponent's second sword, and the last sword, erupting from the sea of ​​supreme heart, blocking the sword that attacked Shennian.


From the center of his eyebrow, suddenly that sword, out of control, jumped out and fell directly into the eyebrow of the other party.

With a black sword gas burst, the three-armed swordsman died directly.


Suddenly, the Golden Wood Fairy King said that he hadn't shot yet, but at this time his eyes were open to the sky, as if to see Chu Yi through.

"I saw the devil in you, have you fallen into the devil's path?"

The so-called magic path is the loss of reason, because the blind pursuit of power leads to the loss of power. Although powerful, it will kill and become a disaster.

"It turned out that, in order to pursue power, he fell into the devil's path, so he is so powerful and grows quickly." He walked step by step, a sea of ​​blood churning behind him, a blood Buddha standing on it, chanting the mantra.

"The demon crooked, but if so, the former swordman is now lonely."

Chu Yi only felt that the energy in his body had eased a little, and he couldn't help being overjoyed.

Before, he had to divide some of his forces to suppress the power of Ashura, unable to fight at full strength, but unexpectedly, this Golden Wood Fairy King helped a lot.

The other party's Buddhism is definitely a top-level Buddhism, and it is much more proficient than Chu Yi.

"Thank you!"

Chu Yi thanked him, his arms spread out, and in an instant, the flames burst forth.

The flames swept through the sky and penetrated some monks.

"What's the matter, I suppressed his demon, but he is stronger?"

The Golden Wood Fairy King paused, but when he saw him, a spear had already attacked.

The point of the gun lightly tapped into the void, and at the next moment, the flame armor on Chu Yi's body shattered, and there was a very penetrating energy, which was driven straight into it, to penetrate his heart.

Chu Yi grabbed the gun head with one hand.

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