My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1512: Seal break

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Jade Heaven Gate, Jade Heaven Immortal King stood over Zongmen, he was very uneasy.

Not long ago, he received intelligence from the Universe Administration that his apprentice, Xiao Yusheng, had lost his title.

And it was something that happened 20 years ago, but he didn't know it at all.

In addition, when Yu Zhenzhen returned, he was not keeping his soul, and he probed with the mysterious secret method. Only then did he find that someone had moved his mind and mind.

He looked at that mysterious realm, and he was cautious at first. At this time, he was more dignified, and a bad hunch rose in his heart.

The void is distorted, and there can only be some fluctuations in the mind, but at this time in the eyes of the Jade Heaven Immortal King, it is like an entrance to hell.

"Sovereign, just reported to the Araki Mo family, is it too anxious, and we do not have very clear information." said an elder next to it, obviously this elder wanted to get some resources first, and then notify Mo family.

"No, something must have happened inside. The mysterious level of the Immortal Lord level seems to be something we can't provoke. Our Jade Heaven Gate has insufficient luck. If we want to swallow this secret area alone, I'm afraid that the entire sect will be destroyed."

"Instead of doing so, it is better to use this to please the Mo family. We have lost a title of Supreme, and we can only borrow the energy of the Mo family to obtain another one."

The cold light surged in the eyes of the Jade Heavenly King. For them, the forces that had just entered the shrine, the influence of a title of Supreme was too great.

"The fairy cemetery, the Mo family should pay more attention to it. This time, there are definitely the strongest of the peak fairy king. We can't be rude."

The Jade Heaven Immortal King's words just fell, but saw the void broken, forming a channel, and a group of people came out from inside.

The terrible power came directly, making everyone breathless. The time around them was distorted. Everyone only felt that they had spent hundreds of years in such an environment.

They horrified their heads, but they saw that about thirty people had come, and one of them was wearing a purple gilt robe, holding a scepter like a dead branch, and a dragon-bearded sword eyebrow, and his eyes were like stars.


Immediately, all the creatures were creeping on the ground inside and outside the Yutian Gate, even the Jade Heaven Immortal King was stunned, murmured and unable to control himself.

"Wild Dust Lord..."

Yu Guang looked at a man in black next to each other, his head dropped, and Yuan Ying was shaking.

"Mo Prisoner Master!"

The Jade Heaven Immortal King never imagined that a secret realm of suspected immortal masters would allow these two immortal masters to come in person. Even the more than 20 monks behind them are all high-level immortal kings and even the peak immortal king.

They stood there, even if their coercion was reduced, their unintentional glances still let all beings prostrate.

"Jade Heaven Immortal King, you have done a good job in Yutianmen, rest assured that you will be compensated in the future, now you come with us." Mo Yutian said lightly, he came here, and when he read it, he found out The entrance to the secret realm.

The star sand was surging around him, and the space where the deity was located was hollowed out and vague, and no one knew what level of void he was in.

The elder Mo prisoner turned around, and the gray robe danced with the wind. He pointed towards the passage with one finger, and in an instant, the mountain was shaking, and countless cracks permeated.

"Yes, there is indeed a seal, and the means of this seal is the seal of the Universiade."

Jade Heaven Immortal King trembles in Wen Yan's heart, and no longer dares to talk nonsense.

He knew that the matter was of great importance.

Mo Yutian nodded slightly. The Mo family recently thoroughly investigated various secret areas and even seals. No matter what the size was, all of them were reported. So when Yutianmen reported it, it attracted Mo Yutian's attention.

Then, a little deduction, you can find clues.

"Universal Mansion, Swordman, Barren..." Mo Yutian sneered. He wanted to solve everything here before everyone reacted. By that time, with the power of the Mo family, the Universe Administration also There is no way to take them.

And his Mo family will not make the mistakes of the year.

The elder elder moved sideways, and he landed in front of the seal. From his sharp eyes, two beams of light struck out and landed on the seal, as if it were layer by layer.

"It is not a difficult seal, it should be set under the rush of Lord Chenhuoxian, and it will take several hours to solve it."

"As soon as possible." Mo Yutian nodded lightly. "I'm afraid the people of the Space Administration will almost have to react, but it will take some time for them to arrive, and they don't know the specific place."

"Patriarch..." Suddenly, a battleship emerged from the passageway, standing above the battleship was invincible.

Mo Wudi was a little puzzled. He stepped down from the battleship. His mind moved, and the fierce battleship was not caught in his eyebrows.

"It’s too boring to fight in the big dream world. Many of your methods can’t be used. Even the asterisk’s methods can’t be used. If you have a chance, you will have a fight with his deity. Here, maybe Get the complete sword wheel inheritance." Mo Yutian said.

Mo Wudi's shock, his talent is smart, and he instantly thinks of many.

"This is...the location of the Universiade..."


In the fairyland, looking at the increasing cracks on the altar, Chu Yi and others' faces became more dignified.

"Boy, what did you do! What the **** did you do!" Famine's voice came from all directions and seemed extremely anxious, but there was no sign of it.

"Huang, you just wait to die, see if we will die together." Chu Yi smiled reluctantly.

He didn't understand why it was exposed, but he knew that things were irreversible. The people outside were absolutely of the level of Immortal Lord, attacking the secret realm.

But to be able to act in Yutianmen, then only Mo family.

"I won't die, I will wait for the mystery to be broken, and then escape, but you can't escape, they will lock you in the first time."

"Even if you run away, but there are so many relatives and friends here, you can't go, I will watch you die in secret."

The voice of the barren is getting farther and farther away, obviously away from this place, looking for a chance to escape.

"Teacher, the situation is not good, I can't do it anymore." Chu Yi's student He Feng said, his eyes bleeding.

Chu Yi shook his head and said: "Here comes the level of Immortal Lord, you can't deduct it naturally. I have told Diyuan Immortal Lord that he should have some action. If we can delay his arrival, we still have a chance to come."

"Go back, their goal is me, not you, you are far away from this place, maybe there is hope of living."

"When the mystery is broken, sword worms, you will find a way to flee them from the fairy realm, and I will delay the time."


The sword worm was decisive, without any hesitation.

Everyone was in a trance, even the Dao immortal, the Great Magistrate of the Heavenly Court, the Great Mi Buddha, the Devil Lord, and others, all of them lost their souls.

What they will face is a real universe, and the strongest force in the universe.

They can't resist, they don't even have the idea of ​​rebellion, everything can only be destined.

"Kaka Kaka!"

Suddenly, the altar shattered faster and faster, and in the end, the space in front was almost fragmented.


After a certain limit, the entire altar was completely disintegrated. Then, in a trance, everyone realized what had changed in this world.

The turbulent energy surged in from the outside world, and in this world, the surrounding void layers shattered.

These voids were created by the Universiade, and now they are completely annihilated.

They completely came to the real universe. In the sky, there was a round of big stars, which is where the Yutian Gate is located.

The terrible energy was shocked, and everyone just felt washed all over.

However, they were not happy.

But seeing the front, a blurry figure appeared.

The galaxy was surging, and the starlight shining from outside was dimmed, and only the person was shining with light.

"Dayun Mansion..." Mo Yutian looked at the group of people in front of him, or he only saw Chu Yi.

Chu Yi stepped forward a few steps, calmly and calmly: "Senior Mo is here, what is he going to do?"

Mo Yutian seems to be in a good mood, with a smile in his voice: "In the beginning, this seat created a method for you and was rejected by you. Today, I came over specially to create another method for you. Do you want to see it?"

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