My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1514: Ashura's sword

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

"Everything grows!"

"Everything is annihilated!"

"One sword flying fairy..."

Jianmang is as bright as fairy mist, and the momentum is as great as the sun.

One sword against one sword, one trick against another, both of them are performing their unique skills.

Chu Yi's long sword was wielding, and countless tiny sword patterns entangled in his eyebrows, as if it were the third eye.

In one breath, all the one to eight strokes of the sword catalogue were squandered, so that the water here was not like a battlefield, but like a picture scroll.

It's just that the predatory stegosaurus destroyed the atmosphere here.

Mo Wudi was a little surprised. He originally thought that Chu Yi would lose to himself immediately in reality, but he didn't expect it to be able to resist.

He stepped back a few steps, and the sword light was like a sky, blocking the opponent's sword spirit.

"He is growing and growing very fast. This world has been closed for so many years. Now when he comes into contact with the outside world, there will be an outbreak period in a short time. Invincible, you have become his whetstone." Mo Yutian's voice Slowly came.

"I am his whetstone?" Mo Wudi felt a little unhappy.

"Then look at it, is this knife more sharp, or did I kill his life."

Mo Wudi walked steadily, he waved with ease, and all the dragons of the sky were retracted above the tip of his sword. His control of kendo had already come hand in hand, and there was no obstacle at all. This is that even Chu Yi could not compare with him. .

After all, Mo is invincible, has merged the sword soul of a peak fairy.

"Why don't you fight?" Chu Yi asked, his expression relaxed. In fact, he was trying to delay the time as far as possible, waiting for the arrival of the Lord of the Earth Yuan.

"You are not my opponent, you are still groping on this path, and I have got the complete sword soul, I don't know how much higher you are."


As he spoke, he flew away with one handle. The snow-white sword light was more dazzling than the fire light, and the sword went away.

This time, he was a dragon and a sword as a dragon head, as if he roared loudly, with a kind of solemn atmosphere.


Chu Yi raised the sword, and the sword turned down. He didn't evade, to be strong against strong.

In a flash, the place where the two were located exploded, shining brightly, and one after another suggested tearing the void.

It's just that the void where the real big universe is located has hundreds of millions of layers, not to mention them, even the peak fairy can't break through.

"Mo Invincible, you are too weak. Your basic swordsmanship has only merged a few. I will see, but there are only six ways. The reason why you can compete with me is just relying on the power of the sword soul, there is no sword soul, You are nothing." Chu Yi stimulated.

He fell with a sword, and the space was also cut open. The ordinary sword fell on a star and directly split the star.

"Without stimulating me, the reason why I have merged the six Dao, but just because I just merged with the soul of the sword, I can surpass you in less than ten years. For me, it is just time."

"But the soul of the sword, I have obtained it, and it will always be mine in the future. In the future, I can smoothly integrate the basic kendo, which is countless times faster than you."

The two shifted their positions and continued to fight hard. The two of them practiced both methods of supreme flesh. Sometimes even the direct shot of Jianmang was difficult to shake half a point.

"I am strong, and I can feel that I am getting stronger and stronger."

Chu Yi was shocked. The power at this time was not brought by Ashura, but humane.

The emperor bell above Yuanying is a manifestation of humanity. The rhythm of the emperor bell falling is not other than Chu Yi's life.

His Yuan Ying is experiencing his own voice again.

The so-called humane, there are seven emotions and six desires, there will be joy and sorrow.

Humanity, in itself, in self-cultivation and sublimation, is a kind of comprehension, not a means of attack, but it can fully develop its potential.

Humanity is fundamental and fundamentally powerful in order to control Ashura without being demonized.

Chu Yi's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and his Yuan Ying, once again re-enlightens, no matter before or after rebirth, those things that can almost make him despair collapse in that year, have to experience it again.

Accepting pain, forgetting the pain, holding on to the heart, can be strong.


Chu Yi looked at him, and the other party had a sword, which turned into a long and overlapping Longwei. That sword was hidden in Longwei, opened the sand sea, and struck him.

But Chu Yi did not avoid it, he used the last move of Jian Tulu.

"Sword trapped fairy!"

A sword, forming a thousand chains!

Chu Yi's body moved sideways, and took a sword with his shoulders, and then with his sword, he killed the flesh and the other's Yuanying.

The sky trembled, the stars around them annihilated, the endless inscriptions flew over, and finally turned into sword spirit, and struck again towards the center of the explosion.


There was another explosion.

Those who arrested Dragon Sovereign and others were frightened. This kind of battlefield is no longer able to participate in them. They can't even get close.

Even if they become a fairy king, they must face away from these characters.

Chu Yi's shoulder armor was broken and blood was flowing, and the other party was uncomfortable.

Mo Invincible's sternum was broken and a big hole appeared in the abdomen. Although healed, it was obviously difficult to heal in a short time.

"This feeling is really missed." Mo Yutian said lightly, and at the same time he looked at Chu Yi. At this time, in Chu Yi's eyes, it was not the sword but himself.

"Seeing the true self, realizing the true self, if you remember correctly, this should be the humanity in the samsara."

"Humanity means strong self-confidence, a firm heart, and no fear of being influenced by foreign objects at all, just like the sword-throwers of those days."

"Invincible is getting frustrated, but the other side is getting stronger and stronger because of the undefeated faith."

"Sword reincarnation consists of six courses, each of which is applied in different ways. Humanity is a self-awareness."

Mo Yutian frowned, "If you go on like this, Invincible is afraid to lose."


The two were another blow, there was no temptation at all, all of them were killing moves.


Chu Yi's sword is shining, and it is a sword. It is an ordinary sword, but Mo Yutian raised his head.

"It's you who is going to die!"

Mo invincible shouted, he used the power of the asterisk.

The mark on the forehead flashed, and a fiery red glow circulated, and behind him, a star ghost appeared.

The star is very peculiar. On the surface of the star, there are hundreds of auras, each of which is very flat, and the most powerful forge cannot cast such artworks.

"It's Red Wolf Star!"

Chu Feifan said, "The reason why the Asterisk Supreme is the Asterisk Supreme is because they will get the support of the Universe Administration and use the secret method to help refine a very powerful star because the resources required for refining are too large. So the asterisk supreme is always maintained at one hundred."

"Once selected, this special astral body, once refined, will become the natal star of the asterisk supreme, providing extremely terrible energy to its body. Even if the stars and the deity merge with each other, terrible spells will be born."

"Do you know why everyone wants to enter the Asterisk Supreme? That's because, only when the astral body is fused can we open the path of Immortal Lord."

"Fairy King is to condense the Xianhe River and then cross a river."

"The end of Xianhe, known as the end of life, has reached the limit of life, but to make life sublime to the fullest, you can only rely on the source stars."

"The Presbyterian Church of the Universe Authority holds this secret law and does not disclose it to the public. Only the asterisk Supreme can qualify for this."

"To be precise, the way to the Immortal Lord is in the hands of the Universe Authority."

Chu Yi suddenly realized.

The terrible stars didn't come, they just came in with phantom projections, but even so, it was extremely terrifying and people collapsed.

"The stars are like wolves, the sword of the red wolf!"

Mo Wudi's eyes were crimson. He fell with a sword, and the stars behind him shone brightly, raising endless sword lights.

The snow-white long wind sword, at this moment, was shrouded in red smoke.

"Come out, Ashura!"

Chu Yi snorted, and suddenly the whole sky dimmed.

The elders of Mo family, Mo Yutian, and the many fairy kings who were looking for the noumenon of Mo family, all looked at the past with horror.

On the surface of Chu Yi's body, a black mist suddenly appeared, like a demon, covering him.

The sword in his hand became immensely huge, and the sword fell from the sky.

Mo Wudi opened his eyes wide, the sword in his hand began to tremble, the red wolf was like a puppy, crawling on the ground.

He looked at the Jianmang, crossed himself, and fell in front of Mo Yutian.

"Wrong..." Mo Yutian said to Mo invincible, head and tail.

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