My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1517: Self-reliance

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

More than thirty immortals, surrounded by the void, behind them, appeared a huge throne, here seems to be a huge palace, or a strict meeting room.

A golden ray of light swept up and spread all the way to the end of the heavens, and then a sudden shock engraved a mysterious mark on the top of the meeting room.

That is the brand of the Universe Authority.

Immortal Lord is terrible, especially when so many Immortal Lords are gathered together, as if the sky is pressed down, Chu Yi can't look up.

"Good guy, I just let the earth master inform the master who can be trusted, and I did not expect that most of the masters of the Universe Authority have been called."

"However, there are people from Lei, Huo and Si families. It seems that during this time, they have deliberately probed the Mo family and should know the horror of the Mo family."

In front of the throne, everyone is their own opponent, some strong, even their own people will persecute.

There is only one emperor's throne. Who doesn't want to become an emperor. The Universe Administration suppressed the Universiade, but now it is reasonable to suppress the Mo family.

"You guys, every little thing, why are you all here?"

"Some trivial things might happen." Mo Yutian looked relaxed, and didn't seem to have any worries.

"Every little thing?" On a throne, thunder and thunder, and a strong man with black body and blue thunder inscription stood up.

He seems to be a family of gods and demons, but his appearance is very close to humans, but he is the thunder master of the Lei family.

"At that time, the Universiade was a great achievement, and the Chenchen Immortal sacrificed the entire Universiade for the safety of our entire universe, and wiped out the creatures of the virtual world. Now his only descendant appears, and he was almost abducted by your Mo family. Chen Daoyou, you even said it is a trivial matter."

"If we don't come, I'm afraid the descendants of Lord Chenhuoxian will disappear."

"What's more, the wasteland is still alive, you have not reported it, but handled it privately?"

Chu Yi understood that the previous paragraph of this Master Feng Lei was all nonsense, and the most important one was the following paragraph.

It seems that they also know what the Mo family hides, but they have no way of knowing.

Mo Yutian didn't answer, but saw a monk stand up. His body was like a golden light casting, and the Buddha's seal became visible, so that he could not see his true body.

"The Innocent Immortal Lord listening to Yunguan, the people over Mo's house." Di Ye murmured secretly, explaining for Chu Yi.

Chu Yi wrote it down in his heart.

Master Dao’s voice was loud and he said, “Master Feng Lei, what is privately handled, Master Mo and Dayun Mansion are best friends, when the virtual world spirits destroyed the entire Dayun Mansion, Master Mo heard that the desert was still alive. , Naturally hate very much."

"He's just impulsive, revenge for his friends, it's just human nature."

"Ordinary virtual world creatures can be ignored, but famine is an extremely terrible existence among them. According to the clues provided by Supreme Master Yan Luo, the group of virtual world creatures and their companions have the coordinates of our universe, I don't know when it will arrive."

A woman's body is fiery red, and her robe is like Caixia, with a phantom of Phoenix behind her.

This is the celestial lord of the Phoenix family, the prince of the neon phoenix.

"The Phoenix family is worthy of trust." Di Ye said.

"I have informed the Phoenix family of what you told me before."

Nifengxian looked around, "Now, Huang is dead like this, we haven't got any information from his mouth, how to deal with those imaginary creatures in the future."

"There are such things?"

Everyone's expression changed suddenly, they didn't know about it at all, and even Mo Yutian and Elder Mo Jia were in a daze.

"Yan Luo Supreme, can this happen?" A Werewolf Immortal Lord looked at Chu Yi. He was not from the Frostwolf family, so there was no conflict with Chu Yi.

There is a crescent moon engraved on his forehead, which is the family of the remnant moon star wolf.

Chu Yi even said: "This is indeed the case. When Huang was confronting me, he once said that he had leaked his mouth and was set out by me. Unfortunately, when Huang was dead, we didn't know anything."

Chu Yi, intentionally or unintentionally, looked at Mo Yutian.

Everyone was shocked.

Even the Immortal Lord is extremely afraid of the virtual world creatures. In order to deal with the virtual world creatures, how many powerful people died in the entire universe, how many forces died, and the Shenfu Immortal Family experienced a major shuffle, even that year. The Universiade of the First Force was destroyed.

For a long time, the virtual world engulfed the energy of this universe. Some people deduced that it was because of the existence of the virtual world that caused the emperor calendar to be delayed for billions of years before it came again.

It was a gloomy history, dust-covered in the library of the Universe Authority, nobody wanted to go through it.

In the year of the Universiade, the last battle killed three imaginary creatures, and before that, the entire universe also killed 13 imaginary creatures, but at an extremely heavy price.

Nowadays, there is a resurrection of the imaginary creatures, which is absolutely unwilling to see them, because the universe today is not as strong as it used to be, unless a fairy emperor appears.

There was a commotion in the conference room.

They deduced that, in the endless void, every hundreds of millions of layers, they might be able to meet another universe.

But the void is too huge. One universe after another, like islands floating in the ocean of the void, has no connection at all.

The entire void is extremely chaotic. The farther away from the universe, the more violent the void.

They don't know that the strong level of immortal emperor can pass through the void, but the pinnacle master is absolutely impossible.

There was a fairy lord who entered the void and never returned.

Void is vast and dark, and only the void creatures can survive. The most powerful and terrible one is the void creatures.

But they are not omnipotent.

To find one side of the universe, basically rely on luck, or know the coordinates of this side of the universe in the void.

The celestial masters have studied the creatures of the void, they should live in the void like a tribe.

Most of the tribes where the wasteland is attacking their universe, but most of them will stay in their original places.

Once the coordinates are known, it may come someday.

The disaster will come again, and when they do, they will enter the darkest age.

Mo Yutian sneered: "Don't listen to his nonsense, what kind of cunning, maybe it is the information that the deliberately let out, want to cause our panic."

"What's more, this is very likely to be a lie compiled by Supreme Master Yan Luo."

"He is a supreme man, what qualifications are there to talk to the barren, and how can he be fooled by the barren?"

"Famine, seriously injured, not to mention, I am the only descendant of the Universiade, why not qualified to talk to him." Chu Yi countered.

"However, the Mo family, this is going to kill the wasteland. It is really unreasonable. With the strength of the two of you, I am afraid I can catch it alive."

"Fairy Dust Master, please ask you to take out the body of the wasteland. We need to examine it. This is an important thing. Once another wave of invading creatures invades, our civilization will be destroyed." Old man Xu said.

"This is the president of the Presbyterian Association..." Di Ye said, "Heavenly Immortal Lord, he has no door, no faction, nor is it mixed into any force, and there are no relatives and friends, but heaven and earth were born, and his seniority is very high. There are rumors that he was born in the era when the immortal emperor appeared before the endless years."

"Elder, is there a problem with the body?" Mo Yutian said.

"I have checked all of them, and even used the treasures of the ancestors, the wasteland is indeed dead."

"What about this area?"

"All have been inspected, every inch of land has been searched clean, some weak virtual creatures have been killed, there is no leftover, even everyone, I have detected, there can be no virtual creatures Mix it up."

"The patriarch is assured that the famine is dead, and it is impossible to appear again. My Mo family's secret will not be known." The elder elder smiled.

"Well, it seems that we should also leave. Since they want corpses, then give them."

"Everyone, this is the dead body, you take it for your own research."

The barren, soft prone, was thrown on the ground, not looking like it.

His life structure is very special, even the Immortal Lord can't watch the structure inside him.

"Mo family, please do it yourself in the future." A fairy lord warned.

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