My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1527: The fear of Lord Chenhuo

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"This barrenness is evil and cunning. Brother Chu, you want to use him, but be careful, beware of being reversed." The fat man grinned and got up from the ground.

"I consider everything to the worst. If it is not available, it is the best. Otherwise, I have to do the same."

"Fat, let's get started!"

Chu Yi and Yuan Yuan, the fat man, sat in front of Daofu, and the two infants began to resonate. As a result, the breath of their bodies became more integrated.


"Move, move..." Pig Ba rings the Sun Star and Tai Xing, excited, like seeing a fun toy.

At the center, a piece of water and fire blended together, and the terrifying energy was entangled with each other, but it did not spread out. The two stars were half hidden and vanished into the void.

Crunch... crunch...

The two stars have undergone violent changes. The bottom shell moves, and layers of flames and cold water spurt out thinly.

On Chu Yi's body, the flames became more and more terrible, and the gold and black were shining brightly.

The sun fire drifted in the void, twisted at will, like a big sun.

The fire of the ground inflammation formed a lot of lotus flowers, and the rich red flames fluttered with the petals.

The vajra fire turned into one giant flame after another, creeping around Chu Yi, roaring constantly, as if guarding his master.

The borderless fire is getting weaker and weaker, and afterwards, it is no longer visible.

Even on the entire sun star, many flames are all concentrated on Chu Yi's side. This is not a separate flame, but a fusion of Chu Yi and Sun star.

This star was transformed by the eyes of the Emperor. How powerful is it. Even the Immortal Lord was unable to determine his trace. However, he was finally captured by the Universiade and stayed here.


Suddenly, there was a muffled noise, and the vast expanse of air swelled, and then, suddenly quietly.

"Come on, look into the void!"

The sword worm immediately escaped into the void.

But for a moment, they saw a terrifying star.

The star is so huge that it slowly rotates. The flames and cold water are not completely split, but slowly blended, some similar to the Yin and Yang pattern.

Terrible power radiates, and being close to it is enough to be scary, let alone landing.

"It's so beautiful!" White Fox admired. This is simply the most exquisite work of art, exuding a mysterious and attractive atmosphere.

Each rune above blooms beautifully, without any flaws.

"Be careful, don't get close anymore, there is no fairy king level strength, our distance is already the limit." Swordworm reminded.

Only then did they realize that they were sweating all over, and the hair of the white fox was even burnt, but their Yuanying was so cold that they even had a layer of frost.


Everyone was terrified and quickly retreated.

"It's too evil, we haven't found that the body has changed. If we come closer again, I'm afraid that we will die directly." Dark Flame Demon was afraid.

They have all reached the supreme level, but in the face of a star, they almost do not know how to die, enough to see, this star is terrible.

On the Taiyin Sun Star, Chu Yi's whole body was shining, and he was so impressed that countless different kinds of flames swarmed and jumped beside him.

"That fairy emperor, I'm afraid he went all out, so he used his own eyes to create such a star."

He can feel what terrible changes have taken place in his body, and these changes are almost as good as he realized the tenth form of basic kendo.

"Unfortunately, it is not the Sun and Moon Eucharist, otherwise, how powerful it is to control two energies by one person."

But Chu Yi did not care.

"Fat man, this star has been refined. Although there is my energy in it, but I don't plan to use it as a natal star, you can put him into the body, but with your strength, it finally breaks through to the fairy king. Go ahead, it can't run anyway."

"Give me?" The fat man froze.

"Yes, so you can get away." Chu Yi kicked over, and the fat man was kicked out of the void.

"The surname is Chu, you are too abominable. After using others, you will abandon them, woo woo..."

Chu Yi shivered, goose bumps.

Suddenly, he moved his thoughts, frowned, and took a step, then appeared on the edge of the fairy world.


It was extremely dim here, and the endless darkness, like the tide, was quickly pushed away.

A dry boat slowly drove out of the void, it was really a leaf, several meters long, and a white-bearded old man stood on the leaf.

The old man has a pair of snake pupils, described as withered, very haggard.

His body was a bit rickety, and the thick black cloak on his body seemed to press him, making him very laborious.

"Are you? We've seen it!" Chu Yi looked at it suddenly, remembering the things of the year, when Xiaoyu Sheng's title was broken, he had seen this old man.

When the old man saw Chu Yi, suddenly, the white beard turned into a white snake and flew towards Chu Yi.

Chu Yi did not move, because those white snakes did not kill, but like a dog, sniffing Chu Yi's body, seeming to confirm the taste.

"Old Snake, don't confirm it."

It was at this time that Chu Feifan, who was in the Taoist House of Chu Yi, came out and looked at the old man in front of him.

The snake was old and fierce, and his turbid eyes could not believe the person in front of him, his body shook violently.

"You... are you extraordinary?"

Chu Feifan nodded and looked at Chu Yi with a smile: "Boy, this old snake, is a close friend of the House Lord, but no one knows but the people of my swordsman."

"The Lord of the House let Snake Old enter the Universe Administration, and then became the person who manages the title of Supreme, and has never let him show up."

"My Universiade House, if it's Enron, Snake Lao will not have to show up, if there is an accident, then there is a Snake Lao, and I can respond, but no one thought that the Universiade House was directly destroyed."

Chu Feifan sighed.

Snake is old, watching him grow up, so there is no gap between the two.

"Old Snake, I'm no different from the dead, this kid is the only successor of the swordman."

"Master Shaofu." She Lao Gong respectfully, with tears on his face, he seems to have many stories, but just did not tell.

The white snakes turned into beards again.

"Snake old, don't need to pay more." Chu Yi quickly arched his hands.

"Shaofu Lord, extraordinary..." Snake Lao's dry cheeks wrinkled. "The old man has been waiting for this moment all these years. In order to get revenge, he is constantly collecting information about the Mo family."

"Mo family, it's terrible, beyond our imagination. I have glimpsed some Mo family information through some Mo family titles, Mo family seems to hide some monks and never appeared."

"How many monks?" Chu Yi asked quickly.

"I don't know. In short, they are very strong. Shaofu is mainly careful. Some recent actions of the Mo family's children have been somewhat unusual. Many of the Mo family's elders are no longer in the family."

"And some of the retired children are all out."

"Of course, I came here this time, not for these things."

"The young master, in fact, at that time, the master kept me away from the Universiade because of something, he seemed to be very tangled. On that day, the master of the master thought for a long time, and finally gave it to me, and told me, It’s up to me to let this thing go out.”

"What?" Chu Feifan frowned, he didn't know about it at all.

Snake Lao took out an original mark of the Eight Commandments.

"Eight Commandments? Isn't this the swordman's weapon? A long time ago, I used to see the master of the palace used it, but later, the complete Eight Commandments never appeared again." Chu Feifan was shocked.

"The reason why it didn't appear is because the master put one of them on me, and warned me that in any case, I can't return the eight precepts in my hand to him." She Lao said seriously.

"I don't know any secrets in it, but I saw the boss for the first time so entangled."

"The Eight Commandments, born to match the sword-bearer, Chu boy, what you call the Lone Emperor's family, the little pig next to you, is actually the family who warmly raised the Eight Commandments in my mansion."

"However, why is the House Lord so afraid of the Eight Commandments?"

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