My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1531: The Secret of Mo Family

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Bailongdong, with the advent of the Immortals Conference, has become more lively.

After all, not everyone, just like Chu Yi, hitting the Immortal King was simple, even crossing the Jiuzhong Immortal River, all in one go.

For many supremes, breaking through to the fairy king is a deadly level, and many monks will fall. A better one can save their lives, but they can't be a fairy king for a lifetime.

"The luck is terrible." The fat man stood on the battleship and looked from afar, but he saw the entire continent where Bailong Cave was radiating Yin Yin.

"The strong gather too much, it will naturally cause these phenomena, so that the possibility of becoming a fairy king is greater."

"Here it is." Di Ye jumped down, carrying a pole, and left.

After all, he is a fairy lord and has his own circle, and staying with the juniors will also make the juniors feel depressed.

"Go on your own, Bailong Cave, right in the middle of this continent, but if there is any conflict, don't keep your hands, it doesn't matter if you kill people."

"Cheng Xian Cheng Xian, without bleeding, how to become an immortal, the so-called ascendant convention, there will usually be battles, but the immortal masters will not shoot it."

Di Ye waved his hand and disappeared in the eyes of everyone in three or two steps.

Shi Mu saw Chu Yi staring at his grandfather's figure and explained: "Brother Chu, don't be surprised. Grandpa's temper is strange, but he is really optimistic about you and keeps talking about you, I hope you can get it After the natal star, it broke through to the fairy king."

"I know."

"But I'm just thinking, if you just attacked a little bit, I'm a little sure that I can seriously hurt the old man." Chu Yizheng said.

"Yes, Grandpa Grandpa owes too much, although I also want to beat him, but I can't beat him." Shi Mu whispered.

Chu Yi smiled and did not make an excuse.

"Come on, become a fairy!"

Pig Bajie raised the pig's trotters, but its situation is very special. Others need natal stars to become celestial lords, but Pig Bajie completely replaced the eight commandments.

As for the white fox and the dark flame demon, in their lifetime, they can achieve the peak fairy king is already the limit.

"Boy, what the **** are you going to do?"

Swordworm secretly asked, it is now more and more unable to see Chu Yi.

Chu Yi smiled mysteriously and did not answer.

"Wings are hardened, even my sword master is not in my eyes." The sword worm was very angry, and his body was flushed.

The fat man patted its head: "Sword Master, don't say you anymore, he didn't even look at my God. Since the last double repair, he has never been with me... woo woo..."

Fatty intentionally disgusted.

"All give up, you are not qualified to say so." The dark flame demon interjected, "Think of this king, he can crush him with a doppelganger, and then the deity can suppress him, but now."


The three sighed together.


A group of people fell within the sphere of influence of Bailong Cave.

"There is the square of the Shengxian Conference, but it has not been opened yet. It is said that once opened, it will consume a lot of resources. This time, it was still sponsored by the Mo family."

Shi Mu said, "The last meeting of Immortals was at Lei's."

"Every time the conference of ascension, there will be a lot of evil spirits, and even a lot of fairy lords."

"It is conceivable how much meaning there is. It is said that there are a few evil spirits who can directly epiphany here and become a fairy lord."

Shimu sighed, "I only hope that this time, I can successfully achieve the Eight River Fairy King."

His strength is not high in today's Star Wars list, but it is definitely not low.

It's just that it's hard to breathe into the peak of the fairy king.

"Supreme Yan Luo..."

Suddenly, a slightly icy voice came from afar, and then, the crowd spread out automatically, and the breath stopped abruptly.

The sword worm widened its eyes, the whole body became pink, the fat man opened his mouth wide, and slobbered.

But when she saw Feng Jingxian, she walked around. She didn't worry about it, she just walked normally, but in the eyes of everyone, there was a special charm.

"It is another peerless beauty, and there is no shortage of beauties around the son."

The white fox picked up the pen and recorded this matter, and then it felt that as the same female creature, it should be hostile to the other party, but as soon as it saw the other person's appearance, it softened.

"Look, what's with me?" The white fox turned around, sweeping its tail towards the sword worm and the fat man's head twice.

"Prettier than you." The two spoke in unison.


Chu Yi blew a whistle in his heart. After all, seeing beautiful things made people happy.

"Thank you."

Feng Jingxian came over, a bit stiff, obviously she was not very good at these words.

"Thank you last time."

"Your injury is all right?" Chu Yi asked. The two were relatively close, and the other person had a special fragrance.

"It's alright, just one level of law is enough."

Feng Jingxian stood there and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

She was so good that she was born with a tremendous shock. No bumps were encountered along the way. Even on her body, there was an invincible method of her own.

And now, Feng Jingxian has become an immortal, striding across all the fairy rivers in one step, and Mo Ditian, Lei Huang and others are standing on the same peak.

"Your story, I heard from Master, it's a pity, if you can get the natal star, maybe this time the Ascension Conference, you will continue to break through, even to the level of Immortal Lord."

"However, Master said, if you want, she will fight for that place for you again."

Chu Yi thanked each other for their kindness.

"I have a feeling that your talent is stronger than me, and may even compete with Mo Ditian."

"It is rumored that Mo Ditian has already become an immortal lord. Someone has seen him in the hall of Bailong Cave and sat on par with many lords."

"Mo Ditian..." Chu Yi murmured the name. He had heard it many times, but he never saw a real person.

However, it is really terrible that the other party can become a fairy lord in such a short time.

"There is Mo Wudi, he has also become the pinnacle king. Almost in the Star Wars list, the existence of the top 20 has already become a king, and this time will come over to watch the final vision of the ascension conference."

"As for the other supremes, they will break through to the fairy king and the emperor's calendar. This time, I am afraid that they will set a record."


While the two were chatting, suddenly, a huge protective cover rose above this continent, closing very slowly.

"The Shengxian Conference is about to start. This shield is to shield everything here from the outside world and not be disturbed. Only in this way can the vision be more pure."

"Yan Luo Supreme!" At this moment, a group of people came from a distance, it was the children of the Mo family, and the leader was Mo Yefeng.

Mo Yefeng's face was fierce, and since Mo's invincible defeat in Chu Yi's hands, his status as Mo Yefeng in the Mo family has also declined rapidly.

Now no matter where you go, you will hear others whispering.

His son, who was originally the arrogant son of heaven, was defeated in the end, and was defeated by a descendant of the powerless.

And this person insulted the Mo family several times in the Dream World.

"Yan Luo Supreme, come and apologize." Mo Yefeng shouted. Although it is Bailong Cave, it can be regarded as the site of the Mo family. He is not afraid of a Supreme.


Chu Yigang just wanted to reply, but realized that the token given by Huang had fluctuated.

"One month's time!"

In Taoism, Yuan Ying opened his eyes and looked at the token.

Chu Feifan was also curious and leaned in.

The token melted a little bit and turned into golden sand.

"Shouldn't be deceived by that guy." Chu Feifan worried.

A grain of sand fell on the ground, but it did not end, but slowly arranged and combined to form a line of words.


When he saw these writings, Chu Fanfan's complexion changed greatly, and he sat down on the ground.

Chu Yi was even more shocked, and hadn't said anything for a long time.

Suddenly, he immediately reacted, looking up at the sky, but at this time, the huge protective shield formed by the formation had slowly closed.

In a short period of time, this continent has completely lost contact with the outside world.

Chu Yi staggered two steps, his eyes lost.

"The Mo family is not the creature of our universe!" Chu Dao roared from the Taoist House.

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