My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1536: The strongest fairy king

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Mo Di stood up dizzyingly. Chu Yi's attack was not fatal to him. The wound on his body squirmed. The red flesh spit out the sword in his body, and then slowly recovered.

"Mo Ditian, do you dare?"

Does he dare?

He naturally dare not, because his natal star is indeed not the one given by the Universe Authority.

Chu Yi looked at Mo Wudi again and smiled: "Mo Wuci, do you dare?"

Mo Wudi's expression moved, and there was a hint of teasing in the corner of his mouth, but he was interrupted by Chu Yi before he even spoke.

"Oh, yes, I forgot, you dare."

"You have merged the sword soul of my ancestor, and the ancestor is the sword bearer, and has a close relationship with the source. With the help of the sword soul, you can naturally connect with the source, then your natal star, which is the star of this universe."

"That's why, the Mo family must integrate the sword spirit of their ancestors. They want to create a fairy emperor through you."

"Unfortunately, they were wrong."

"Master Mo, you said that your Mo family was wrong, not because of the gap between Mo Invincible and me, but because you discovered that even if the sword spirit of my ancestor was integrated, it could not deceive the origin."

"The source is too strong, just this, it is not enough to reach the stage of refining."

Chu Yi looked at Mo Yutian again.

Mo Yutian smiled slightly, but the laughter was getting louder and louder, rolling up the wild sand, causing the thunder and the thunder, which caused pain in the eardrum.

"Hahaha, okay, it's really good. I'm a Mo family. For the universe, I tried my best. In the war against the virtual world, how many people died in my Mo family?"

"Now, a junior who came out casually, it is ridiculous to dare to insult my Mo family here."

As a top force, the Mo family is so huge and proud that no one can let others question it.

"Yan Luo Fairy King, stop it, if you are going to get rid of it again, don't blame us for expelling you." Master Wu Dao who listened to Yun Guan stepped forward and his eyes were endless in Dharma.

"Mo family, it is not something you can question at will. If there is really a problem, a meeting of the elders of the Universe Authority will also be held."

"Destroy me?" Chu Yi smiled and seemed very happy. "Before you have been humiliated by me, I haven't taken care of you."

"Every fairy king, Lao Kun doesn't believe that he can't subdue you, let you have thousands of spells, all capabilities, and no escape from me."




He made three sounds of "town", and three flying discs rose into the sky, rolling down with his golden palm.

The three battles have condensed the power of faith in his endless years.

Master Dao visited the universe to see the sufferings of the souls and the countless sufferings. In many places, there are his temples and statues.

Every moment, will provide him with infinite power of faith.

This is a big Buddha, Nirvana flesh, turned into a golden person, almost to the point of immortality.

"I am a person of my whole life, I don't know the geometry. Your descendants, who have lived for thousands of years, are not qualified to speak in front of me."

"It's a big crime to insult your predecessors and be stern.

The big palm was suppressed, and it was even more terrifying than the sky. Chu Yi only felt that there was a gray cloud above his head, reminding him of the scene in the Journey to the West where Sun Wukong was suppressed.

"I ask you, what do you do for a lifetime?"

"You save people, not for saving people, just for merit."

"You help them solve the catastrophe and help them stabilize their lives. What you do is their faith, but it is for them to build temples."

"It's not about saving people, it's about trading, but it's not about money and goods."

"If they can't build a temple for you, you will spend a long time to spend them?"

"you will not!"

"Maybe listening to some monks in Yunguan, but definitely not you."

"Old bald donkey, you are too flattering, and have done everything to make up for the Mo family. If this mountain falls, it will affect you too much."

"However, today I will show you how I turned this mountain!"

Chu Yi snorted, and layers of flames burned on him, and a lunar sun star slowly rose from behind him.

That is not a true lunar sun star, but a ghost image projected, but even so, the appearance of this star is extremely terrible.

Although the stars Chu Yi let the fat man refine, he is also a sun shadow body after all, and he can naturally use the power of the Taiyin sun star.

The lunar, sun, twisted voids, and the sky and the sky are falling apart.

The power on the side of the sun exploded, and various flames fell into Chu Yi's hands. He punched out, as if to explode the entire void.


A punch and a palm collision, terrible ripples, almost overturned the world, a strong wave to the extreme, with a thunderous momentum, spread out violently, and then hit the outer terrible array Above the law.

This method was created by many immortals, and it took a long time, but at the moment, some fluctuations occurred.

The energy that could not be diffused poured directly into the void, and it penetrated layer by layer for a long time.

"Lunar Sun Star!"

Everyone was shocked, and this long-lost star actually came back.

"No wonder he is so powerful, he has refined the lunar sun star, and it is no wonder that this guy does not look at the stars of the Universe Administration." Di Ye twitched, but when he thought of what he said to Chu Yi, it was a bit unnatural.

The other party did not reject it out of anger, but had a better choice.

Such mysterious stars as Taiyin Sun Star are undoubtedly more terrible than any other stars.

Many fairy kings, dumbfounded.

At this time, Chu Yi's body was burning with flames, carrying a round of overcast sun, terrifyingly reaching its limit.

The coercion released by that round of stars is enough to make all the fairy kings bow their heads and dare not look directly at them.


Master Wu Dao's face was stagnant, and he stepped back suddenly, only to see the tip of a sword, appearing three inches away from his eyebrows.

He backed away and Chu Yi advanced.

Chu Yi's long sword skyrocketed, and Master Dao's head tilted, avoiding the edge.


The long sword turned, and the sword looked like a leather whip, patting towards the other person's cheek.

Master Dao's body was flung away, landed in the air, stepped back, his eyes dull.

On his right face, there was a shallow blood mark. Although this injury could be recovered instantly, it was tantamount to being slapped. What a shame for a fairy lord.

But Chu Yi's method surprised everyone.

More than twenty immortals, countless immortal kings, all fell into incredible shock.

Chu Yi cut off the finger of Ye Baixian Lord, can be regarded as the enemy of the Xianzhu.

Crushing Mo Ditian is also barely acceptable to the veteran celestial masters, especially after learning that he is refining a lunar sun star.

Even when Chu Yi blocked the attack of Master Dao, they gritted their teeth and understood.

But this blow... seems simple, but all the fairy kings and fairy masters saw the doorway.

Master Dao, as an old fairy lord, could not escape the sword of King Chu Yan.

That sword contains too much. In the course of retreating, Master Dao has already used many physical methods, but in any case, he can't get rid of that sword.

If that sword is sharper, if Yan Luoxian Wang wants to kill him...

Everyone shuddered.

For a long time, they were used to being high above and used to overlooking the fairy king.

At that time, these people disregarded Chu Yan, who was in the supreme realm, and squeezed at will. They wanted to take the Famen and then humiliated.

Now, when Chu Yi returns, they are all stunned.


"His strength is no less than that of some old celestial masters."

The celestial lord's chin almost fell to the ground.

"He completely converged all swords and spells. The ordinary swords already contained endless mysteries, and they were very similar to those of Chenhuoxian."

"If I go up..." He thought for a moment, and finally came to a conclusion that he would lose like the Master Dao.

"Emperor Diyuan, what do you think?"

Di Ye opened his mouth and finally sighed: "With his current strength, I'm afraid I'm only weak, and I'm afraid he still hides strength."

Everyone is dull, is this still a peak fairy? Fairy King, can it be so strong?

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