My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1539: Capture the Immortal Lord

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There is no wind, it seems that even time is still.

The white fox suddenly wrinkled his nose and a **** rain fell on its white fur.

It patted the pig Bajie around him and pointed to the sky. Pig Bajie looked up and found that there were no clouds in the sky at all, but the blood rain ignored the formation and still drifted in.

The rain gradually grew, and fell on the body of the soul, and then fell to the ground, disappearing without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

"It's **** rain, there is a big disaster!"

"This is the vigilance of the origin of the universe. Only the death of many fairy kings, and the death of the fairy master, will have such a vision."

"Lei's family..."

Suddenly, a thunder fell in the sky, and the huge sky directly opened a gap. The dense thunder could not see the edge at a glance, as if it would spread to the depths of the universe.

There was a bad hunch in everyone's heart, and they immediately looked at Mo Yutian.

Mo Yutian closed his eyes and opened it after a while, his eyes full of smiles.

"Sorry, Si Family, it's gone."

The rain was heavy and the world was red.

"It's a pity that the people of the Si family have perseverance and are worthy of the cultivation of Yuanying's family. Even a fairy lord and fairy king have not surrendered, but your universe's Yuanying cultivation method is too backward, it is better As far as our universe is concerned, none of the Si family, from the Immortal Lord to the ordinary children, survived."

None survive!

This sentence, like a thunderbolt on the sunny day, hit everyone in the heart.

Many celestial masters are air-conditioned, one Si family, two celestial lords, one of them is the celestial prince, and their cultivation methods are extremely strange.

But in front of another cosmic creature, there is no room for resistance.

"The invincible method of Yuanying's law!" Chu Yi suddenly thought of something, and could not help but exit with horror.

Mo Yutian laughed: "You guessed it, it's a person who can refine Taiyin Sun Star, much smarter than these old guys."

"The law of cultivation of Yuanying in our universe has already reached the level of invincible law, but the cultivation of Yuanying in your universe is very weak, which is caused by different sources."

"The nature of your origins determines the universe of your side. It is difficult for the genius of Yuanying to cultivate, and it is difficult to create an invincible method."

"Yan Luo Fairy King, the moon-covering tactic in your hand was created by the Mo Family Fairy Emperor. Unfortunately, when the Fairy Emperor fell, this method was taken away by your Fairy Emperor."

"We Mo family, one less invincible method, then you can take an undefeated astrological tactics of Universiade, it makes sense."


Suddenly, in the sky, the vision changed again. The blood-red rain turned into the color of red and gold. In the whole universe, a piece of red and gold flickered like countless fireflies.

"Huo Family!" Di Ye looked angry at Mo Yutian.

"Den Yuanxian, don't be excited. Although the Huo family is low-key, I did not expect that there is still hidden power. The Huo family killed one of our fairy lords."

"Of course, those of my compatriots are not so annoying, Huo family, also no one survived." Mo Yutian grinned, there is a perverted feeling.

The fairy phoenix, the fairy phantom, the star wolf lord, a fairy lord, only felt that the whole body was trembling, and even the soul was shaking.

As for those fairy kings, whether it is Feng Jingxian, or many asterisks on the Star Wars list, and many titles, all of them are soft, and even the station is not stable.

Mo Ditian licked the dried blood on the corner of his mouth and excitedly said: "You think about how many peak celestial masters you have in this universe, my Mo family, one Huo family, one Si family, all dead, left A Lei's family became our slaves."

"By the way, in the secret place, there is an ancient peak lord, we have not found it, but even so, you only have one peak lord."

"A... Alas, it's really pitiful, a universe that has been a strong man of the Immortal Emperor level, and now there is only one peak fairy."

"As for the remaining celestial masters, together with the cosmic administration's and Sanxue, there are now no more than fifty."

"Even if it is an emperor's calendar now, within a hundred years, how many celestial lords can you give out, ten, or twenty, twenty heavens."

"Together, there are at most sixty celestial lords, and it will still be a hundred years later."

"Without the pinnacle lord, there is not even a stronger lord, and our side, a pinnacle lord, can suppress you nearly ten lords."

Chu Yi frowned: "Mo Yutian, you don't have to exaggerate your strength, your universe, but it is almost extinguished, how much combat power can be left."

"Yan Luo fairy king, you are wrong. The gang of imaginary creatures of that year, but all came to our universe, and came to your universe, but three or four fairy master strength."

"Our universe is much stronger than you, and the pinnacles are even more endless, even if they are consumed by many virtual world creatures today, but there are more than you."

"That means that we still have a chance." Chu Yi said suddenly.

"What?" Mo Yutian raised his eyebrows.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "Your universe has no Emperor Emperor, but since a long time, you have also destroyed a lot of virtual world creatures, and the virtual world creatures are also consuming your strength, you are weakened by each other."

"But in general, you are not opponents of the imaginary creatures, so you will escape to our side and take temporary refuge in the universe."

"If we fight hard, at least we can destroy a lot of your strength. When the virtual world arrives, you will not be an opponent."

"Yan Luoxianwang, you are trying to persuade me to let me cooperate with you, kill the imaginary creatures, and then solve our own affairs?" Mo Yutian chuckled.

"Of course not!" Chu Yi hummed. "Cooperating with you, I might as well cooperate with Huang. At least I have dealt with Huang, but I can deal with you..."

"Sorry, I don't believe it!"

"The reason why you are not surprised, not afraid of so many fairy lords, is nothing more than the formation of this time, you are in control, you want to go and go, you want to stay and then stay." Chu Yi smiled.

"Yebai Immortal Lord!" Di Ye asked angrily.

Ye Baixian's face was really white: "I... didn't know that at first... So I gave control to the Mo family."

"Earth Master, don't worry, you just have to catch it. Mo Yutian is in hand. I believe the other party can give us some time." Chu Yi said casually.

Mo Yutian suddenly had a bad hunch.

"Ditian, invincible, let's go!"

He can't sit still, of course, there are more than twenty celestial lords, even if his strength is the first person below the peak celestial lord, but it is impossible to resist.

He urged the formation, and the whole formation was instantly activated, and he was to take them away.

Suddenly, the large array was completely dimmed again, as if something was blocking the exit.

"How could this happen?" Mo Yutian's face changed drastically.

Every time the Ascension Conference is very important, in order to make the final source manifest the vision, so when making this formation, many immortals use the power on the natal stars.

And the power above is closely related to the origin, even the origin is conveyed through the natal stars.

What Mo Yutian didn't know was that Chu Yi was already on top of his source, and branded himself. It can be said that he has been able to use some of the source's power.

Although Mo Yutian can control the formation, Chu Yi can do the same, even he directly blocked the only exit.

"Seniors, please trouble you, this is our last bargain." Chu Yizheng said.

"Mo Yutian, Mo Ditian, Mo Invincible, leave alive, the rest of the Mo family, kill no amnesty!" Di Ye screamed, and immediately hit the pole to Mo Yutian.

Mo Yutian was furious.

Mo Ditian had just got up, and was stepped on the ground by the foot of the Giant Spirit Immortal Lord.

Mo Wudi panicked, directly beaten by Feng Jingxian and other fairy kings, and then captured.

As for Mo Yutian, he resisted for a long time, but so many immortal masters exerted their means and wanted to catch them alive, but it was not difficult.

"Don't abolish their cultivation behavior. Once abolished, it will be a waste to the Mo family, and it has no meaning of threat." Chu Yi stopped the Master Yebai.

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