Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

Chu Yi stands in the same place, his strength is not strong, not because of the overcast sun star, but because of the origin.

Suddenly, the entire void was violently twisted, and the void spikes came from all directions.

Those void spikes spin like crazy, like an electric drill, and the surrounding space begins to compress, like a cannibal flower that keeps petals together.

Chu Yi was shocked, his fingers were full of sword light, and he crossed the void, and all the void spikes were all paragraphs.

At the same time, He Yuanying flew out and sank into a dark place, where a huge sword light suddenly appeared, cutting the void like seawater.

A beast shadow retreated from the inside.

"Want to go?"

Chu Yi coughed up a bit of blood, and he was wounded in the fight between the two sides just now, and the fight against the two Immortal Masters one after another, it is definitely a huge effort.

It was a snow-white to almost transparent snake, with a triangular head, extremely poisonous, and the body exuded the rune of the void, which seemed to be biased towards the soul of the void.

"You have been poisoned, even if it is strong, you only need to work with you, and then wait for your poison to die, and you will die."

Void Snake's body submerged into the void of the void and kept walking.

"Sword wheel is empty!"


Suddenly, Chu Yi's sword didn't enter the void. In an instant, this side of the void turned like a gear. The sound of gears squeezed continuously, pushing the white snake out.

Chu Yi's lips were purple, he had no time to heal himself, and the soul of the sword in his body exploded with radiance.

"Sword Catalogue-Wanjian Zhenghui!"

A handle swordmand emerged from his body, and then intertwined into a sword lotus.

Sword lotus takes shape, and a breath of destruction is formed.


He used real power. Every sword is a power drawn from the source, even if it is small, but as long as it is blended in, it will be enough to make a dramatic change in his tricks.

The sword lotus landed near the white snake, and the whole body of the white snake stood up with a series of scales.

Afterwards, the earth-shattering explosion sounded, the swords blossomed, and the petals stretched out extremely beautifully.

The terrible blades swept across the sky, and the layers of void were cut open like layers of tofu, and the nearby worm nests that were affected were instantly extinguished.

"This kid's sword catalog has become a big one. Sure enough, the fusion of basic swordsmanship, combined with the mind method of the sword reincarnation, will make the sword's magic power increase by a hundredfold." Chu Feifan said brokenly.

He only has Yuanying now, and there are some methods that are really hard to learn.


The white snake was covered in blood and fled towards its base camp.

"It's running really fast!" Chu Yi was helpless. This white snake's means of escape and defense are absolutely first-class.

His face changed sharply, sitting cross-legged in the air, and then he began to heal himself.

"Buried bone immortal lord, this person is not at the level of immortal king. His strength, no matter in which aspect, has reached the level of immortal lord, and his swordsmanship is too domineering, matching this side of the universe. The volatility of I makes me not his opponent."

The white snake is extremely embarrassed.

"Where is the fairy king, clearly a fairy lord, and his strength is at least stronger than me. If I don't leave, I'm afraid he will be left behind."

Buried Immortal Lord, Nine Dreams Demon King and Thousand Robbers King also froze.

"It's unreasonable for a fairy king to be so powerful!"

"This is completely illogical. You know, the existence of those emperors, in the realm of the fairy king, can't suppress a fairy."

Immortal Lord Bone Bone looked extremely gloomy. He dispatched two Immortals and they were extremely good at dealing with Yuan Ying, but they did not win the other party.

"The situation has changed. There may be secrets we don't know about him."

"A fairy king, no matter how, will not reach such a level, there is absolutely a secret, and it is a big secret."

They did not know that Chu Yi merged with the origin, not the stars.

The natal star is only bred from the origin. Strictly speaking, Chu Yi, who merged the origin, and the virtual realm are a level of life.

The reason why Immortal Emperor is terrible is because he represents the universe.

Although Chu Yi has not completely refined his origins, his life level is higher than these monks, and his natural strength is stronger.

"Catch him, be sure to catch him, I want to understand the secrets in him, this battle, for us, is easy to handle, without too much care."

Buried Immortal Lord looked at Chu Yi in recovery.

"He has gone through two battles, even if he is a fairy lord, he will not be able to carry it. The first battle has consumed his huge energy, and the second battle has made him very poisonous."

"He can't hold it anymore."

Chu Yi closed his eyes, but Shen Nian firmly locked himself around.

Suddenly, with a fierce beat in his palm, countless flames turned into long dragons and threw them fiercely towards the front, and the flames burned a large amount of void in an instant.

"Your strength has fallen, King Yan Luo, but I still have to admire that the two fairy lords have not won you, and even one death and one serious injury, what secrets are there in you."

This is a divine demon, with a shape close to humans, but with divine lines and magic eyes.

Unscathed, he came out of the flames, and the flashing inscriptions on his body seemed to isolate all flames.

Chu Yi's face was black: "I have dealt with two immortals, this elder brother, you can do well, there are many people next to it."

The **** demon fairy chuckled: "Whoever makes you a fairy king has the strength of the fairy lord. I am very curious. I will enter your Yuanying to see what secrets are there."

"Your strength is beyond my expectations."

"If you are in the heyday, I really can't beat you, but you are exhausted."

Chu Yi got up and her lips were still purple, trying to calm down her breath.

"The poison of the virtual snake's guy is not so easy to solve. Even I dare not contaminate. Once poisoned, the small world in your body will gradually close, and the energy that can be used is getting less and less."

"I watch your Yuanying. In the first battle, it has consumed a lot. In the second battle, you are poisoned again."

"You don't have to hold on."

"And listen to me play a song for you."


The gods and demons dispelled the harp and plucked the strings. In an instant, the immortal light circulated, and the sound of a harp filled quietly. When approaching Chu Yi, it suddenly turned into a tens of thousands of rivers and exploded directly.

"This big man still understands temperament?!"

Chu Yi's face changed, he was affected by the explosion, it is difficult to maintain balance, and some notes are still impacting the small world in his body, accelerating the invasion of toxins.

His face was pale, and he struggled hard, humanely guarding himself, emitting a golden light.

The Emperor's Bell vibrated in the Taoist House, and his body sounded a bell, which collided with the piano sound of the **** Demon.

The piano sound of God Demon Immortal is more urgent, like a heavy rain, coming in the face, with a violent storm.

The sound of Emperor Zhong’s bell was imprinted on Chu Yi’s sword. Chu Yi killed it with a sword and shattered the endless piano sound.

There was a riot here, and the tone formed a tornado that could engulf the stars.

"I don't get close to you, I'm exhausting you." The **** demon fairy is far away, but the attack is non-stop.

"His spirit has fallen into the valley, and I have just started. Although this tune is very consuming, it is just used to deal with him and accelerate the invasion of toxins in his body."

"However, this kid is not easy. His strength is only weaker than that of Mo Yutian. Mo Yutian and I faced each other head-on and I lost."

Shen Moxian Lord's mind withdrew, seeing Chu Yi shaking, about to fall.

"Hold on for a while, and he's done."

But after a while, the man was still shaking, it seemed that he would fall next second, but never.

"Persevere for a while!" Lord Shenmoxian's face was stiff, and each of his temperaments was enough to kill a peak fairy king, and just now, he shot at least hundreds of thousands of times, even if it was a fairy lord, it was unbearable Such a huge consumption.

"not good!"

"He didn't fall, I'm exhausted first."

The state of mind of the gods and deities fluctuated.


At this moment, a sword light erupted from his jaw, passed through his mouth and brain, and directly split his head in half.

Jianguang spread wildly, carrying terrible thoughts, quickly entangled his Yuan infant, and then strangled to death.


Chu Yi appeared, spit out a blood, and fell into the air.

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