My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1553: Xianfandian Xianwei

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"Homeowner, we are trapped." Mo Shouxin quickly whispered, "Even with me, and nearly 60 fairy lords, this seems to be a palace-type magic weapon, specializing in trapping people."

Buried Immortal Lord and others retreated to the vicinity of the interstellar cruise ship, looking at the shrunken hall with a look of uncertainty.

The main hall is transparent, the outside can see the inside, but the inside cannot see the outside.

The whole hall, like a dome, was surrounded by black beams of light, and some inscriptions that they had never seen before shone brightly.

Inside the main hall, the walls are dotted with stars, like ghost fire, and some beautiful, impacting the soul of the monk, but such a little impact has little effect on them.

"A magic weapon is still controlled by an ordinary fairy king." Queen Nine Demon and others could not figure it out.

But they did feel a bit of a crisis, but it was too late. Many fairy lords were in the center, and they had no time to escape, so the bone-bearing fairy lord simply let Mo Shouxin stay there.

There is a pinnacle lord who sits in town, and there will be no trouble.

"Sixty celestial lords, and one peak celestial lord, earned!"

Chu Yi was very excited, this is the first time to use, the results are naturally remarkable.

"Yan Luoxian King, what are you going to do, just rely on a magic weapon, and want to kill our sixty celestial lords, are you out of sight?" Bad hunch.

The other party was too calm.

Chu Yi laughed: "I don't really think you are buried in the bones, you are in our universe, lurking in endless years, have you understood clearly?"

"Here, after all, it's not your territory. You come from other universes. Many things can't be brought over. Although we don't have a lot of strong people, we can kill you with other methods."

"This is not an ordinary magic weapon, but left by the immortal emperor."

The pupil of the buried bone fairy shrank, but he saw Chu Yi suddenly shouted: "Fat man, do it!"

Sixty celestial lords, plus a pinnacle celestial lord, even if they are trapped, but the energy contained in them is too huge. With the strength of the fat man, plus the Xianfan Palace, it is difficult to transport them away at all. On-site refining.

"Homeowner, don't worry, this hall only suppresses our 20% strength, and waits for me to study the lines above and then break open."

"Dead fat man, put away your wretched smile, just like your ants, you can kill you with one look in your seat." Mo Shouxin looked away at the fat man standing above them.

The fat man was originally domineering and awkward, his arms clasped, his face drooping at the moment.

"Old man, what do you know, although God, I am just an ordinary fairy king, but it is the finale, the finale, do you know what the finale is!"

"It is the life and death of the entire universe that depends on me!"


The fat man's tumbling body shrank suddenly, suddenly behind him, a round of lunar sun star slowly appeared.

The hot and icy stars exuded terrible fluctuations, and a terrifying breath flew out.

"Lunar Sun Star!"

"This guy has refined this star, isn't it the Immortal King?"

"what happened?!"

Mo Shouxin stunned slightly, but saw that the star kept shrinking, and finally fell in the depression above the Xianfan Temple.

Originally, this Xianfan Temple is just a slightly useful palace-like treasure, but the moment when the lunar sun star is embedded in-

Numerous forces of fire and water came out turbulently, walking along the walls of the hall, lighting up a mysterious inscription.

Outside the main hall, changes have also taken place. At that moment, the ordinary hall was transformed into a Jiuding, upright and standing in the void.

The fat man urges the secret method, the lunar sun star rotates rapidly, the power of fire and water is mixed and scattered, and the whole hall is completely integrated.

"not good!"

"Why is my strength suppressed so exaggerated?"

"My little world is starting to close, what's going on?"

The fairy masters who were still calm inside were all panicked.

"Only half of the strength?"

"Me too..." Mo Shou was shocked to find that the power of fire and water here formed a peculiar inscription that directly ignored his defense and then invaded him.

He was sweaty and his strength dropped by half. In this battle, he was undoubtedly looking for death.

"Homeowner, great things are not good!"

"Queen, my strength is only the peak fairy king level."


Kaka Kaka!

The fat man urged the lunar sun star, and the star turned like an eyeball halfway, and then an extremely terrible beam of light exploded toward the bottom.

How condensed the light beam is, blending water and fire, wherever passed, the layers of secret patterns inside the hall are even more integrated into the light beam.


The powerful light beam landed straight down, and there was a black smoke in the space.


"Hurry up!"

"Can't hide, it's too fast, defense!"

The beam of light fell and shrouded in ten instant gods.


They all opened body protection methods, but these methods are now weakened by half, plus this is the eruption of the lunar sun star, which is directly broken.

A fairy lord fell down.

The water and fire bred by Taiyin Sun Star is very special and powerful, but it is the energy of the fairy emperor.

In addition to this special magic weapon blessing, it even comes with a spirit attack.

"In this temple, the Lord and I are immortals, and the others are mortals."

The arrogant voice of the fat man suddenly sounded.

"Do not!"

The bone-bearing Immortal Master and others were extremely sad, and their eyes were red and full of blood.


The Nine Robber King roared, but these are 60 celestial lords. So many celestial lords fell together. For them, it was a terrible blow.

His body burst into endless inscriptions and rushed towards the Xianfan Palace.


A dull noise.

The Xianfan Palace was bumped and flew a little distance, but it never broke.

"No, it's too sturdy, it's impossible to break, worm king, don't be reckless."

"Things have happened, we need to find a solution as soon as possible."

The Queen of Nine Demons quickly whispered, "Master Mo Family Immortal, you are inside, try to take out the defensive magic weapon. The beam is terrible, but it is straight down. If there is a pre-judgment and the magic weapon is added, You can survive for a long time."

"Lord Bone Lord, Insect King, I will wait for the attack, try to take away this hall, and take it away."

"it is good!"

"It can only be so!"


The Mo family universe is completely crazy.

For them, the appearance of Xianfan Temple was disastrous for them.

Losing sixty celestial lords at a time, even if they won this war, they will definitely not be able to withstand the spirits of the virtual world.

"Hidden in my soul tower!"

Mo Shouxin felt distressed. He summoned many of them and hid himself into a powerful defensive weapon.

The Soul Pagoda is constantly shrinking, and at the end, only the size of dust is left, floating in the Xianfan Temple.

"Go to your uncle, so small, I can't see it with the naked eye, I can only use my mind, the smaller the harder to hit."

"Brother Chu, what should I do?" The fat man dumbfounded.

"No way, I can only continue to attack, depending on how good their luck is, they will always attack." Chu Yi was also depressed.

They thought it was too simple. Although Xianfan Hall was terrible, it also had shortcomings.

The enemy is able to evade the time so that it can delay time.

"We have time, they are the most anxious."


"Everyone, to survive!" Chu Yi shouted, facing the enemy's remaining more than 100 fairy lords, as well as many fairy kings and magic weapon attacks.

They have no choice but to resist.

"The old man told me to stop, you go to kill other fairy lords." The nine demon queen gritted her teeth and directly killed Jiu Lao.

She is desperate for everything, and her shot is a fierce killing trick, so that the old wine has to deal with it with all her strength, and she has no time to take care of it.




All kinds of artillery and magic weapons are intertwined, and it is completely boiled here. The damage caused by it is even Lianxianzhu

They were all frightened and afraid of being affected.



"I'm going to kill the King Immortal King. If you attack with all your strength, I don't believe it. We still have more than one hundred Immortal Lords who will not win."

"Yan Luo fairy king, die!" The figure of the bone-bearing fairy suddenly appeared on top of Chu Yi's head.

The Wanfa River erupted, and the energies of various magical instruments formed a huge match, which came head-on.

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