My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1556: Demon clan means

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The Lei family has been destroyed, but there is still a place to stay here.

Lord Feng Lei fell in his study and set up a formation around him. This slowly took out a scroll.

The scroll is glazed, with a willow-shaped eye in its center, which is full of spirituality and covered with wavy lines, as if watching Chu Yi.

"Is this... alive?" Chu Yi stunned.

"Yes, my Lei family's invincible method is similar to the sword worm in your Universiade. The invincible method is hidden in this eye. In fact, not everyone is suitable for cultivation, but you are a swordsman and should Works."

"Roll eyes, take a look."

"Okay, Feng Lei!" Juanyan smiled.

"Don't call me kid." Lord Lei Lei's five big and three thick, but an extremely terrible fairy, but at this moment a little angry and corrupt.

"Stinky boy, I lived the endless years, was created by the world, and called you a boy to give you face, your old boy I also called the boy, you are all the same as your old boy, and care about what." Rolling eyes rolled his eyes. .

Lord Lei Lei only felt extremely embarrassed, and quickly threw down the invincible method.

"Enlighten yourself, let me know."

"In a small area, I have accelerated the time here. You are here for a year, which is equivalent to a century of the outside world, but this is my limit."

Chu Yi snickered aside.

These great powers seem to be high because they face the juniors.

It can be placed between peers, and there is not necessarily much dignity.

"Finally, the kid is so stupid that he hasn't learned the complete method yet."

"You, the swordman."

Chu Yi looked at it, and suddenly felt that the world was buzzing, and a chill rose from his feet. He wanted to turn around and escape, but found that he could not move anyway.

He saw the rolled eye and opened it. To be precise, it was deep inside the pupil of the rolled eye and opened another eye.

As if opening an abyss, something was awakening.

Chu Yi was sweating and sweating. Every invincible method had different methods of cultivation. But at this moment, he instinctively felt the crisis and his body went back crazy.

At this time, he discovered that he was in a strange mountain forest.

The forest is lush, and birds and beasts are everywhere.

There was a roll of eyes in the sky, like a split abyss. In the abyss, the glimmers of light and countless blue light-emitting points collided with each other. At the end, it became stronger and stronger. A deep blue thunder began to condense.

Chu Yi was covered with cold hair, and he felt like he was being stared at by a peak fairy.


He drew his sword directly, and his body continued to buzz.

Many birds and beasts began to flee, and the terrible breath emanating there made people instinctively frightened.

Chu Yi often experienced thunder robbery, and even thunder robbery with basic swordsmanship was already terrible, but the thunder faced this time seemed very different. It was a strong destruction, and it was revealed from the depth of that eye. Emotions coming out.

Destruction, tyranny...


Finally, the eyes in the rolled eyes have been completely opened, and from the depths of the abyss, a terrible lightning twisted the space and burst out.

This side of the world, with the abyss as the center, a large crack rushing out in all directions.

In the distance, there is a city, a vast expanse of the world, and countless creatures.

Chu Yi fought a cold war, and he ran away with his legs shattered. The thunderlight was like a waterfall that fell from the sky, washing everything. In the blink of an eye, the mountain range at his feet was torn apart and destroyed.

All kinds of rocks were squeezed by thunder and collided together, like setting fireworks, magma surging from the ground, mixed with thunder, it is extremely beautiful.

The earth is sinking, the sky is sinking, and fear is on the faces of all creatures.

Not far away, a city collapsed, and the tall building shattered like building blocks, sinking into magma.

The thunder is getting bigger and bigger, like a storm, and in the end, a huge thunder tornado has formed.

The monks here rose one by one, but they were smashed by thunder and their flesh and blood were blurred.

Chu Yi did not feel much, because his Yuan Yingxiu was enough to see through everything. This is a scene created by the other party's illusion.

"However, illusion can also kill people."

He avoided a thunder, stabilized his body, and turned back with a sword.

Jianmang and Thunder collided. Suddenly, Su Ma, with a touch of pain, immediately invaded his body.

However, his sword was terrible, directly igniting all the thunder rage within a thousand miles, and swept toward him in unison.

"The Lei family's invincible method, called Tian Lei's capping tactics, moved the whole body in one stroke."

"What I want to do is not to learn this method, but to understand and learn from it."

Chu Yi knew that even his swordsmanship is a fusion of all Taos, but this is after all an invincible method. On this one, he has reached the extreme. He wants to learn and needs to spend a lot of energy. Now he is short of time and cannot tolerate Costly.

He only comprehends the essence, after all, he still has two invincible methods.

The storm gathered more and more. In the end, the entire planet has been swept by the thunder storm, and there is no pure land.

The stars are broken, there is no trace of vitality, all are destroyed.

Chu Yi stood in the air, overlooking the bottom, a scorched earth.

Countless civilizations have been destroyed, a lot of rivers are flowing with blood, and the ruins are filled with smoke...


Chu Yi frowned, he looked at the rolled eyes, but saw that the abyss was still not closed.

The sky was littered with lightning, wandering among the clouds.

Soon, it began to rain heavily.

Chu Yi stopped and looked at the land all the time, and time was passing by quickly.

Suddenly, one day, he saw a pile of wood on the darkened land, which was split by thunder and left only half of his body.

Then, after a few years, the greenery began to spread, and the vines began to appear.

The sea and the mulberry fields, with a blink of an eye, life and mammals appeared in this ruin...

Chu Yi shook God, and suddenly found that there was a city here, and another civilization appeared.

"Are you born in destruction..."

His eyes were dull, and he kept thinking about the scene before.

The eyes closed slowly and everything disappeared.

Chu Yi was sluggish as if he had become enchanted, and he kept speaking to the outside world.

"Epiphany, so fast?"

Lord Feng Lei asked Chu Yi to come out and asked in a low voice.

"It's much better than your talent. It's worthy of being a swordsman. Don't disturb him. Let him go. This kind of opportunity is rare."

Rolling eyes smiled, "Compared to you, he is too young and sees little, so it is easy to epiphany, you are old guys, already decayed."

"I just called my kid..." Master Feng Lei whispered.



This is a huge black swamp with poisonous mist.

Suddenly, a dark figure emerged from the inside.

"The Queen let us enter the war in a latent way. Nowadays, it is considered a success. They thought they were victorious, but they didn't expect that the two of us touched the rear."

"This action is to assassinate the king of the Yanluo. When the king of the Yanluo dies, the morale of their universe must be damaged. That is the only swordsman now."


Two shadows, quickly walking through the swamp.

"The bottom card?"

"No one thought that my demon clan's bottom card is our two pinnacle lords. Do they really think that my demon clan has only wolf tiger demon and queen!"

"Ji Jie... Moreover, who said that the cards must be used in the war, this group of guys is really sad, we touched the back."

The two peak fairy lords, among the demon clan, do not show the mountains and the water, and now they are lurking to the rear camp of Chu Yi, which is absolutely terrible.

Only the frontal attack, the two peak fairy lords, are already invincible, not to mention the sneak attack.

"Remember, this time, the primary goal was Lord Yan Luo, followed by the old guy with the wine gourd, and Lord Qinglei, and then the **** little fat man."

"Four goals, no matter which one appears first, we are the first to kill."

The swamp was moving fast, and occasionally a monk passed by. For some reason, he didn't even notice it. Even the peak fairy, it seemed that he couldn't see this swamp.

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