My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1559: Heterogeneous creatures in the virtual world

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The soul of the sword is a bit of blood, and it looks like a glass, and has a quiet beauty.

It just floated in mid-air, and moved in the direction of the lonely north fairy lord.

When the Soul of Sword appeared, the surrounding time seemed to stop, there was no movement, and everything seemed to freeze.

Gu Beixian stared at the sword soul in close proximity, his calm face, showing a little bit of panic, everything was like a slow-moving movie lens.

However, without any reaction from him, the spirit of the sword was spinning at a rapid speed. During this period, it brought an endless storm and turned into a sword awn. The sword awn containing the destructive power exploded out. The world.

This huge space, more and more Jianmang, afterwards, has begun to split the void, layer by layer method, but also annihilated at the same time.

Chu Yi flew away, but fortunately he walked with the sword, otherwise, he would have been swallowed by these swords.

The terrible wave of energy rises into the sky and directly descends into the physical space.

The closest to the Soul of the Sword is the Lord Gu Bei, who did not respond at all. The dreaded sword mandala shrouded him instantly and continuously cut his body.

"roll roll roll!"

He snarled and turned into a deity, but a giant reddish wolf, his hair was harder than metal, and a strange red blood awn began to condense on his armor.

However, this layer of armor, only able to withstand a moment, burst into bursts.

The terrible Jianmang shock wave swept through everything, constantly escaping from the void.

"what happened?!"

"This is... the sword spirit of Lord Chenhuo!"

Master Feng Lei was flabbergasted, but he knew that the sword spirit of Lord Chenhuo was on Chu Yi's body, and that Chu Yi could use this sword spirit, which is bound to encounter trouble that was difficult to overcome.


He rushed past immediately.

"What's going on?! I just felt like I was leaving."

Jiu Lao also came out of the air, looking at the dense air, the sword gas that escaped from the void, he was a little bit dazed.

If these swords are not in the void, but in the material space, I am afraid that they will be wiped out behind the base.

But around this, this star has been cut to half, and turned into powder.


As soon as the wine master grabbed his hand, he grabbed Chu Yi up below.

Seeing the two of them, Chu Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Two of you, you can be regarded as coming."

"I was ambushed here by the pinnacles of the two demon clan, almost died. Fortunately, there was the sword spirit of the houselord, and I escaped."

"The pinnacle of the demon clan, or two?"

Both Jiu Lao and Feng Lei Immortal changed color, and their thoughts quickly glanced over.

"It's gone. The sword spirit of the master alone hurts them at most, and it's impossible to kill them." Chu Yi shook his head.

"This should be the bottom card of the demon clan. We are careless and let them mix into our camp." Lord Feng Lei's face was quite ugly.

If they successfully attacked Chu Yi today, it would be tantamount to breaking their way.

"The demon clan hides two pinnacle celebrities. It is conceivable that the other Mojia and Zerg clan hold the cards in their hands."

"Boy, you must follow me wherever you go now. After all, you are not a real fairy lord. Many methods cannot be used. Even if you are trapped, it is not easy to contact the outside world."

Master Feng Lei said solemnly.

"I have to ask someone to check all the monks above the fairy king to prevent enemies from mixing in."


Suddenly, Jiu Lao stopped Master Feng Lei.

For a moment, the latter looked at Chu Yi again, but when he saw the other person's expression, he began to become muddled.

"Epiphany again?"

"His previous epiphany should have been forcibly interrupted, but now, look at the sword spirit of Lord Chenhuoxian again, epiphany again..."

Jiu Lao set up a formation beside Chu Yi and stood by.

"The more he epiphany, the better for us."

"This time, the peak fairy lords of the two demon clan, came at the right time, they came over to attack Chu kid, and probably knew his strength, but he wouldn’t think of a young swordsman, How terrible the perception is, the more dangerous it is, the faster the improvement."

"Look, the thunder penalty is coming. The eleventh style of basic sword moves is not difficult for him."

There is enlightenment in Chu Yi's heart. He watched the invincible method of Lei's family and saw the eruption of the sword spirit of Lord Chenhuo. The kind of power full of destruction made him intoxicated.

"Born in destruction..."

He was quiet in his own world.

"What is rebirth, the fairy lord is a rebirth for the fairy king, because a new way is found, then the road to the fairy emperor should also be different from ordinary cultivation."

"I want to find a way. Terror is not as simple as refining the origin of the universe. It takes an opportunity to fully refining."

"A connection point."

"Maybe I want to create my own swordsmanship, maybe I forge a swordsmanship, maybe a mind..."

Chu Yi was faintly aware.

Because, to achieve the immortal emperor, that is to sit on the same level with the universe, and a level of life with the virtual world, this is a huge leap.

And to complete this leap, there must be a medium.

However, for him now, it is still too far away.

A bang!

Tianlei landed, but had no effect on him.

Sky Lei is the source of the source, but Chu Yi now has the power of the source.

He sat in the thunder, and instead of hurting him, those thunders were nourishing his body.


"Failed...Nine demon queens, our brothers and two failed."

In the void, all three of them are waiting for the news. For them, it is only a few years, too short.

Suddenly, two embarrassed figures fell out of the void.

Buried Immortal Lord frowned.

The Queen of Nine Demons is very surprised: "With the strength of you two, there is no problem in killing the pinnacle..."

There are many small blood holes in the abdomen of Gubei Immortal Lord. Among the blood holes, Jianmang has not dissipated.

"We are already trapped by the King Yan Luoxian, but in his hand, there is the sword spirit of the Lord Chenhuo. He detonated the sword spirit, and there was a big movement, we had to leave."

"Has it detonated the soul of the sword..." The people were silent, they forgot that there was such a trick in the other's hand.

"It is certain that his strength is not the opponent of the pinnacle lord, but it is definitely the first person below the pinnacle lord, the general lord is not his opponent at all."

"If he breaks through again, it will be very bad for us."

"Let's start the war again, we can't let the enemy grow again, the longer the time, the more unfavorable to us." Lord Bianxian heard the words and said heavily.

"Yeah, it's too bad for you. How about discussing with us?" Suddenly, a ghostly voice sounded.

But seeing the famine, I don't know when, I have stood not far away from them.


"You dare to come!"

The King of Thousands of Insects angered that their hometown was destroyed by this guy.

Famine is the military division of the imaginary creatures.

How high is the life level of the imaginary creatures, and it is the same level as the universe.

The universe nurtures everything, and the imaginary creatures destroy everything.

They are all high-level beings, and virtual creatures are extremely powerful, but they all have a fatal flaw, that is, spirituality is generally not high.

Although the creatures of the virtual world are more spiritual than the origin of the universe, the creatures bred by the origin of the universe are much smarter than the creatures of the virtual world.

This is also a balance of the void.

In general, a tribe of imaginary creatures will destroy one or two universes in a lifetime, and then they will defeat themselves.

But by all means, among this tribe, there was a heterogeneity of famine.

Barren, very cunning, his IQ is stronger than most of the creatures bred in the universe.

His strength is not the strongest, but under his leadership, their tribe has destroyed four universes, and now this is the fifth.

Therefore, when Mo Yutian learned that Chu Yi let go of the wasteland, he was so angry and frightened.

"Thousand Tribulation Insect King, you don't need to attack me, anyway, I won't come to the deity, you killed me to no avail."

"Just seeing that you are pressed for time, I want to come over and talk to you about a deal that is good for both of us."

Famine follows through and lures.

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