My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1572: Channel exposure

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Famine, what are you going to say?"

Chu Yi's face changed slightly when Huang said this sentence. He didn't believe that this guy would be aimless.

Huang seems to have pulled back a round, and his voice has been relaxed a lot, saying: "Senior Lord Yan Luo, why do you have to hide it? One more retreat is more beneficial to your universe, isn't it."

Chu Yi's heartbeat accelerated, and he could be sure that Huang had already known the channel and was threatening it.

"Famine, what are you talking about, what can be said clearly." An immortal master asked.

"What I am talking about, Lord Yan Luo must be very clear. Your universe should have a secret passage leading to a whole new universe."


"How is it possible, why don't we know." Di Ye exclaimed, all the fairy masters were a little dazed.

They knew that the Mo family at that time relied on a passage to come to their universe, and when there was another passage in their universe.

"No, what Huang said is that Lord Yan Luo knew."

Everyone's eyes looked at Chu Yi with uncertainty.

Chu Yi was silent for a while, and said nothing.

Seeing the shortage, he laughed even more.

"It turns out you don't know, I thought, Lord Yan Luo regarded you as his own."

"Senior Lord Yan Luo, you must be wondering, how did I know it? In fact, it's just speculation, but now I look at your expression, but I can be sure."

"In the beginning, when you used the Xianfan Temple, I was very puzzled. The craftsmanship is neither in the universe on your side, nor in the universe where the Mo family is, and the means are extremely novel. It is impossible for such a thing to pop out at once. ."

"So I speculate that the Immortal Emperor of your universe must have discovered a new universe, and learned the advanced craftsmanship directly from there, before leaving the Immortal Palace."

"And after he discovered the new universe, even if he didn't want to invade, he always had to prepare for future generations."

"Then, the message he left, most likely, is nothing more than a few things."

"One is the Dream World, one is the Xianfan Temple, and the other is the Eight Commandments that he built back then."

"These three things seem to be related to Lord Yan Luo, so it is not an exaggeration for you to grasp the information of that channel."

Famine's sight swept across the horrified face of the opposite goddess, jokingly said, "And, after my observations during this time, it seems that the earth, but the strength of your original fairyland, has been returned, Lord Yan Luo, You are preparing for your escape."

"You seem to be living and dying with them, inspiring them to sacrifice generously, but you are thinking about how to retreat, which is really a coup."

"Because you know that your universe cannot be our opponent at all!"

Shortage, final word!

Chu Yi clenched his fists, he originally wanted to hear the news, but did not expect to be counterattacked by the shortage.

"Mr. Chu, there is such a passage?" Di Ye said solemnly.

"Yes." Chu Yi smiled bitterly, he is not easy to refute now.

Everyone's face was uncertain.

Chu Yi watched them silently.

"I didn't expect that you are such a person, you are too disappointing..." Di Ye said slowly, his face angry and depressed.

Suddenly, he looked up and looked at the desert, grinning.

"Famine, you want us to say this."

Famine: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yi also didn't understand his intentions. He looked at the people behind him and found that although they were somewhat entangled, there was not much hatred in his eyes.

Lord Tianlin smiled and said: "You want to use this remark to attack our self-confidence and make us infight. Unfortunately, you are wrong."

"Amitabha, we had made a mistake at that time. The Universiade Palace was destroyed because of our stupidity and mistrust. Even now, Lord Yan Luo takes his own people and leaves this universe directly. We will not stop it."

Master Dao said, "We are all alive for a long time, and we are all mature. With your trick, we are not virtual creatures, we can still see it."

"The reason why Lord Yan Luo didn't tell us is that there is a reason."

"First, because of the retreat, when we face you, we will not fight for life and death, so that our chances of winning are even lower."

"Second, even if we used to be?"

"Our universe is destroyed, if we have not captured the origin of that side, it will be the same as the Nine Demon Queen and others now, just waiting for death."

"Third, your imaginary creatures are likely to follow our breath and find the past along the way. In the future, it will still be a war."

"Haha, that's right." Lord Yebai laughed. "Sister Yan Luo, instead of telling us, let's fight back. I believe that when the time comes, Lord Yan Luo will tell us. "

"Famine, you are miscalculated, although we will have a mustard, but at least we can see clearly."

"You..." Chu Yi was stunned.

Araki was silent.

He suddenly understood that these people were different from Harris and others.

The same trick, deceiving once can be, deceiving a second time, it is difficult to succeed.

"Famine, this seat told you long ago, you used your cleverness in the wrong place. If it is used in cultivation, maybe you can barely reach the level of this seat." Harris seems to be mocking.

"To deal with these people, why should they have general knowledge, just kill them directly."

Famine is almost mad at his pig teammates.

"You have exceeded my expectations. This time, it is considered unfavorable for me to be a teacher, but one thing is certain. With your current strength, it is really not our opponent."

"You will definitely die!"

Huang Yi said the point.

No matter how firm and united they are, the strength of the imaginary realm is an indisputable fact.

Chu Yi smiled brightly, and said, "Famine, how clever you are, and you can cultivate destiny. In the virtual world, you are so different. Although your IQ limits your strength, I believe that you still have Way to break through to the King of the Netherworld."

"Instead of staying with these stupid creatures in the virtual world and selling their lives for them, why not stand out and use your means to definitely be able to break into a world in the vast void without any shackles."

"Senior Lord Yan Luo, what are you talking about, the King of the Void Realm is my king. In my life, I am only loyal to my King of the Void Realm. Your thoughts are too ridiculous for me." Huang said immediately.

"It's okay, I will just mention that." Yu Yi of Chu Yi swept at Harris and smiled.

Shortage is their breakthrough.

He is too clever. Although all life in a tribe is subject to the King of the Void Realm, Chu Yi does not believe that the wasteland is not looking for a solution.

"Famine, no matter what, we have known each other for a long time. If you are tired later, you can come to us."

"Shut up!" said wildly, he knew the other party's words intentionally.

Ordinary people can see that it is a provoke, but Harris around him will definitely tell the Netherworld King what happened today.

"Senior Lord Yan Luo, we have nothing to talk about. If we say goodbye today, we may not meet in a lifetime. When our army arrives, you will have nothing to lose."

Lonely and coldly said, "Oh, by the time you leave, give you a gift."

"This bone-bearing lord, though you take it."

Buried Immortal Lord was originally just watching the drama, but at the moment, his face changed greatly: "Famine, you have made an oath, you can't kill me."

Leng Leng laughed: "I said, my imaginary family will not move you, but they want to move you, I can't control it."

"Harris, let's go."

Harris grinned: "That's right, why not accept the surrender of these lower creatures."

The two left and returned to the nest.

And buried the bone fairy, the expression suddenly changed.

He was surrounded by many fairy lords, and the fat man even sacrificed out of the fairy hall.

"Buried Immortal Lord, let's go back and talk about it." Chu Yi smiled.

"I am willing to surrender to you, willing to be a slave. Now that the war is coming, you also lack the peak fairy."

"Accept or not, it needs the elders to decide." Tianlin Immortal Lord said lightly.

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