My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1586: Wild ambition

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"How can I kill a virtual king?"

Chu Yi did not suffer too much injury. After his injury was good, he walked among many forces and realized different ways.

Sanyuan Holy Mountain, Shi Mu accompanied Chu Yi.

"Ah?" He scratched his ear.

Chu Yi looked at him very seriously: "If you don't become an immortal emperor, Brother Shi, do you think it's possible to kill a Void Realm King?"

"Ah?" Ishiki continued dumbfounded.

Chu Yi closed a scroll: "The King of the Virtual Realm is too powerful, I am not his opponent at all, his law, his way, his means, I can't see through at all, I don't even know how he shot of."

Shi Mu saw Chu Yi rubbing his eyebrows. He seemed to see Chu Yi for the first time, and his eyes were no longer confident.

"I've been to many places and seen many secret methods, but it still doesn't work."

Chu Yi put down the scroll and touched gently: "Not enough, not enough at all, even if it is an invincible method, it is a bit far from the level of the King of the Virtual Realm."

"Isn't it really okay? We must break the shackles of life, must we make a leap to become an immortal emperor."

"But how can I become a fairy emperor?"

"I have integrated the thirteen types of basic sword moves. At the level of Immortal Lord, I have reached the end. The source has been integrated into one-tenth. Why can't I see the path of Immortal Emperor?"

He underestimated the fairy emperor.

I originally thought it was only a leap forward in life, but obviously, not once.

Chu Yi muttered to himself that he wouldn't be an immortal emperor, after all, he wouldn't be the opponent of the virtual realm king. Even this virtual realm king might be more powerful than the ordinary fairy emperor.

"These secrets are not enough to defeat the King of the Realm, how can they be defeated?"

Shimu shook his head, which was too far away for him, but he was not good to bother with words, because he knew that the other party's level was much higher than himself.

With so much pressure on one person, the fate of the entire universe depends on Chu Yi alone. It is already very good to be able to calm down like this.

"Senior, do you know how to do it, or how to become an emperor?" Chu Yi asked Chu Fanfan.

Chu Feifan shook his head: "You asked me, I am a person who didn't even reach the Immortal Lord, how could I know how to become an Immortal Emperor?"

"Boy, you are under too much pressure, don't think too much, we have at least one way out. If there is really no way, we can go to other universes, even for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, nothing will happen. "

Chu Yi silently, this is not his style of conduct.

"How did that fairy emperor become a fairy emperor?"

Chu Yi thought, he looked into the vast space, somewhat at a loss.

He went to consult the heavenly fairy immortal master, and also to the nine demon queens and other people. They were all people who had contact with the fairy emperor, but they also did not know how to become an emperor.

Everyone seems to be different, there seems to be no fixed way.

Of course, there are too few samples, and what Chu Yi knows about the two immortal emperors is not easy to deduce.

"There are still a hundred years..."

Chu Yifei flew to the Universe Administration, where the veteran meeting is still held, and many fairy lords are here to prepare for the future.

"Lord Lord Yan..."

"Little Chu!"

Immortal masters saw Chu Yi appear, and stood up one by one. For them, Chu Yi was the first person in the universe.

"What progress can you make?"

The Heavenly Master Immortal laughed bitterly and said, "What progress can we make, what we can do now is to vigorously train the next generation for a hundred years, but under the control of the Immortal Masters, those geniuses can experience thousands of years, some of them , Enough to grow up."

"Next, we can only rely on the development of arrays and magic instruments and methods."

is that useful?

Naturally useful.

Of course, this useful premise is that someone can stand up and fight against the King of the Virtual Realm.

And the celestial masters have the opportunity to resist the army of imaginary creatures.

Without the immortal emperor, then the King of the Virtual Realm descended, and everything fell into smoke.

"Mr. Chu, we have arrangements here, so you don't have to come. Why do you go? Even if you want to rest, it doesn't matter if you don't practice for a hundred years." Di Ye smiled.

"This is our universe, and it's not your own universe. Those of us old guys have lived endless years, and they are not dead, and there is no need to put the responsibility on you alone."

"Go aside!" several fairy lords laughed and scolded.

Chu Yi was crushed out, Zhu Bajie and others were not around, and Chu Feifan in the Taoist government was still sleeping. Chu Yi did not understand why a Yuanying still wanted to sleep.

He stands alone on a star, and there seems to be a lot of things to do, such as training the sword reincarnation to perfection.

But he found that even the most perfect sword reincarnation could not affect the Netherworld King.

He had a touch of frustration.

"Senior Lord Yan Luo..." Huang's voice sounded faintly around him.

The void is twisted, a thread creeps out, and there is a barren voice inside.

"It seems that you still haven't come out of confusion."

"Confused?" Chu Yi turned his head away, "I'm afraid it can't be called confused, but helpless. You have long known that the gap between me and the King of the Virtual Realm is so huge."

"That's natural, so I said, we want to cooperate."

Chu Yi frowned and said: "You said before, after the battle, you will tell me the information of the King of the Realm, now you can say it."

The silk thread is attached to a rock.

"The King of the Void Realm is extremely powerful. The one who died before is not as powerful as Renner."

"Moreover, Renner's IQ is not low."

"He is nearly perfect in body and spirit, and so is his magical powers."

"You say close..." Chu Yi keenly perceives this word.

"Yes, he is not the most perfect, but only close. The most perfect creatures are those connected with the void, the darlings of the void, and their level of life is the top level."

"The King of the Virtual Realm, just approaching, this is our breakthrough."

Huang said, "You should see that the lair is a part of the King of the Netherworld."

"You moved your hands and feet in the nest?" Chu Yi asked immediately, he had thought about it too, but there was no time, and the nest was so perfect that no force could invade.

"Hands and feet?" Huang denied, "Impossible. Once I work, I will be discovered immediately, so I didn't work there at all. The place where I work is in the universe."

Chu Yi suddenly lighted up: "You have experienced four or five universes, and the origin of each universe is absorbed by the King of the Virtual Realm at the end. No, you cannot find the origin of the universe. This thing is too much for you. Nothingness, but the nest absorbs the energy of this universe, and you can do things on it."

"Talking to smart people is easy." Lai came with laughter. "It's just that I didn't poison. Instead, I placed large supplements. These are precious drugs that I collected in the dark, in the void, and yes There is a great use for the creatures in the virtual world."

"I merged these treasure medicines into the energy of the universe, and the nest naturally absorbed them."

Chu Yi answered: "Every universe, you put different drugs, a single absorption, will not cause any problems, but if combined together, and then induced by some medium, then there is a problem."

"Yes, Lord Yan Luo, and this will not be discovered, because Renner will only find that his cultivation is getting smoother and smoother."

"I said that his physical body is only close to perfection, and he is not willing to learn this knowledge, so it is difficult to detect."

"To what extent can his strength be suppressed?" Chu Yi quickly asked.

"Suppress 20%..."

Chu Yi sighed and said, "Is it only 20%, then there is still the strength of the virtual world king."

"Huh, Lord Yan Luo, do you really think that the King of the Virtual Realm is so good to deal with? It can suppress 20%. It is already very good. If you become an Immortal Emperor, then he can be killed by you, otherwise, you become an Immortal Emperor. , It's useless."

"Of course, I can't pin all my hopes on you." The thread swayed and turned into a wild shape.

"When I suppress his strength, if you can stalemate with him for a while, I can solve him."

"What way?" Chu Yi narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

"Destroy the house!" Famine's dark and unclear face even opened a mouth, like a mouth, hehe smiled.

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