My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1590: New imaginary creature

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The void is vast, from the universe, in fact, you can directly break through the physical space and go to the void.

But the void is also very strange. Various time and space overlap, and it is easy to get lost.

Of course, it is still possible to return only by breaking the void in the universe and marking the location.

Chu Yi landed on the Void Fragment, surrounded by gray.

Fifty years have passed.

In the past 50 years, he has met many old people, taught his students, and visited many ruins.

His heart became more and more quiet, and by the end, he was already feeling calm.

"Boy, are you going to break through?" Chu Feifan observed Chu Yi's sword soul, and the opponent's sword soul seemed to have signs of fogging, which he had never seen before.

"Making the moon tactics, I have reached the highest level, and the highest level is still not the legendary incarnation of the body. I can only say that there is more combat power. Such a strength is no problem against the ordinary fairy lord, but it can deal with the virtual. The Realm King is a bit stretched."

Chu Yi's Yuan Ying exudes golden light, just like a new life.

"I don't know how strong the Netherworld King is, but it will not be as strong as he said, but it will never be weak. I am afraid that it is really stronger than the ordinary fairy emperor. I can feel it. ."

"And there are only two ways to fight him."

"First, directly become an immortal emperor. If so, it would be easier. I believe that under the same state of life, I will not be weaker than him."

"Second, my realm breaks through again. If the level of life does not reach the immortal emperor, then the realm, or rather, the creation of the immortal emperor level method, in this way, it is not a big problem to drag the other party."

"In the end, just wait for the famine to fail."

"It's a breakthrough. It's too difficult. It's too difficult. The level of life has to jump over two levels at once, and it's still a high level. You can't do it in a short time." Chu Feifan said.

Chu Yi nodded: "So, I want to make a breakthrough in the realm."

"Breaking through the level of life requires time and luck, and it has a lot to do with the flesh. I was originally in the flesh, and I didn't have much talent."

"On the contrary, my perception is sufficient."

"The perception is strong, it is better to directly create a fairy-level method."

Over the years, he has a peaceful state of mind and is quite sentimental.

Chu Yi condensed his breath, and the small world inside him seemed to be dimmed.

"Destroy and rebirth."

"Whether it is the void or the universe, it follows this rule, there is no destruction and rebirth, and the entire void or universe is difficult to maintain a balance."

"I'll start with destruction."


"New magic weapon!"

"There are also defensive formations. Over the years, we have obtained many mysterious lines from the body of the imaginary realm. After careful study, we finally realized it."

The entire universe is being studied and their strengths are being improved. With the help of the emperor calendar, they are constantly innovating.

Di Ye stood smiling on a cannon.

"Unexpectedly, we will also come to this day, and it seems that it is almost the time."

Tianlin Immortal said with a smile: "There are ten years, this is the limit of what we can do. The universe is too big to be completely sheltered. We can only shelter the main area."

"If it fails, the elite of our universe must also be able to survive."

Mu Fuzhu smiled and said: "Several of us old guys die from death, but the children must not die, and the boy Yan Luo, if he is alive, as long as there is enough time, even if our universe is destroyed, maybe he A new method can be found in the void."

"Kid Chu hasn't heard from us in a long time."

"Don't worry about this. I have sent people to understand his situation. It seems to be getting better and better. In a hundred years, he has not rushed to make quick gains, nor has he used the speed of time to improve himself. He should have overcome the obstacles in his heart."

Di Ye laughed, "We are not dead, where can they get a bunch of young people."


Suddenly, several people of Earth looked up sharply, looking at the far boundary of the universe.

That direction is the lair of living creatures in the virtual world.



A huge light burst directly.

The nest slowly opened and continuously circulated, shining bright and gorgeous light.

"Turn it on ahead of time?" Furiously raised his head. "Cummon, did you turn it on?"

"It's not me, Lord Huang, it was the lair that opened automatically. It should have sensed the arrival of the king."


The light in the nest shone into the void, forming a small passage.

Suddenly, from the passage, only strangely shaped creatures from the virtual world flew in.

"What's this?" Huang narrowed her eyes, a little suspicious.

"The walls of the universe were not fully opened, but they came in, and I didn't know it at all. I could feel that the king is still some distance away from here."

"Bad Lord!"

A humanoid imaginary creature, all muscles are like black armor, and there are often six black flesh wings behind him, falling in front of the wasteland.

"you are?"

"My name is Ildan, Lord Huang. We are the creatures of the virtual world created by Wang Xin. We can easily break the cosmic arm, and we can compress the void and come ahead of time."

"New virtual world life?"


"There is a wound on the king. He rushed and recovered at the same time, but it makes sense. But why, Sima and they did not come with you?" Huang Minrui noticed something was wrong.

"You mean, that some waste is naturally swallowed by our new imaginary creatures." Ildan showed a humanized smile, which made the wild scary.

"Wang said they were too stupid, and there were too many of them, wasting resources. When I was born, I would devour them, and then generate new virtual creatures."

"We, each one, have at least an IQ level of ordinary human races, which is much better than that group of idiots."

Anecdotally, the threads of the whole body tightened together.

"New imaginary creatures..." He looked at Ildan.

"Yes." Ildan smiled, and his six black flesh wings suddenly turned into a pipe, violently winding the side Cummon, and then swallowed.

"What are you doing?!" Famine asked.

"Senior man, don't panic. This is the king's order. With the strength of the king today, he no longer needs these mentally retarded and stupid guys. Only our higher lives can be worthy of the king."

Ildan laughed, "Now, this lair is completely under my control, and Lord Huang does not have to worry too much. Wang said, before he arrives, Lord Huang should not go out, so as not to be killed by the powerful of this universe. ."

The stunned, cold body.

He looked at each other with pride and took a deep breath, saying: "Since that is the case, then I will not say much and wait for your good news."

Huang turned and returned to his residence.

The thread on his body wriggled, as if thousands of heads were thinking.

" virtual trouble!"

"It can be seen that Wang's IQ is improving again. He may be afraid of some of my methods. Now he can keep me and not kill me. I am afraid he is trying to get the position of the next universe."

"From the point of view of his ability to create Ildan, I am afraid that it is really going to break through again, and the level of life is crossed again, that is, there is an invincible existence in the void."

"I can't do anything now, I can only hope that Lord Yan Luo can make a difference."

Liao is very calm.

"Ildan, but a newborn calf, really thought he had a little IQ, and he would be able to show off his power in front of me. His strength is very strong, but I am afraid that he is not yet an opponent of Immortal Lord Yan Luo."

"But King, I'm too cautious, I didn't recover from my injury, I'm determined not to enter this universe. Now I'm afraid that Ildan will come over and I clearly want to consume a wave of power in this universe."



A million troops, spread towards the entire universe.

Their quality is too high, each one can at least be comparable to the peak fairy king, but the fairy master, this is the largest masterpiece of the virtual world king.

At the same time, it is a sign that the King of the Nether Realm is about to break through.

"what happened?"


"A large number of imaginary creatures are attacking!"

"Ready to fight!"

Chu Yi broke through the void fragments and returned to the universe in one step. He felt the breath in the distance and his face changed a lot.

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