My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

: Closing remarks and special situation (1)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Reading Tip: The announcement cannot be longer than 1500 words, so I have divided this into two chapters.

When I heavily typed the three finale words on the keyboard, I felt so reluctant in my heart.

410 days, 4.05 million words, almost every day with 4 million words updated, never changed. When it was over, I wished to lie in bed for three days and three nights, immobile, not thinking, to be a paramecium that eroded in the corners of the world. .

Unfortunately, the sense of responsibility (actually peeing) made me turn on the computer on time on time as always, and wrote this closing statement.

I have never written about the city. I probably never thought about writing the city a few years ago, especially with a light and funny plot, because my daily life is really not funny at all.

However, people always need to get out of their comfort zone, and then you will find another new world.

Just like the most proud thing I did in my life last year was to go to the gym. The ghost knows that people like me who have not exercised for 1800 years have gone to the gym for half a year. When some of my old classmates know, they are surprised shocked.

It's like I wrote four serious dark days, and suddenly found that writing the city is more handy.

I remember one sentence, you always look for your favorite book, then what you see is all the knowledge you already know.

I was born in 1991, and now I have to run three times. This is definitely a terrible word for people in their twenties.

The deepest feeling is that when I was 18 or 9 years old, my life plan was started in three years. Imagine what to accomplish in five years and what height to achieve in ten years.

In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed. Ten years ago, it was no longer 1998, but 2008.

Now I arrange the plan, all for months and months, because I feel the urgency of time.

Most of the readers who read my book are in their early twenties and twenties. I really envy your youth and have many opportunities to try many new things.

I am an embarrassing age, saying that young is not young and old is not counted, but I always feel that writing something needs to be left behind.

Such as right and wrong, justice and evil.

I hate absolute right and wrong, so in the novel, except for the plot, I don’t like setting up that kind of villain.

Such as Tingtian, such as the Great Elder, or even the barren...

I like to put ideas one by one and let them collide.

I have emphasized many times that everything is nothing more than a rule. Under the rules of the void, the creatures of the void will attack the universe, and the creatures of the Mojia universe will come to the universe where the protagonist lives in order to survive.

All the rules are there. You can imagine that the void is the author, and the characters are just following the rules.

Of course, I did not deal with this very well, because the initial settings were insufficient.

This book was already in a hurry, and after the end of the dark era, I was in a state of confusion, and I didn't know what to write.

No magical, black fantasy rock can't get up, history can't, city has never written, and I can't write ambiguous, continue to write science fiction? It seems to have no future.

In a hurry, this book began.

Fortunately, with the accumulation of the previous four books, it was finally handy, with four million words written, and a brand-new understanding of the novel.

But because of insufficient settings, it is very difficult to write, and every day I have to change four times, almost killing my old life.

For more than a year, my mind is dizzy every day, filled with a lot of plots, plus a lot of updates, people are sometimes more irritable.

I naturally know that the more readers read, the happier they are, but in fact, the better the article, the more time it takes to think.

If it takes an hour to write a chapter, it takes at least half an hour to think about how to write a chapter.

Unfortunately, many times, there is no such time. (Turn the page to continue)

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