My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 243: This year's fireworks are beautiful

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The whole Qinhua city is very lively, but the Chu family mansion has a strange atmosphere and everyone's expressions are just like hell.

Around is the constant force of Chu Shanhe, the corners of his eyes are twitching wildly at the moment.

"This stupid boy, I told us in advance on the high-speed rail, it turned out that this was the case, it was too much trouble, when did he get so good in Jiujiang City."

Chu Shanhe was amazed by the energy of his son. He thought it was just a joke, but he didn't expect it to come true.

To say no pride, it is false.

Without the help of the Chu family, my son still surpassed the heirs trained by the Chu family.

What does this mean?

My own genes are so good.

When Chu Shanhe secretly hid, other people couldn't squeeze a smile, and the expression on his face was even uglier than crying.

"Fuck, your cousin, this is to break the sky. The Asian Games plus the Great Power Summit, don't want to drop house prices over there." Yu Kai couldn't help but swear, he also got into real estate However, following the Chu family and investing in part of Longwan District, I have regretted it now.

"Son, please tell your cousin, let's take a share."

Yu Hua's mouth didn't close, and nodded subconsciously.

He remembered what he had just said. He always felt that Chu Yi was not simple, but he didn't expect that the other party's wealth would be exaggerated to such a degree overnight.

"Really, everything is true, Xiao Yi, how did he know?"

Chu Yunyun looked at Chu Yi with a trace of admiration. He used to treat each other as his younger brother. He never grew up, but now, Chu Yi has the courage to resist the wind and rain.

"150 billion!" Chu Zhongfei's scalp felt numb and his heart shrunk. At this moment, his whole body's strength seemed to be drained, and he could no longer stand, and the whole person sat on a chair.

After repeated blows, he resisted wave after wave, even if Chu Yi had 100 billion real estate in his hands, he could reverse the situation.

But the news just now, as if the last straw, he could no longer hold up.

Everyone was stunned, without saying a word, the whole Chu family was like ghosts.

Chu Yi was slow-paced. After eating a piece of fish, he put down his chopsticks: "Huh? Why? There is no movement, 150 billion. This is a very reasonable price, including a large number of commercial streets."

"Brother, where did they give it up? The three billions before that were lost." Chu Mu smiled and fell into the stone.

"Don't Huaxia have such a story, picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelon."

"It's not, so you must remember, this person, can't be greedy, you can't just see the benefits in front of you..."

The two brothers and sisters sang one harmony, making the Chu family blush.

"By the way, Brother Zhonggu, don't you say, if you lose, you must eat shit." Chu Mu's evil smile, like a little devil, "There are many dogs in the courtyard, there should be a lot of shit." "

Chu Zhonggu's face was pale.

"Forget it, they can even spend three billions on it. There is nothing they can do with shit."

"Dad, let's go, we have finished our dinner this year."

"Grandma, let's go first."

"Sister, Yu Hua, you can find me to go out to play during the Spring Festival."

Chu Yi greeted a few people and calmly left in a dead silence.

Just before leaving, when I looked back, there was a huge plaque in the middle of the Chu Family Hall, which was written by a gentleman of one of the eight calligraphers in Qinhua City.

"Nurturing the righteousness of heaven and earth." Chu Yi spoke softly, but with sarcasm.

All Chu family members only felt blushing and beating.


What did the Chus do just now?

Even Master Chu is selfish.

"Sin, this is all sin." Chu Yi's grandma sighed twice, and finally left the seat with the help of the maid.

In the hall, everyone's emotions eased down after a while.

Chu Zhongfei took a few deep breaths and renewed his fighting spirit in his eyes.

"Grandpa, uncles, in fact, this time, our Chu family has not failed. At least compared with other families, we are all on the same starting line, and we have not gained any benefits here."

He raised his head and held his chest.

"More importantly, what is a family?"

"The family is not determined by wealth. Otherwise, this huge China is much richer than our Chu family. Isn't the family going everywhere?"

"The reason why we are a family is because we have a background, a vast network of people, a kind of people, a national support, a warrior to join, glory, glory."

"Although he holds hundreds of billions of dollars, how many of them are hiss?"

"At most, after dividends, five billion."

"5 billion for our Chu family, although it is not a small number, it is not a large number."

"He is just a nouveau riche. Compared with our Chu family, he is still a ants."

"We, why bother with this kind of thing."

Chu Zhongfei said something passionately and generously.

Chu Shanliu clapped the table: "Dad, Xiaofei was right. This time, we were just bluffed. It seems that the funds are huge. But he can get it, but only a small part of it."

"The status of our family will not be shaken. After this New Year, we will choose a good day and get engaged to Yunyun and Ouyang Division first."

"got engaged?"

"Dad, I don't want to marry Ouyang Si!" Chu Yunyun's face was pale and shaky.

"Parent's life, matchmaker's words, marriage matters, what do you blend in?"

"This matter was decided by your grandfather and me long ago, and the Ouyang family also promised that they will treat you well. You will not have to go out these days, stay at home and wait for the engagement."

Chu Shanliu is very tough. Once his daughter marries the Ouyang family, the status of their family is also rising, and they no longer have to worry about the seat of the Chu family.

At that time, the old man had to give it even if he didn't want to give it.

"Sister, although Ouyang Secretary has a bad temper, it is after all a big boy. This is your honor. When you arrive at Ouyang's house, you must tolerate it." Chu Shanliu laughed.

Chu Yunyun was desperate. His parents, grandpas, and brothers pushed her to a huge abyss.

Is this still a loved one?

For the benefit, can you sacrifice the happiness of your children?

Outside the window, there was a piece of fireworks, but in the Chu family mansion, it was cold, and the leftovers on the table seemed to mock this family.

"I haven't lost yet, Chu Yi, you just wait. The family will always be the family, but it's easy to fall down," Chu Zhongfei firmly said.

He is Qin Hua with few flowers, and flowers often fail.



Zero comes.

The Chu Yi family is still walking on the mountain road.

The night lighted up at once, and countless fireworks turned into a piece of scenery, illuminating the night of heavy snow.

"Brother, this year's fireworks are so beautiful, more beautiful than ever."

Chu Mu's pupils were sparkling and smiling happily.

"In the future, our family will be more beautiful," Chu Yi laughed.

"Reunion?" Chu Shanhe couldn't help but yearn for it.

Perhaps his son was really capable of doing it, and even he suspected that Chu Yi had found the truth of the year.

Although I don’t know why Chu Yi did this, as a father, I only have full support.

At zero, Chu Yi’s cell phone never stopped.

Qian Xiaoshuai: "Teacher Chu, I am afraid that there are too many blessings in the thirty night, you will not care about my greetings, I am afraid that the firecrackers on the first morning are too noisy, you will not hear my blessings, so choose this time now Blessings to you, I hope you raise your hand high, the score at the end of the period is too bad, you have made my holiday sore."

Wang Ling recorded a song.

Liang Shier wrote a poem.

Luo Luo made a smile.

Hu Lai gave a red envelope.

Ma Xin was on vacation in Australia and took a few photos of local beauties.

Qin Ran and Lu Jie called him together.

The scar sent a big "Congratulations on making a fortune" in WeChat.

Chu Yi looked at the news and felt warm in his heart.

"Go, go home for the New Year, go back and make dumplings." Chu Shanhe smiled, tears flashing in his eyes.

"I will definitely eat dumplings with coins this year." Chu Mu cheered.

Chu Yi looked back. The Chu family not far away was brightly lit, and the eaves were covered with thick white snow, and there were several dead dead birds.

Many luxury cars were parked in front of the mansion, stiff and icy.

This year's fireworks are indeed more beautiful than the previous life.

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