My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 249: Everyone accuses

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Yang Ling took a deep breath and looked at the men and women in front of him, only to feel that the other party slapped **** his face.

In his own extreme appearance, there are even men who do not appreciate it.

"Sister Jane, I didn't expect to meet you here. It is said that your "Tai Chi" was released and collided with my "Space". It premiered at night. I hope we will have a wonderful contest."

Yang Ling, this is provoking. Her chin lifted slightly, and her appearance was no worse than the simple words.

"I don't dare to be like this. You are a Hollywood sci-fi blockbuster. I'm just a local small blockbuster. It's just a little bit of trouble." In a nutshell, he laughed lightly, weighing four or two pounds.

Her voice was very soft, and the unhurried speech made everyone feel like a spring breeze.

The contest between the two popular female stars is exciting.

Chu Yi could not wait to take the picture and show off to the students in his class.

Yang Ling's eyebrows can be seen in the entertainment circle in just a few years, which is obviously not simple.

She said to her in a nutshell: "Sister Jane, it’s not me who says you. Sometimes, the vision of a man will be brighter. How many handsome guys in the entertainment industry, and if you can’t help, you can also pursue your rich. Look for him, why go find a white-eyed wolf."

Chu Yi rolled his eyes, this is turning around and cursing himself.

But for Yang Ling, Chu Yi really hurt his brain. Isn't this woman born with a few ribs, so that she is entangled with herself.

Chu Yi can say that she is completely boring.

With the firmness of his Dao Xin, he is completely immune to all the charms of Yang Ling.

In his eyes, Yang Ling is a pink skull.

"Yes, Sister Jane, you can't be deceived by the appearance of some men. This guy is just a middle school teacher. You are a famous female star." Lin Ni couldn't look down anymore.

Her previous pride was destroyed by Chu Yi, and naturally the other party was not allowed to be so proud.

It is easy for a woman to create an imaginary enemy herself.

"We are all classmates of Chu Yi and Yang Ling. Naturally, I know that Chu Yi is a star. I am afraid that the star Jane has been in the entertainment circle for a long time. Forgetting the people outside the entertainment circle, the mentality may not be all good." Liu Jianming murmured a few words, but everyone heard clearly.

"He just insulted Yang Ling just now, how could there be such a man."

Some people should be reconciled, all from the Liu Jianming school.

When they leave the campus and enter the society, they realize how cruel reality is.

But now, they are no longer the simple appearance of the school.

Stepping on Chu Yi is just a matter of course. More, they want Liu Jianming to see it, and they want Zheng Antai to see their existence.

As long as Zheng Antai is happy and shows something casually from his fingers, it is enough for them to eat for life.

Chen Ren smiled. From beginning to end, he didn't like this person who was involved in his family. Now he is even more annoyed to see his goddess standing intimately with each other.

What's more, with the huge social status of Chu Yi and the brief, everyone will think that it is Chu Yi who appended the brief.

Chen Ren stepped a few steps forward, and in a nutshell, the gentleman smiled and said: "Miss Jane, your friend here just wantonly insulted people here, and now I have been invited out of the hotel."

"Sir, if you don't leave, I will look down on you."

His nostrils opened slightly, and Chen Ren knew something about Chu Yi.

But what about that.

No matter how beautiful the school is and put it in the society, it is just an ordinary person.

And myself, that's the deputy manager of Pinsheng Hotel, who earns a year's salary and others have to earn ten years.

Chu Yi looked to everyone, some people were indifferent, some people were good at the show, only Pan Jiayi kept making an eye toward him.

He remembered all the expressions in his heart. He only felt that the earth and the fairy world are generally the same. There are various struggles where there are people.

"Mr. Chu is my friend. I don't think your hotel has the right to drive him away."

In short, the frown is tight, let’s not talk about other issues first, but Chu Yi and President Jiang know this. This means that he is not an ordinary person.

After the fall of Qiu's family in Jinlin City, Jiang Kun was in full swing and became a newcomer in Jinlin City.

Such characters are very important in Qinhua City.

"Chu Yi, why don't you follow me to the crew, anyway, you all know."

When Chu Yi was about to shake his head and refused, he heard Yang Ling's phone ringing.

When Yang Ling looked at the number, a faint smile appeared on his face, and even Chong Chuyi winked.

"Yes, I'm in your hotel... well, I'll see you later."

Yang Ling's eyes were flooded with spring light, as if he said unintentionally: "I will have a friend to come later. It's the owner of this hotel. Chu Zhonggu, you shouldn't dislike it."

After speaking the name of Chu Zhonggu, Yang Ling was extremely proud.

She has been hooking up for so long, and finally has the opportunity to approach Qin Huachu's heir, and he is still a direct heir.

Yang Ling is rich, but she needs status and rights even more, and these big families are her goals.

"Master Chu Zhonggu?! He is coming!" Zheng Antai quickly and unconsciously sorted the collar.

"Speaking of that, I know him and I also called by phone when I booked the hotel yesterday."

"Chu children are about to show up?"

"I haven't seen any real family children. I heard that each of them is an elite. They have received strict training since childhood, and their ancestors have a glorious history."

"Are you hooking up with Chu Zhonggu again?" Chu Yi asked subconsciously, looking at Yang Ling, feeling that his so-called ex-girlfriend was really powerful and pervasive.

Yang Lingyan smiled: "Why, have you been jealous? Although you are all surnamed Chu, you have to say that the difference is too big, Chu Yi, and you will know later, what is the real top and bottom."

Chu Yi stunned and persuaded: "If you still think of me as a classmate, I suggest you, it is best to stay away from Chu Zhonggu that person."

"Bah, President Chu is also free to call your name?" Chen Ren heard the chairman was coming, and he was immediately energetic. "Don't think that all have the surname of Chu, you can bring the Qin Hua Chu family to bring the reason."

Yang Ling shook his head, this Chu Yi, always self-righteous.

She could see clearly that Chu Yi's eyes were deep and she didn't put anyone in her eyes.

"Stupid, thinking that knowing one or two rich people, being a special force, and making a short movie, is invincible?"

Frog at the bottom of the well.

At this moment, Yang Ling suddenly lost interest and fought with Chu Yi.

"Mr. Chen, why haven't you drove this man away, what kind of tone is he, and dare to say President Chu in this behind."

Zheng Antai frowned and waved his hand in disgust.

At the scene, almost no one sympathized with Chu Yi. In this age of supremacy, they will not offend Zheng Antai for an ordinary person.

In short, she will not stay in Qinhua for a long time anyway.

"Chu Yi, did you see that, those who have gained more help, those who have lost much help," Yang Ling said calmly, and his heart was not surprised.

If there is no accident, from today, she will be interacting with Chu Zhonggu, and will enter Qinhua Chu's house in the future.

Fame and fortune!

And this Chu Yi, I am afraid that I will not see much in my life!

"What's wrong, so lively, wouldn't it be possible to see that Yang Daxing couldn't move anymore."

Chu Zhonggu strode forward, followed by a group of bodyguards.

It's just that he has some dark circles today. Obviously what happened last night made him sleepless all night.

In his view, his big brother was too dark, and he was a monster. Without a word, all three family members in Qinhua City suffered a big loss.

Last night my grandpa and uncle almost exploded their lungs.

His original mood was not too good, but after seeing Yang Ling, he felt his eyes light up.

It's just that when that gaze falls on the body in a nutshell, it's even happier.

"Mr. Chu!"

"Chu Shao!"

A crowd quickly greeted each other.

Yang Ling, Chen Ren, and Zheng Antai greeted his wife Lin Ni with a smile, with a very respectful attitude.

"This is the Chu family? So handsome!" The girls looked secretly.

It has to be said that the genes of the Chu family are quite good. If you look closely, you can also find that Chu Yi and Chu Zhongfei are also similar.

Chu Zhonggu looked at the direction of Chu Yi after understanding the incident. At this time, Chu Yi was facing away from him.

"It's you. Let Yang Ling's beauty be far away from me?" Chu Zhongfei walked to Chu Yi and turned his head to say majesticly, without a loud voice, but with the power of a superior.

It was only after a questioning that he was completely stunned in place, his body stiffened, and he could not say anything in his mouth.

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