Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

But at this moment, no one is going to pity the big star, because no matter how big the star's halo is, it is just a career, but the name of the Chu family is different.

This represents absolute capital.

In Jiangnan Province, the people of the three great families are simply overlords of the earth, and they can't even control it.

Otherwise, Yang Ling would not be so eager to join the Chu family, this is not only a symbol of wealth, but also a symbol of status.

The wealth of Zheng Antai's family is not a lot, but he can't achieve a completely equal status in front of Chu Zhonggu. This is the power of the family.

The entire Jiangnan Province, the three major families, one can imagine how important the Chu family is in Jiangnan Province.

Now, a young boy from the Chu family is standing in front of them and is still a college classmate who has been with them for several years.

"Major Chu family..." Some girls secretly sighed. Who would have thought that there were such a background in the people in school at the time, at this moment, how many girls regret it, if they try harder in those days, is it now? Has become a young grandma.

Unfortunately, in this world, there is no if.

He is the young master of the Chu family!

He just won the Chu family major in the golden area of ​​Anjiang District!

They had also talked about the Chu family and young men before, while sarcastic Chu Yi, but who can think of, the two are actually the same person.

Everyone just felt slapped by reality.

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of identity?" It was not surprising that she briefly chuckled. In fact, she had some speculation.

"This is not a glorious identity. If I can, I would rather not have this identity..." This sentence is what Chu Yi said in his heart.


Before there was no ability to resist, the wealth brought by the family was also hugely bound.

However, Chu Yi's family are not unwilling to be bound by the flying birds.

"Let's go, there is nothing to be missed here." Chu Yi's eyes swept the crowd, but he didn't stay on Yang Ling.

In the heart of Chu Yi, this girl who was entangled with him couldn't be surprised.

Yang Ling reluctantly stood up, despair and regret flowed in his eyes, a pair of beautiful eyes, tears flashing, and I still felt pity.

She shouted in the direction of Chu Yi: "Chu Yi, do we really have no chance? I am still willing to be with you."

The voice was sad, bleak, and touching.

Unfortunately, she found in despair that the man's footsteps, even without a pause, slowly disappeared into everyone's sight.

Chu Zhonggu gave Yang Ling a disgusted look. The situation was so disturbing that he could not accept such a woman.

Family children pay more attention to offspring, so he will not marry a brainless woman and affect the IQ of future generations.

What's more, this is Chu Yi's ex-girlfriend, who gave him ten guts and dared not take it home.

Chu Zhonggu stood on the spot and looked somber. He was not an idiot. This time Chu Yi's strong return brought a series of problems.

"Grandpa seems to be dissatisfied with the Erbo family, but the family is ruthless. If the Erbo family can bring more benefits to the Chu family than the uncle family, I am afraid that the position of the owner is not necessarily who it is."

Chu Zhonggu did not have the ambition to be the head of the house. He felt that the ancient emperors were not human beings. It is good to be an emperor and a head of the house.

In his life, he just wanted to enjoy life, of course, the premise of all is that the Chu family can not fall.

"Unfortunately, my elder brother is only a great martial artist. If he can become a military commander, maybe Grandpa will choose him if he doesn't say anything."

Chu Zhonggu was quite sorry, he did not want to sway.

There are many military commanders, but the number of military commanders is very small. The total number of military commanders stationed in the entire Jiangnan Province is less than fifty.

As for the master, I am afraid that it only appears occasionally.

Gu Zhong's eyebrows were tightly locked and he stood still. He didn't move, and the rest didn't dare to move, let alone speak out.

"President Chu..." After a long while, Chen Ren couldn't help it. At this moment, he was covered in sweat, and even his back was no longer so straight, bending down and knees, and his cheeks were white.

Chu Zhonggu's eyes, like a knife, looked at Chen Ren with a smile on his lips, but Chen Ren's heart was cold.

"Manager Chen, did you let me drive away my big brother just now?"

Chen Ren was agitated, his bladder shrank, and his urine was coming out.

"President Chu, I didn't do it on purpose. I really don't know that he is your elder brother..." Chen Ren explained.

Unfortunately, it has become pale and weak.

When he was so arrogant in front of Chu Yi, he should have thought that he would have such a day.

I just didn't expect that the retribution came so fast.

Chu Zhong waved impatiently: "Go to the financial office to settle your salary bonus."


Chen Ren heard the words, eyes dull, kneeling on the spot on the spot.

He knew that his life was over.

He had no ability to enter the hotel. He still relied on human relations. Unfortunately, he offended the Chu family and no one would speak for him.

"How could this be... how could this be..." Song Qianxi burst into tears.

The reason why she endured domestic violence and not divorced was not for Chen Ren's money, but now that Chen Ren has nothing, is it necessary for him to live with him?

At this time, Song Qianxi also regretted.

If you listen to Chu Yi earlier, if you can come out and support Chu Yi when she is accused, maybe you can still ask him for help.

She lost her soul and looked at her husband who was kneeling on the ground, numb in her heart.

Seeing that Chu Zhonggu was about to leave, Zheng Antai quickly trot past.

"Chu Shao... we agreed on the cooperation..." He was sweating and bitter in his heart.

Chu Zhong looked at him and said blankly: "Do we know?"

Immediately, surrounded by security, strode away.

He was not interested in chatting with the gang.

Zheng Antai stood there on the spot, buzzing in his head, only to feel the world spinning.

As for Lin Ni on the side, she hasn't let herself down.

I thought I had lost a golden turtle son, but I didn't expect to run a dragon.

Her hands and feet were cold, and she remembered the sarcasm before, blushing.

"Chu Yi, the young master of the Chu family..."

At the scene of the same society, the atmosphere was stiff and weird, and everyone's expressions were still in shock.

The boys who had just lost their hearts just now were ashamed.

"I remember that classmate Chu Yi is still very good. Let's ask him out again in a few days." Some people suggested.

"I think the same, and we will call our counselors."

Compared with Zheng Antai and Liu Jianming, Chu Yi's leg is undoubtedly thicker.

"A bunch of people..." Pan Jiayi stood aside and looked at all this coldly, only to feel that reality was more exciting than that.

Suddenly, she received a message from Chu Yi.

"I couldn't have fun today, and we will make separate appointments instead."

Pan Jiayi moved slightly, responding with a smile and a word "good".


Yang Ling did not know how he returned to the crew's box.

Everyone is celebrating, because the pre-sale box office of "Space" has exceeded everyone's expectations, and even higher than the "Tai Chi" starring in short.

This will be the moment of epic.

But suddenly, the agent sitting next to her received a call and his face changed greatly.

"Oh no!"

"Yang Ling, everything about you has been exposed."

"Now your photos are everywhere on the Internet."


Yang Ling is an agitator.

The whole crew also exploded.

Insiders know that Yang Ling’s affairs are not particularly obscure in the entertainment world, but after all, there are still a few people who know the inside story, not to mention the fact that they are so detailed.

But at this moment, on the Internet and on the forum, there are photos of her hooking up with the rich and powerful, and even going to bed.

This is a huge impact for many diehard fans.

Her movie needs a topic, but it is definitely not such a topic.

"Quick, find someone to deal with!"

"The impact is too great."

"There is no way, these photos are circulated as soon as they appear, and someone has compiled all the man's information related to Yang Ling."

"The movie is about to be released, what about the box office?" The producer was very anxious.

But only Yang Ling, after experiencing the initial tension, was sitting numbly on the chair at the moment, like a bone covered with human skin.

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