My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 253: Spike invitation

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Langya, which is the most special department of China, is a separate system.

It is said that everyone inside has the right to cut first and then play.

Their talents are extremely high, and they are several grades higher than those of the outside warriors. Even the family members must face them seriously.

After all, Langya represents the entire China. When necessary, they can not only use a lot of force, but also use thermal weapons. No one wants to provoke this department.

The reason why Ouyang's family knew Zhou Yan was precisely because Zhou Ou's family helped each other before Zhou Yan entered Langfang.

No one thought that the return was so great.

Although Zhou Yan had just entered Langfang shortly afterwards, the rights in his hands should not be underestimated.

It is rumored that everyone in the wolf teeth can finally reach the point of a general, and it is much more powerful than the generals outside.

"Ouyang's family, I have the gift of knowing how to meet me. I will naturally repay. This time, I just helped your elder brother clear some troubles, and also set up the power by the way, so that no one will mess up at the engagement dinner."

Zhou Yan took off his sunglasses and put it on his chest with a smile on his face.

He is a member of the mace and a weapon of the country. In front of him, even these family members must be treated equally.

"It's working." Ouyang Yi shook the folding fan, didn't feel cold, and smiled.

If the wolf member taught Chu Yunyun, the Chu family must have no guts to say anything.


But at this moment, in the dilapidated mansion of the capital, two old men stood upright.

Snow flakes. The universities in the north are much more magnificent than those in the south. Pieces of goose feather universities keep falling down, covering the entire capital.

But in this house, it was full of vitality, and there was no snow on it.

The two stood in the sky, with their feet more than three feet off the ground.

One of them is Qing Changhong.

Pieces of flying snow seemed to be in front of him, and as his eyes moved, they turned into pieces of flying knives, scraping them toward the other party with the intention of killing.

The wind is roaring and the momentum is huge. I'm afraid this volume will destroy most of the house.

But the old man opposite Qing Changhong, his eyes are indifferent and calm, his black hair and black beard, he looks much younger than Qing Changhong, there is a cold air in his body, his body is shriveled like dry wood.

But when the attack on the opposite side came, a gust of wind swept through, and the dead leaves on the ground suddenly violated the gravity of the earth, swept up, and cut through the snowflakes one by one, glowing like a metal.


The wind blows the grass low and the flowers fall.

In this courtyard, in a moment, it seems to have experienced spring, summer, autumn and winter.

When all the illusions disappeared, it slowly became calm.

Qing Changhong shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Sure enough, after I became a guru, it is not your opponent. Mo Laowei, your skill has grown a lot, I am afraid that you have entered the two-step guru."

Mo Laowei, one of the guru masters of the mace, was originally named Mohei.

His face was gloomy, but because of the cultivation practice, there was a slight grin, saying: "You old and immortal still want to win me, but I entered the guru 20 years earlier than you, and is specifically a battle guru, you A fortune teller still has to wait another hundred years. When I die, you can come to whip the corpse."

"There is no barrier, you will be angry when you see you." Qing Changhong snorted.

At that time, the two entered into Langfang together. At that time, it was the beginning of the establishment of China.

"The years have changed. Those old friends had already returned to the dust, and the soil was back to the earth. I didn't expect the two of us to enter the guru, but they could steal a few years into the sky."

Qing Changhong laughed, and the two sat on the floor, not caring.

The more you practice, the more you feel that the natural things in the world are the best.

"Yeah, the times have changed too fast, just computers, mobile phones, various high-tech products, my old guy will not use them anymore." Mo Hei laughed, a little lonely.

"Moreover, as the power of thermal weapons has increased, the status of our warriors has also gradually weakened. I heard this year that it seems that the intention is to reduce the funding of our wolf teeth department."

"The warrior used to have a very high status, but now, the population base is too large, but we have become an alternative. All countries are for national stability, and the warrior has gradually faded out of the ordinary people's vision."

Qing Changhong sighed aloud. Why didn't he feel heartache when he came from that era?

"A bullet will kill the martial artist. If the military martial artist does not pay attention, he will be killed by the sniper."

"And the generals are few and far between, even in wars, they are too weak. How can a mortal body be worth the cannon, that is, the master, will be bombarded into powder by a missile."

"That's because we haven't taken off the mortal body, and we haven't stepped into the innate realm." Mo Hei's face showed a strong look.


Qing Changhong looked into the distance.

"Congenital realm, is it a legend at all, can humans really get rid of mortal bodies?"

"Innateness has never appeared on earth, and we have only seen relevant records on ancient books. Even Chen Zhantian did not reach that point."

"Forget it, let's not talk about this issue. The urgent task now is to improve the ability of Langya." Qing Changhong said in earnest, "The above, actually still pay attention to Langya, without Langya, how to solve the invasion of foreign warriors, How to maintain the underground family in our country?"

"It's just that over the years, the overall strength of Langya has become weaker and weaker. It has been a long time since a strong general of the general level has appeared."

Mo Hei said: "So, do you still want to invite the King Chu Yan to be my instructor with wrong teeth?"

This matter was mentioned by Qing Changhong long ago, but Mo Hei did not care.

The mace is the weapon of the country. The situation is too special, and it is not just that the lover can come over casually. It needs to go through layers of approval.

"This is what you said." Qing Changhong smiled.

Dark black shook his head: "I can't believe that a young man in his early twenties, even when he was born in a family of martial arts, is now at most the level of a master martial artist. How can he possibly kill the guru, and what you said The sword array is a bit exaggerated."

Qing Changhong knew his old friend's stubbornness, and said: "Whether you admit it or not, under his guidance, I entered the guru."

Darkness paused.

Instructors may not need very good skills, but the guidance ability must be first-class.

Qing Changhong persuaded: "You and I know that Langya has now reached a point where it can go up, and naturally there will be a smooth road, but if it goes on, it will be lonely."

"Now, it's not our time anymore, it's time to let young people go."

"We are all waiting to have fun at home."

Qing Changhong said slowly, looking at his old friend's face with some emotion, and even said: "Since you don't say anything, then we have decided. I will set off in a few days and go to invite Mr. Chu in person."

"No, this time it must be grand, I will bring a few generals in the department."

After saying that, my body is like the wind, and I don't give the black ink a chance to react. When I swish, it is to escape.

"Maybe, it really needs to be changed." Dark ink thoughtfully.


At the moment, Li Feihong and several others were waiting to watch a good show. They followed behind behind Chu Yunyun. Because there are still many people, Chu Yi did not care.


"Everyone, I will introduce a friend to you later, and I promise you a surprise." Li Feihong smiled.

A moment later, a man in his fifties dressed in black came over from the opposite side.

If Chu Yi sees this person, he will remember that this person was scared by him and fled from Jiujiang City to the ancient Tianshan Mountain in Qinhua City!

Gu Tianshan, half a year later, looks even younger. Although he does not have much improvement in his cultivation, he is now smiling.

The Heavenly Masters Association is secretly supported by the Li family, but today the Heavenly Masters Association has been out of control of the Li family.

But the two also respect each other and help each other, so that they can continue to grow.

"I know that you are the ancient Master Tian, ​​and you really admired your name for a long time." The brothers were surprised and welcomed them in the past.

"Gu Tianshi." Li Feihong greeted him, glanced at his eyes, and saw Ouyang Yi also arrived at the appointed place.

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