My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 279: It's school again!

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

There is light snow and the temperature is around zero degrees.

The pedestrians walked slowly on the road, but Chu Yi couldn't resist the joy of seeing the students.

There was a "Yan and Huang descendants" coming from the street. Chu Yi remembered that the special department of China, although famous for its spikes, could be placed on it again, and it was called Yan Huang.

That is a strong man who truly wanders among the countries of the world, specializing in solving various problems of the world's underground world.

"If the boys train well, they will all be able to enter Yanhuang."

Chu Yi whispered in his heart that he always believed that the students he liked, no matter how talented, had absolutely no problems in character and will, or this time, he would not come up with "Aoki Juice."

Already at the school gate, there was snow everywhere, and scars were taking his security team with the cleaners to clean the ground.

Their faces are filled with happy smiles.

"Everyone has everyone's happiness."

"Like a scar, it's flat and bland. If you eat and drink and earn money, you're happy."

"Like Sun Shang and Tang Feiyan, being able to become generals and entering Yanhuang is happiness."

And myself...

Chu Yi thought for a moment, a gentle and virtuous girl appeared in her mind.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, his eyes intoxicated.

"Soon, we will meet again."

"Teacher Chu is early!" Suddenly, a voice disturbed Chu Yi's sweet dream. "This early morning, it's not spring yet, how did you get estrus at the school gate, teacher, not I said you, be a teacher!"

Chu Yi covered his face with black lines and put his smile away awkwardly. He really didn’t want to see the students at all. He said seriously: "Classmate Ma Xin, I don’t know if you have written your homework for the winter vacation. If not, I don’t Mind if I give you a home visit."

Ma Xin wore a fashionable scarf, tall and thin, and a pair of peach blossom eyes was full of horror at the moment.

"Teacher, you have a public enmity!"

Chu Yi patted his shoulder: "Don't worry, don't expect you to go to the classroom to copy homework now. I will go to the classroom to squat for breakfast."

Ma Xin: "..."

At the next moment, Ma Xin didn't even turn his head, took two long legs, and rushed directly to the classroom.

For him, doing home visits is absolutely a terrible thing.

Chu Yi challenged his students to succeed, smiled proudly, and whistleed past the school entrance.

"Teacher Chu is happy new year!" When the scar saw Chu Yi, he smiled, and the scar on his face seemed to turn into a flower.

Chu Yi put his hands in his pockets, stopped, and looked up and down at each other: "Eh? I said Captain Scar, you have a bright red face, good luck."

The scar touched his head, and he smiled: "Teacher Chu, don't make fun of me. I'm all thirty. If I want to marry my wife, I should have married."

He is burly and has muscular arms. Although he looks fierce, he has a kind heart.

Of course, this world is all about money.

If there is no money, it is too difficult to find a wife.

"It's okay, Hongyun is at the head today."

Chu Yi didn't tell a fake, he looked around, but he saw that the luck circled on the campus, and there was a tendency to rise.

Since becoming a master, Chu Yi's attainment in "Wang Qi Jue" has been deeper.

He raised his eyebrows: "I haven't found the school's luck so good before, but this year it is extremely vigorous. Is it that there is a luck here?"

The fortunes are deeply hidden, especially for the old ones, who already know how to disguise themselves.

Where there is luck, there must be a blessing.

Like the island where Qin Ran discovered the Ling Mine before, or the capital city of China, it is the place where the veins converge.

However, in some places, a lot of luck will suddenly occur.

Therefore, Chu Yi also couldn't tell clearly. What was in front of him was an accident, but in short, it was not a bad thing.

He was in a happy mood, and quickly walked to the office. At this time, many teachers were already in it. Everyone was sharing the New Year's New Year. Chu Yi was empty-handed, and he didn't scratch his face.

"Beautiful and touching teacher Tan Yu, I haven't seen you for a long time." Chu Yi praised loudly.

Tan Yu smiled with bright eyes: "The handsome Mr. Chu Yi, your shy girlfriend Mr. Lu, did not come with you?"

"Lu Jie... in the English office, but it's not as impressive as your teacher Tan Yu." Chu Yi didn't blush.

"Fortunately, I'm losing weight, or I'm going to vomit to death." A middle-aged teacher beside Fa Fu shook the goose bumps all over his body.

The atmosphere in the office is harmonious.

Dong Guohao also gave Chu Yi some special products with a smile.

Tan Yuxiu pulled his hand, and the whole person moved to Chu Yi's side on the swivel chair, bringing a burst of fragrance.

"By the way, Teacher Chu, how did your class Liang Shier, Luo Luo and Chen Zhuyang transfer to school?"

"I went back to Beijing to study." Chu Yi knew about this matter. Although he was reluctant, he couldn't help it.

These three people, after all from the big family, cannot stay away.

"By the way, now that the principal Qin is gone, I heard that the new principal is also very young, only thirty-five years old. He came from Beijing and has a big background behind him."

"I don't know how people are."

"I still like Principal Qin. He is fair and does not speak in the dark."

"It's estimated that it's not very good to serve here in Beijing."

Everyone was discussing.

"Teacher Chu, let me tell you, you don't need to teach physical education this semester." Dong Guohao said, "I found a physical education teacher in the school, and I'm still a master of Tai Chi. Anyway, the students in your class like to play Tai Chi, just Older, people are sloppy."

"What's it called? I'll visit."

Chu Yi attaches the same importance to physical education teachers. He feels no different from Chinese teachers and mathematics teachers.

"What's Chen Jiu, a strange name, and a member of the National Tai Chi Association, so we hired it."

"Is there a picture?" Chu Yi asked.

"Yes, I have..."

Dong Guohao found the photo.

Chu Yi looked at it, and then the whole person was Sparta!

"Nine Daoren?!"

In the photo, it was exactly the one taught by Chu Yi, and now the nine-step master Jiu Dao employed by the Chu family!

He just let Jiutao people become teachers, but did not let him come to the third middle school as a teacher.

And still teach sports.

In the corridor, the nine Dao people smiled, and he was wearing a long gown and robe, but he looked a bit tall.

It's just that Chu Yi feels funny at all.

"Teacher Chu, I only listened to your opinion before I came here." Nine Taoists looked at Chu Yi with awe.

This is a guru!

Such a young guru must have his method of cultivation, perhaps just being a teacher.

When he went back and checked that time, it was easy to find the place where Chu Yi worked, and then came over to apply for it.

With his qualifications, the school really dare not want him.

Chu Yi's cheeks, he suffocated for a long time, and finally suffocated only one sentence: "Just be happy."

The nine Daoists stood up, looking at Chu Yi who left, and couldn't help but wonder: "Happy? Is there any meaning in saying this?"

"It is worthy of being the youngest guru, and every sentence is thought-provoking."



In the new semester, the first lesson is usually training.

Class 18 is no exception.

It's just that the role of training people is reversed.

Hu Lai patted the table with a book and protested: "Teacher, Luoluo is gone, and Liang Shier is gone. I don't have the motivation to read."

"Beauty, I need beauty stimulation." Ma Xin cried out, his heart pulled cold.

As soon as the two of them left, the level of girls in their class was pulled down a lot.

"The thought of seeing Teacher Chu for more than a year is a nightmare." Qian Xiaoshuai shook his head and grieved.

"A group of shameless **** people." Guo Feifei said angrily, and then turned his head to face Chu Yi angrily, "Teacher, we also protested and asked the handsome guy, at least at the level of Chen Zhuyang."

"I'm handsome too, Feifei."


Wang Ling, Xiao Mei and others all joined the "battle."

Looking at the scene of the students making trouble, Chu Yi smiled comfortably.

Monks yearn for freedom, and the so-called freedom is everything in front of them.

"I can only protect it in my life."

Chu Yi has a peaceful mind.

When someone is upset, there are always people upset.

At this moment, a knock on the door sounded and the front door of the classroom was rudely pushed open.

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