My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 294: Tang's decision

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The heavy snow swayed, and the northerly snow was more heroic than the south.

And these snowflakes will disappear for no reason when they are all above the courtyard. Obviously, there is a formation here, not to mention the world, but for ordinary people, it is also a myth.

"I know that painting. Since it can make the city stormy, it must be useful. Give it to Master Mu." Tang Wei's eyes narrowed, as if dozing, but he was very clear about everything.

Although he doesn't deal with things of the Tang family very much now, in the general direction, Tang Zhentian still wants to consult him.

Both father and son are tiger-eyed sword-browed, with a serious and upright look.

Because of his high position, there is a unique coercion of the superior.

"Dad, it has been sent away long ago, and now Master Mu is retreating from the sentiment. Once it breaks through, it is a three-step master. I am afraid that even Chen Zhantian can only tie him."

Tang Zhentian said, only the corner of his mouth was slightly upturned, barely with a hint of smile.

"Chen Zhantian hasn't seen him for many years. It's not clear what his strength is, but the warrior, at this point, it's already at its limit." Tang Wei's voice was calm and unhurried, like telling a fact.

"This is the era of hot weapons and the era of capital. The warrior is just a capital in our hands."

"You know, the reason why those martial arts families became hidden families is not because of national restrictions, but because they can't keep up with the times..."

"How many warriors can withstand bullets and how many masters can withstand artillery shells, even Chen Zhantian must rely on the strength of the army."

"The Budo family, unwilling to integrate into this world, can only disappear slowly on the stage of history."

"Don't look at the madness of the twelve European gods, they have mastered thermal weapons, but they haven't mastered nuclear weapons. They must also obey their country."

"Personal strength, no matter how powerful it is, can it withstand nuclear weapons?"

Tang Wei saw it clearly, the Tang family also saw it clearly, and even the rest of the great superpowers also understood it.

An era has its characteristics.

This is an era of thermal weapons and an era of capital. At least so far, no warrior has been able to withstand the nuclear hydrogen bomb.


No one has seen it at all.

These top families respect the former at the guru level and the warriors, but they understand that these people are just a knife in their hands.

In order, they can't get it wrong.

Of course, if the Tang family can have more masters, then they are also happy to see.

"Dad, if Master Mu can really make a breakthrough, we can take a look at whether congenital is really a land fairy." Tang Zhentian's tone was relaxed.

"This time, my concern is not the painting, but the owner of the painting, or who sent the painting?" Tang Wei said lightly.

"His troubles almost caused the capital to overturn the sky. Is he simply wanting to shoot, or is he deliberately doing it?"

Tang Zhentian frowned as well: "Unfortunately, there are too strict rules at the IWC, and we can't even find out."

"But this time, I have other things to come."

Tang Zhentian said suddenly, "About my sister."

In the courtyard, there was no sound for a long while, Tang Wei finally opened his eyes, but in those slightly muddy eyes, there was a complex look.

Tang Wanru is his youngest daughter, his only daughter, and the only daughter in his area.

Tang family up and down naturally spoiled her to heaven.

It's a pity that she still made a mistake, and it's an irreparable mistake, which made Tang's family angry and Master Tang's angry.

The Tang family is not the Tang family of Tang Wei. Although it has been passed down for thousands of years, the Tang family has a small population, but it is definitely a lot.

The Tang family also has a special supervision group. As long as more than two-thirds of the members of the supervision group pass, they will be able to remove the patriarch.

At the beginning, the punishment for Tang Wanru was also decided by the supervisory team, but Tang Wei also voted in favor in anger.

"Tang family, gave her such excellent conditions and resources, but she made such a big thing when the Tang family needed her to pay." Tang Wei patted the handrail.

Tang Zhentian didn't care, and continued: "That thing is indeed wrong for the younger sister. As a child of the Tang family, he must maximize the use of resources. If he marries the Jiang family, I am afraid that our Tang family has already Crush the rest of the great superpowers."

"However, Dad, now it's time. Both of the younger sister's children are already grown-ups." Tang Zhentian smiled, but the expression on his face was still serious.

"Since the Chu family doesn't want to see them, why don't we Tang family take them back? Anyway, after all these years, Jiang family's anger is also gone."

Tang Wei looked up at his son: "Speak, what the **** is going on."

"Every child of the Tang family must make sacrifices for the Tang family and obey the arrangements of the Tang family, so as to ensure the longevity of the family." Tang Zhentian said, "The Chu family does not recognize this time. Our Tang family recognizes these two. Children, give them the place they deserve and let them reunite."

"In any case, they also have the blood of our Tang family."

"In the past few days, Beijing Qiongbei Group, such as Zhongtiantian, and the world's top 500 companies all have large-scale cooperation. Their chairman, Chen Shao, has been looking for me many times to find their daughter in our Tang family. Family matter."

"It's just that because there is only daughter there, Chen Shao doesn't want her daughter to marry, but wants to hire her son-in-law."

"But our Tang family, it is estimated that few people will be willing, so this matter, I think about it, or the younger sister's son Chu Yi is the most suitable."

Tang family can be the son-in-law.

But it is also limited to some distant relatives of Tang surname, but there is really no suitable person for a while, coupled with Chen Shao's powerful forces, I also hope to be the children of the Chu family.

Chu Yi is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

Tang Wei's finger was knocking on the armrest: "I know that Chen Shao is a person who is just stunned and can be very strong, and he knows how to do business. His only daughter naturally refuses to marry."

"Beiqiong Group, but the capital city's upstart, how many people are rushing to get the place of the son-in-law of the door, he Chen Shao chose our Tang family, but also to increase his reputation."

"And once we have the support of this upstart in Beijing, your status as the head of the family will be stronger."

Tang Wei said: "It's a good way to settle this matter."

Tang Zhentian was not surprised. He knew that his father would never object to things that were beneficial to the Tang family.

As for happiness?

In this kind of top big family, what can be counted.

Tang Tangtian did not take a woman he didn't love at all.

Everything is for the benefit and for the Tang family to continue.

As for Chu Yi's side, they never thought about asking for advice. In their eyes, this matter was only a matter of notifying Chu Yi.

"Then I will tell you about this matter, and I will send someone to bring Chu Yi."

"Unfortunately, Chu Mu is a stunning woman. If it were not due to congenital crippled legs, I am afraid it would bring greater profits to my Tang family."

Tang Zhentian said bitterly.

This is the Tang family, and this is the super power of China.

If this was still in the last life, Chu Yi was really helpless except suicide.

Unfortunately, they did not know that Chu Yi now has the power to counter the Chu family.


When Beijing was boiling, at this moment, Chu Yi was taking a halt, and two big men appeared in a female underwear shop near the Third Middle School.

The clerk in the underwear shop looked at the two with a perverted look.

"Teacher Chu, why don't I just go out and wait for you, or if you call someone else to come, I really don't seem to accompany you to a lingerie shop." Hou Ju's face turned red. As a master, he felt panicked for the first time.

Two big men go to the women's underwear store, what is this for?

"Don't you think it's special here?"

Chu Yi was extremely thick-skinned and didn't care about others' opinions at all.

Open a heart shop next to the school, what is it for, and here is a suburb, how much business can there be?

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