Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

In the Chinese restaurant, people come and go, and occasionally because of Qin Ran's beauty, many people cast their eyes on them. Of course, no one thought that there is a top person in the world sitting here.

"You are going back to China now, I have notified people, and someone will send you back later." Chu Yi said, although the twelve temples, after such a big movement, they will no longer treat ordinary people around Chu Yi Start, otherwise this is too shameful.

It’s just that he didn’t forget that there is still Chen Shaocong here. Although the other party disappeared now, after all, he has been in Northern Europe for so many years, and the contacts in his hands are also vast. Kidnapping.

At least until this matter is settled, Qin Ran and they cannot stay in Europe.

"What about you?" Qin Ran looked at Chu Yi.

"I still have things, not to mention, the other party dared to shoot so, really thought I was so bully? I don't fight back, but it's not my character." Chu Yi sneered, with a faint murderous intent.

In the last world, who could threaten Chu Yan in this way.

He is the King of Chu Yan, Yan Luo Xianzun, as the supreme figure, who dare not respect him.

But on the earth, no one knew at all, and this provoked him again and again.

"Teacher Chu, you are more suitable for funny." Qian Xiaoshuai said suddenly.

Chu Yi: "..."

He already had the urge to shoot Xiao Xiaoshuai.

Although the process this time was more difficult, fortunately, Chu Yi still solved it successfully.

After sending away Qin Ran and Qian Xiaoshuai, he had no worries.

"Hey, Master Chu, what are you in Ibi now?" Chen Qiushui was dumb. He thought that Chu Yi had returned to China in secret, but he swayed in Northern Europe unexpectedly.

Chu Yi held a toothpick in his mouth: "Well, I still live in Xiaoyanglou, and I will cure your grandpa's condition."

"Yes, good..." When Chen Qiushui wanted to say something, Chu Yi had hung up the phone.

He put down the phone, and he still feels a little unbelievable. It is really because everything that Chu Yi did is beyond his expectations.

"Slain another Lord God, this..."

"Brother, we must make good Master Chu, such a person, as long as alive, that is the best backing." Chen Qiuhong said solemnly.

There was some regret in her heart.

Because of the fact, she also found out that Chu Yi is too good. Such a person can sit on par with the president of a country. Although her family has money, she is not worthy of each other.

"One person can be the enemy of one country." Chen Qiushui looked at the sky.

"My uncle, who dare not show up now and do not know where to hide, even united the temple and kidnapped Master Chu's friend."


Different from the imagination of the main **** of the temple, Chu Yi did not hide, but returned to the residence generously. This series of changes made the main gods of the temple a little stunned.

"This time, the twelve main gods, in addition to the four of us, the sea **** Poseidon, the sun **** Apollo, have been killed, and five others are in retreat." Ares stepped on a mountain road, behind which was Athens Na et al.

Dense mountains and forests, birds and flowers, and overlapping seas of forest, roaring past, there are very few people here, insects and beasts cry, the air is damp.

"That is to say, we can only dispatch five people."

"I originally wanted to use the spirit detector, but the other party was so generously exposed in our field of vision." Athena was a little stunned after hearing the news.

Is Na Chu Yan too confident?

"His generous appearance, the entire underground world, and all major forces know the existence of Chu Yan. If our temple is still covered up, I am afraid that it will be a joke."

"and so……"

The Ares Ares grinned at the corner of his mouth, only to make him look more fierce.

"So, you think, it is better to invite God Zeus to come forward."

After hearing "Zeus Zeus", even the proud fire **** Hestia showed his respect.

God Zeus!

For the martial arts world, it is always an unsurpassable mountain.

Not only this generation, but the previous generation, the previous generation, almost every generation of the **** king Zeus, is the first person in the world.

This title is a myth and a legend, as if it were magical.

Similarly, the **** king Zeus is also the core character of the twelve temples. Almost all major events are decided by the **** king Zeus.

A legend!

No one knows that even the remaining eleven main gods do not know some secrets of the **** king Zeus.

But each generation of **** Zeus is the first person on the black list.

No one can shake!

This generation of Zeus has been in the first nearly thirty years. When he was strong, Chen Zhantian had no reputation at all.

The three-step guru, the ranking changes, but only Zeus is still in the first place, and some people even assert that this generation of Zeus has already entered half a foot into the congenital realm.

"Let God Zeus come forward directly, invite him to fight formally, and behead him in front of everyone, so that the reputation of our twelve temples can be restored." Athena laughed, very calm, this is upright Yang Yangmou, who can hide.

In the mountain, a waterfall descends, and strangely, there is a wooden house below the waterfall.

However, no matter how the waterfall washed, the wooden house stood upright and did not break in half.

"The **** Zeus, has been closed here for almost half a month."

"However, we have no choice but to interrupt him, otherwise, the Chu Yan King really wants to go back to China."

The four stood here for a long time.

None of them opened their mouths, until the sun on the horizon gradually sank to the horizon, and the last light fell on the wooden house, where a rainbow appeared.


The door opened.

At the door, a middle-aged man in plain clothes is sitting. If anyone sees it, he will be shocked because this person is the face of a Chinese.

"God, Zeus!"

Zeus was calm, with a wrinkle in the corners of his eyes, which made him look more peaceful.

He sat cross-legged, and all around was quiet, even the sound of the waterfall disappeared.

This man has a peculiar charm.

But it looks like a mortal.

There was a wooden sword beside him, which was full of potholes, very common.

"What's the matter?" he said, his voice ordinary.

Athena stepped forward.

"Poseidon is dead."

"Dead?" God King Zeus just raised his eyes, unsurprised, but as deep as the ocean.

"I was killed by King Chu Yan, and Poseidon and I failed to defeat him, and even killed one person." Athena was also respectful of Zeus.

"Not bad." Zeus nodded lightly, allowing him to comment on a good sentence, enough to prove Chu Yi's strength.

Of course, if this word was heard by Chu Yi, he would certainly sneer.

He was so proud of Yan Luoxianzun, why did he need others' evaluation.

"We suspect that he has the strength of the top three in the black list, and is already the peak of the three-step guru, so I would like to invite you to shoot and directly kill him under the eyes of the public. Since then, this matter has only affected our temple. There will be very few."

The **** king narrowed his eyes.

"How did he kill Poseidon?"

"One move should be a weapon, and only one move would break all Poseidon's defenses," Athena said.

"It's really worth my shot." He stood up and took a step out of thin air.

"Hua Xia, in the past decade or so, first a Chen Zhantian, and then a Chu Yan king, it seems that I am Hua Xia, really a big country."

"It's okay, okay."

"Just let me know this late generation."

The broken wood sword suddenly turned up and suspended behind him.

As Zeus took a step.

With a bang, the entire huge waterfall was split open by the invisible air.

And as he took the second step, the wooden house behind him dissipated instantly, turned into a thunder, and disappeared into the sky.

After three steps, he has disappeared without a trace.

"It's terrifying, how do I think he's about to step into the innate realm." Ares said solemnly.

"I'm afraid half a foot is already inside."

"I don't know if I can see Zeus' sword again."

The **** of war Ares, the **** of fire Hestia and the goddess of agriculture Demeter.

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