My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 414: Go up to the sky

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The three turned back almost simultaneously.

The two young men were angry in their eyes, but when they saw that Chu Yi was a Huaxia, the emotion only slightly suppressed.

"Little brother, you are not right. Zeus is the first person of several generations. Every entire earth, every once in a while, there are talented characters to challenge Zeus, but no one succeeds." The young man who spoke , But patiently explain.

Zhou Quan looked at Chu Yi. There was a little warrior's breath in this man, but it was not strong. At most, he had just entered the stage of warrior.

"Although we and King Chu are both Huaxia people, they are not biased."

But when he saw another person, his eyes were like mung beans, his face was covered with freckles, and his face was disgusting. When he looked at Chu Yi, he was already disdainful.

Zhang Lin snorted with his nose: "Senior brother, why explain so clearly to you, a talented warrior, the underground world, the strong is the most respected, and the nationality is second, you little warrior, know what, don’t There is no discussion here."

"Take God King Zeus as a fart. I think you are really sitting on the sky and looking at the sky. You are a little warrior. What are you qualified to say like this?

He scolded, very stern, and at the same time carried a sense of pride, because he was under the master, and was already the peak of the master martial arts.

Chu Yi thought it was funny, but he was the famous Chu Yan Wang. As a result, no one recognized him until now. It seems that the China News blockade is too strong.

In fact, he did not know.

In the underground world, for the powerhouses, especially the powerhouses on the black list, they rarely release photos, which is respect for the powerhouses.

Therefore, almost all people do not know Chu Yi's appearance.

However, seeing that the two were persistent, Chu Yi still shook his head lightly: "I bet this time, King Chu won this time because I have seen King Chu."

"He is handsome, young and promising, and very handsome, but this person has always been low-key, don't want to fool around, otherwise, this black list is the first, he is already." There is no slight embarrassment.

This is, the master of the martial arts, the old man with white eyebrows also looked at Chu Yi, some unexpectedly this young man had seen King Chu.

He has long white hair and has lived on Emei all year round. His strength has also been at the peak of his master. This time, he came to see Zeus.

"Young man, Chu Yan is strong, but Zeus is stronger. In my analysis of various things of Chu Yan, I found this guy, a little vigorous. Rumor is that he is very young. I am afraid it is related to his age."

"And Zeus, who has been famous for a long time, does not know how much state of mind he has practiced."

"At their level, the focus is on the mind, so, from this point of view, King Chu Yan is not good."

"It's not your own vision." Chu Yi said lightly.

"Why, our teacher, can you talk back easily?" That Zhang Lin suddenly uttered a sigh, and suddenly, the sound was thunderous and rushed to Chu Yi.

This attack is fatal to a warrior.

As for the old man with white eyebrows, his eyelids were drooping, as if he didn't care about what happened now.

This is the real underground world, full of death, and just a word of disagreement may provoke death.

There was a gleam in Chu Yi's eyes.

"Brother, don't make trouble here." Zhou Quan shot and intercepted Zhang Linyou's attack.

"Don't be noisy, someone appears, it's a few gods!"

There was a loud noise in the sky, and Athena, Ares and others suddenly appeared. They stood in the sky, and the wind raged around them, just like the real gods. It was almost a beat, and then the huge Alps seemed to be quiet in an instant.

People are horrified.

Many chaebols and masters were all appalled. Some ordinary people shivered and almost bowed down to perform real worship.

After a while, they murmured, but whispered.


The cold wind entrance in the Alps is cold and thorny.

Zhou Quan and Zhang Lin had goose bumps all over their bodies. In a flash, they thought their fate was in the hands of Athena and others.

"This is the real powerhouse. The appearance of it means power." The old man with white eyebrows usually thinks highly of himself. At his level, the entire Huaxia, in his eyes, Chen Zhantian was able to kill him.

Although the rest of the masters were able to defeat him, he wanted to go, and the other party could not keep himself.

But now, even he feels palpitations.

"These main gods are already so powerful that they are not on the same plane as us, let alone their leader Zeus!"

Zhang Linyou squinted at Chu Yi, and saw the other person's casual look, and was even more annoyed.

"I don't know how the threshold here is set so low that even a samurai can come in. I want to say that you can't understand this level of battle."

Chu Yi ignored this time, he frowned, and immediately stretched out, and the next second, a leaf fell from the sky.

It seemed to appear out of thin air, and then, one by one, all chaotically, filled with a sad beauty.



"There's someone in that open field!"

In the open space of the decisive battle, I don't know when, with the falling leaves, a figure appeared.

The **** robe and a black grimace mask fell on the snow like a dead body.

Almost no one has seen Zeus, but from the moment this person appeared, everyone knew that this was the **** king Zeus.

The breath on him was very weak, but no one dared to underestimate it. The only way he appeared, even the masters, was completely undetectable.

The old man with white eyebrows shivered uncontrollably: "Sure enough, this is the **** king Zeus, and the ability to hide the cultivation behavior alone is not comparable to me."

He bowed gently towards each other.

This man is the first in the martial arts world and is the belief of many martial artists.

Zhou Quan did the same thing.

When the **** king Zeus appeared, he became the focus.

"That's God Zeus?"


"If I can have one-tenth of his strength in my life, I will be satisfied."

Zhang Lin was very excited: "This is the real strong man. Unlike some people, his strength is weak and weak, and he still likes to play the most ruffian. Now, the **** king Zeus has appeared. You have the ability to tell him on the spot."

"Don't you dare." Chu Yi laughed, and then under the eyes of everyone, he took a deep breath and shouted: "God king Zeus, you are in my eyes, at most an ass."

His voice, using Reiki, naturally spread out for a long time.

Everyone heard this.

Zhou Quan was dumbfounded.

The old man with a white eyebrow opened his mouth even more.

"Are you stupid? Lao Tzu is really speechless, how could there be a Chinese like you, really embarrassed." Zhang Lin was stunned and angry, but the next second, he almost lost his life.

Because all the nearby warriors, several main gods and three-step guru figures in the sky, and even the **** king Zeus, all looked here.

An invisible pressure spread out.

"I was really killed by you." Zhang Lin wanted to cry without tears.

Chu Yi laughed lightly: "I said this, dare he refute it?"

"Why do you say, God!" These people are going crazy.

But the next second, they felt scalp numbness.

I saw Chu Yi walking slowly. Every step he took, he took a point in the air, as if there was a ladder in front of him. When he reached the battlefield, he was already ten meters higher than the **** king Zeus. height.


"God Zeus, King Chu Yan, fighting on invitation, I hope you will not let me down."

Chu Yi's voice slowly spread out, filled with endless majesty.

At this time, Zhou Quan, Zhang Linyou, and Bai Mei were all horrified.

They realized later.

"He, is King Chu Yan?"

"How can it be!"

"We actually spoke like this to King Chu Yan?"

In an instant, the faces of several people were extremely pale, even the old man with white eyebrows, as a master of martial arts, his heart could not help twitching.

King Chu Yan, ascending to the sky, overlooking the King of God, what a sorrow.

And the vulgar and arrogant words, only if he said it himself, would no one question it.

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