My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 416: The sword is coming!

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"The first move will make you show your face, the second move will make you draw your sword."

Chu Yi's voice was calm, but like a flood, he rushed in all directions.

Everyone was anxious to "appreciate" the appearance of God Zeus, but now Chu Yi said this, but he was awakened in horror.

One after another, with horrified eyes, all looked at the young and excessive three-step guru.


The opponent, with just one move, has exposed the true face of the **** Zeus, what a strength.

"Mr. Chu Yan is not simple. It is possible to do this step. I am afraid that his strength is much stronger than the average three-step master."

"He just had good luck, plus God Zeus was taken lightly. Of course, if you can see God Zeus coming out of the sword, it would be wonderful and worthwhile. Last time, it was rumored that he would cut with a sword. Killed hundreds of US troops."

"This man... is too arrogant, the **** king Zeus is undefeated." Zhang Lin has suppressed his anger. At this moment, he is more disturbed by Chu Yi, but this strange emotion is actually only because of him. Offended Chu Yi.

He was scared!

I’m afraid that Chu Yan, the queen, will settle the accounts. Even then, even his master, I’m afraid he can’t stop the other party.

Therefore, he was very eager now, and the other party died immediately.

"This matter is in trouble."

On the side, he was frowning, looking at his master and brother.

Although he was accepted by a guru, he was very happy, but when he saw the guru's heart, he already had the idea of ​​leaving.

Although he admired God Zeus, he would not offend others at will. Today, his brother and master are completely responsible for their own blame.

However, when looking at Chu Yi, he was still shocked.

"I wanted to see how you would let me draw a sword."

God Zeus said lightly that he took off his black robe, and inside it was an extremely simple, even plain gown like the ancient Chinese.

"My sword is made of peach wood. At that time, there was nothing special, but gradually, as my strength improved, I continued to hone and nurture it every day. The sword naturally improved a lot."

His voice was peaceful and his eyes recollected.

"In the world, there is no best weapon, only the most suitable weapon, and only the most suitable weapon is the strongest weapon."

"Once I make a sword, you will lose faster. If you don't make a sword, you will be given face."

Chu Yi laughed, "You are wrong, you will lose quickly if you don't make a sword."

"So, do you think that I can fight you only with a sword?" said the **** king Zeus.

"Of course-no." Chu Yi dragged a long tail and smiled, "If you don't make a sword, you will lose quickly. Once you make a sword, you will definitely lose!"


Zeus, the king of the gods, encountered such a lunatic for the first time. The people who came to challenge him were extremely rigorous when they faced themselves with high self-esteem.

However, he sneered and looked like a knife. Immediately, with a straight palm, he chopped across the sky.


Everyone felt scalp numbness.

I saw the terrifying strength, turned into three-dimensional mansions, flying in the air.

This blow, as if puncturing the sound, was horrifying.

Those martial arts masters took a few steps back and could not bear the pressure inside.

If they face this trick, no accident, they will definitely die.


Chu Yi raised his hand, calmed down, crossed his hands, hula, a large circle of air seemed to have become his plaything.

Embracing the void, if there is a big ball in hand, there is a world in it, and the terrifying energy directly crushes the past.


Suddenly, the air tightened, and then the snow on the top of the mountain slipped down, making a rumbling sound.

Chu Yi did not retreat this time, followed further, his hands collapsed, and pressed hard towards the other party.


In an instant, the snow around his feet splashed around, and a Taiji gossip map was printed.

Facing Chu Yi's decisive blow, the **** king Zeus finally looked dignified.

"Are you a descendant of Kunlun Tai Chi?"

"No, Tai Chi hasn't reached this level at all. With his hands clasped, it's like the **** of heaven and earth, looking at him, who are you?"

"You want to know who I am before, still consider, whether to draw a sword." Chu Yi said loudly.

For a master, no weapons are used, and sometimes half of the power is not exerted.

Chu Yi chuckled, compared to his Chu Yan king who is a genius in the fairy world, even if the other party is even more powerful, he cannot use his weapons when facing him.

Facing Chu Yi's blow, God Zeus could only helplessly sigh, his left hand spread out, and the next moment, the wooden sword came alive, and automatically fell on his left hand.

"You are honored to be able to see my sword."

"Sword name, godsend!"

As the voice of God Zeus fell, the next moment, he shot lightly, carrying a wooden sword, and chopped down from the bottom up.


Above the snow mountain, I saw a thunder flash, countless martial arts and powerful people all looked up horrorly, and their faces were dignified. At this moment, they seemed to see the real god.

Chu Yi's attack was directly split into two halves without any stagnation, and the Thunder Sword Qi rushed straight to the sky, causing snowflakes to be disturbed.

Some people standing at the foot of the mountain were all shocked.

They all know that today is the decisive battle between King Chu Yan and King Zeus.

Lin Shuang and others even covered their mouths.

Man, can this really be done, even the Thunder can seduce?

"God Zeus, the sword is out!" Ares, the war god, shrank with a fierce pupil, the moment the opponent got the wooden sword, even with his cultivation, he felt a horror.

"Thirty years later, no one deserves his sword. Now he has a sword in his hand and the world is invincible." Athena's eyes flickered.

"I haven't held a sword for thirty years..." At the moment of holding the wooden sword, the **** king Zeus was completely out of the ordinary atmosphere before him. Meaning.

"In the past thirty years, I have practiced retreat so that I can one day, when holding the sword again, be able to rush into the congenital in one fell swoop. I didn't expect it because you were ahead of schedule."

He has some regrets.

"However, I still touched the threshold of congenital realm."

"Pull out your weapon, otherwise you won't have a chance."

"Really?" Chu Yi smiled. He waved it casually. Suddenly, Zhou Quan, who was standing in the distance, was shocked, because the long sword in his waist even flew directly to Chu Yi.

"Coincidentally, you are walking in Kendo, and I, exactly."

"You said you walked the sword, but did not have your own sword. This is an insult to swordsman!" God King Zeus was furious.

His figure, like a tank, rushed directly in the snow.

With a sword in his hand, if he changed a person, the tip of the sword swallowed the cold, the body of the sword seemed to contract, the body changed, and in an instant, he was already facing Chu Yi, either hacking, stab, or point. Kill... dozens of moves, all of a sudden.

Chu Yi holds a comprehensive sword in his hand. This is not a good sword, but it is also forged from special metals.

"Okay, you have such a swordsmanship, which is not bad."

He stabbed out with a sword, like a snake wandering out of a hole, and threw the thunder in the Buddha's sky, opening wide.

The sword of the **** Zeus is delicate.

Chu Yi's sword is overbearing.

The two collided and made a sound like a bell.

The sword of the **** Zeus has reached the extreme of this stage. The seemingly ordinary attack is full of changes.

Various attacks come in handy.

Chu Yi, however, did not care. I will break it by myself if you let the wind and rain blow.

Swords and swords intersect, sparks splatter, the ground is flying with snow, and they roll up, but if they ignore their killing intentions, they are extremely beautiful.


A sword qi, rubbing Chu Yi's ear, fell on the mountain behind.

With a bang, I saw that the mountain wall was directly penetrated, and the gravel rolled down, and everyone was horrified.


At this moment, the **** king Zeus, a sword fell, and the long sword in Chu Yi's hand was cut off in response.

"Your sword is broken, how can you fight me again?"

Chu Yi grinned: "I forgot to tell you that I went with the sword array in the sword way."

He spread his arms and shouted, "Sword!"

In an instant, above the snow-capped mountains, countless long swords thundered!

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