My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 420: Pig of the Eight Rings

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Just now, Chu Yi was arrogant, like the king of hell, he couldn't live forever.

Especially the posture of God, it has raised domineering to the limit.

Everyone thought that he would have any other means of escape, or he might assassinate all the main gods, but after a few minutes, nothing happened.

A cool breeze blew past and rolled up a few fallen leaves.

Athena and Ares are like enemies, even if Chu Yi has exhausted their spirits, they dare not take it lightly.

But nothing happened.

"That...hehe, a mistake."

"Wait a minute, I'll do it again."

He cleared his throat and shouted loudly: "I am shining in this beautiful moment in the posture of God. You mortals are still too tender."


be quiet!

Everyone waited for the vision to appear, but this time was exactly the same as the last time.

"What do you do? Really think we are all fools?"

Athena's face is not good, Ares is a step forward, they are confident that in this state, even the king of Chu Yan, only to die.


He shot, first a tentative blow, and the black boxing style swept away directly. As the **** of war, Ares ranked on the black list, but reached the fifth place.

The breeze was ringing, which made the bones cold and cold. In a flash, the teeth of people around were shaking.

"God of war Ares shot, are you really going to kill King Chu Yan today?" the warrior shouted, it is impossible for the temple to release Chu Yi in this way.

Even if it is shameless, it must be eliminated.

"Zhu Bajie, your kid pits me." Chu Yi's face changed, he knew that the little rabbit was definitely hiding somewhere and stealing music. With its character, it was impossible not to watch the bustle.

It's just that this guy has been bullied by Chu Yi recently, so he has a vengeance.


He stumbled, an unsightly donkey rolled, and rolled around in the snow, only to escape the attack of Ares in embarrassment.

But the arm was still scratched by the black fist, and most of the surface was scraped, bloody.

"Sure enough, he is already at the end of the crossbow. There is nothing to be afraid of." The goddess of agriculture De Moter chuckled. She looked very elegant and pure, but when she spoke, she was also full of murderous intent.

"Who are you?" Chu Yi asked hard, breathing a little hard.

"I am the goddess of agriculture, Demeter, King Chu Yan, I am very happy to see you, but this is the first and last time."

"I'm in charge of the agricultural shrine. I have some research on the spirits and herbs. Rest assured, I will kill you completely, and then make a specimen, or crush it, and make it cost."

She walked a few steps forward, like a fairy, with some plants wrapped around her arms, and her life was full of life.

Chu Yi snorted: "Isn't it just a logistics department, saying so nicely."

Demeter: "..."

She was silent, and her heart even fluctuated a moment ago. She really wanted to hold the toilet plug. In the past, she closed Chu Yi's mouth.

Because what Chu Yi said is the fact that the agricultural shrine was originally intended to provide logistics and security, and this is also the position in Zongmen.

"You really shouldn't mess with me, King Chu Yan." Her tone was cold, and she didn't finish her words. A vine passed through the air and attacked Chu Yi.

Chu Yi was embarrassed, shrunk his body sharply, and then the vine swallowed, scraping Chu Yi's calf.

"Well? It can't be penetrated?" Demeter was surprised.

Chu Yi grinned.

What is this called, pig pig should not be, Hu Luoping Yang was bullied by the tigress.

"No need to struggle, just surrender and give up, so that I can give you a decent way to die." Ares finally reassured, this strong man, finally has no strength, otherwise he will not avoid two attacks one after another.

"What are you doing? Let me surrender. I think you are the one who surrenders in front of love. I don't know how to pursue if you like others."

Chu Yi was still teasing: "I see, you are also a seed of infatuation, but it's a pity that the heavy rain has flooded you."

Ares: "..."

Is this still the King Chu Yan who killed the Quartet just now? Why does it look more like a scoundrel and a cultured one?

He is a crush on Vulcan, but between the two, it is also unspoken. At this moment, being so naked, and humiliated in public, Ares' lungs are exploding.

He stepped forward and punched again, with sarcasm in his face.

With Chu Yi's current strength, it was too late to dodge. This punch directly hit him in the chest.

With a clatter.

Chu Yi vomited blood, his chest sunken, but the sternum had not broken.

"Too weak. Are you tickling?" Chu Yi sneered.

"Really strong body." Ares frowned.

And this scene suffocated everyone around.

Could it be that the prestigious King Chu Yan would die in such a suffocating manner.

Although they sympathized, several Chinese warriors wanted to shoot, but they couldn't help but shrink back when they thought that they would face the most powerful twelve temples.

"The Huaya wolf tooth seems to be prevented from entering Europe by the Twelve Temples, and even if the wolf tooth comes over, it will not help, unless military forces are dispatched." Fu Wenbo thought.

"It seems that there is no accident today, this King Chu Yan, really want to be insulted to death."

Some people sighed, but others were happy.

The peak circuit ends sometimes.

Chu Yi was extremely miserable, and his body was contaminated with blood. Of course, these were all minor injuries. The most serious one was the last blow with the **** King Zeus. I am afraid that such injuries will be difficult to recover in ten days and a half months.

"It's too insulting." Chu Yi howled.

"Do you know it now?" Athena chuckled and appreciated Chu Yi's embarrassed expression. He didn't mind watching it for a while.

"Who is saying this to you." Chu Yi said impatiently.

The insult he said was not an attack on himself by these people at all, but the two goods of Zhubajia.

"Do you really want me to use another code, this guy will come out."

"Your sister, pig bajie, I will eat pork in front of you every day in the future."

He gritted his teeth and stood up fiercely. In the staring eyes of everyone, one hand on his hips and the other pointed at the sky and shouted: "Heaven Spirit, Earth Spirit, please ask the **** of pigs to rescue me."

Chu Yi's eyes closed, his face flushed, and he was extremely ashamed.

This **** pig bajie!

All around, there was silence.

Embarrassed to the extreme.

The person who defeated the **** king in a terrifying manner, even surprisingly, what is this?

Was it funny before death?

"You don't have to struggle anymore, die." Ares lost his patience. This time, he directly deceived himself, and with a **** punch, he killed the past.

But at this moment, when he thought he could kill Chu Yi 100%, a small figure suddenly came.


It turned out to be a pig in pants!

Ares was shocked, but the next second, he was numb.

His attack was swept by pig bajie and a pig's trotter. The power of terror, even with his arm, appeared strangely twisted, and everyone could clearly hear the sound of the fracture.


The snow was splashing, the snow was flying, and there was a hazy place, and no one could see it except Aris.

When the wind and snow passed, the people looked again, but they saw the front, already empty, and King Chu Yan disappeared without a trace.

In contrast, Ares, the right arm of the war, is a broken, twisted, and howling howl.

Everything happened so quickly that even Athena and others did not react.

"What happened, people?" Athena was horrified.

"Pig, it's a pig, I just hurt me directly with trotters, and then took away King Chu Yan." Ares couldn't breathe until now.

He didn't believe his eyes at all.

Athena: "..."

Vulcan: "..."

"You have hallucinations, it should be that King Chu Yan used other means to escape." Athena assured.

"No, it's really a pig! It still mocked me, yes, it's still wearing pants and has black spots on it."

"Ares, you are tired and need to rest." Athena looked solemn.

The three women discussed it and immediately left.

They did not have time to delay, and King Chu Yan was injured now, even if he escaped, he would not leave very far.

Next, they must find King Chu Yan as soon as possible and then kill him.

"Really, it's a pig..." Ares was helpless for the first time.

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