My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 426: Pride Lingyun

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Up to now, it's still arrogant, to pretend to see anyone, and not look at how much he weighs." He Yun whispered, a look of good play in his eyes.

He did not expect that Chu Yi was so uninteresting, and directly aimed at his friend.

This is a top-notch figure, representing the Temple of Poseidon, even the president has to give him a few points.

"Mr. Chu..." In short, she wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Zhou Li.

"In other words, let's not get involved. Although Mr. Chu knows some big figures, this is a foreign country, and he has angered the people of the Sea Temple. No one can help him."

"But he is my friend!" In short, she was extremely worried, and she did not know why. Chu Yi still dare to say this even now, is it really emboldened?

It's getting late, here is the suburbs, a little desolate, the street lights flickering and dimming, making the atmosphere of the scene even more weird.

Chu Yi put his hands in his pockets, and came leisurely to the bright place. Some warriors around the Sea Temple shrieked sneerly and wanted to go forward and arrest them.

Li Shuer laughed: "Is this man crazy? Really think he is the first in the world, even the Sea Temple dare to provoke."

And some of the staff next to them also smiled and watched the show.

Since He Yun and the principals here know, they will naturally not be in danger.

He Yun embraced his arms and waited to watch a good show, because he found that his friend was already dissatisfied.

Wang Qiu looked impatient and narrowed his eyes: "No matter who you are, the sentence just now is enough for me to kill myself..."

He glanced at it at once, and his body suddenly became stiff, but the last word "you" could not say anything.

Chu Yan!

He was too familiar with that face, and he had seen it not long ago, and witnessed Chu Yi killing the **** King Zeus.

He was just ordered to search, and there were several teams not far away, but Wang Qiu didn't even want to meet Chu Yi.

Even if the other party was seriously injured, the horrible scene, like a nightmare, was imprinted in the depths of his soul.

How could this happen? !

How can this happen!

This is King Chu Yan, not an ordinary guru.

Wang Qiu firmly believes that since Chu Yi has the ability to escape, he definitely has a little strength in his hand.

He is not stupid.

Cold sweat, swish came out from behind, at this moment, not only him, but also his men, also stunned, dare not move.

Because now everyone in the Twelve Temples knows what Chu Yi looks like.

These people usually shouted very loudly, but before they met Chu Yi, once they met, they almost passed by as if they had not seen them.

At this moment, those eyes were filled with resentment, and he looked at He Yun who was still proud.

They almost roared inside.

Originally there was nothing, and they fooled past, but now, it is because of this guy, that King Chu Yan really appeared.

He Yun touched his head a bit strangely, but he thought that these people were waiting for his order to directly capture Chu Yi.

"You guys, come on!" He was born with pride, like a general, directing the situation.

The scene was silent.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Qiumeng slapped He Yun's head. The latter was shot on the spot, and blood flowed from his forehead.

"Sister, do you think we are dogs?" Wang Qiu growled, almost crazy, and the cold sweat in his hands kept coming out.

He Yun was stunned for a time, lying on the ground, covering his forehead with both hands, whimpering a few words, he was unwilling to live.

"Brother Qiu, what's going on, I... I have something wrong, you just say it." He was terrified, and he didn't realize that something was wrong.

"Yes, Qiu, He Yun is so handsome, you can't beat your face." Li Shuer hurried over to protect his sweetheart.

However, Wang Qiu didn't pay any attention to these two people. At this time, he faced Chu Yi's eyes and could only walk up with a scalp.

"Dear Mr. Chu, the person I just did is ignorant. I also ask you to have a lot of adults." He bowed slightly.

Then, all the warriors around the Sea Temple put down their weapons and bowed to Chu Yi ninety degrees.

Suddenly, on this road, the original rustling sounds were all quiet.

A pair of beautiful eyes in the brief, stared straight.

Zhou Li stepped back two steps, and just felt incredible.

The two looked at each other in horror.

"What exactly is going on?"

That is the Temple of the Sea, and it is also a high-ranking figure of the Temple of the Sea. It can be said that as long as he wants, even the presidents of European countries will not embarrass him.

But such a character, when facing Chu Yi, even bowed his knees. In short, he could imagine that if he was not waiting for himself, this big man would probably kneel down.

Chu Yi, what is his identity?

Isn't he a normal high school teacher?

Isn’t he just going to do some Tai Chi?

At this time, He Yun was even numb, and his hands froze over his forehead. The whole person seemed to be stupid by thunder.

He couldn't believe it, and Sanguan was shocked, and he jumped from the ground regardless of the pain.

"Brother Qiu, what's the matter, you shouldn't admit the wrong person, he is just a run-in in a movie, not at all what you said."

"Yeah, Brother Qiu, he is so poor and not garbage. At first glance, it is not a big man. Don't be fooled." Li Shuer hated Chu Yi.

Her face is still distorted, and it will take a lot of time to go back and reshape it.



Li Shuer and He Yun were slapped by Wang Qiu in the air, and his nose and face were swollen.

His face was serious and full of coercion, and once the gas field as a guru radiated away, everyone was trembling.

But as soon as he turned around, he smiled a bit flatteringly at Chu Yi: "Mr. Chu, this time we came here mainly to invite you back to the temple to discuss important matters. The adults have decided not to pursue the previous things. "

Chu Yi smiled: "Do you believe this by yourself? No longer pursuing, do you have someone with a weapon in your hand to invite others?"

"Also, if I didn't make a mistake, you have already reported to several nearby units."

Chu Yi's words made Wang Qiu cold sweat again and again.

Even if he is arrogant, he doesn't think he can kill King Chu Yan, even if this person is still injured.

"Don't worry, I won't run away, I will wait for you in the same place. Since I can kill your Poseidon once, I can kill a second time."

He held his arms in his hands and stood there, his eyes indifferent.

"Of course, if you want to get started, I won't mind."

Wang Qiu clenched his fists tightly. He was afraid and excited. If he could really kill King Chu Yan alone, then the reward was definitely huge, but he didn't have this certainty.

Everyone stared at this strange scene, dumbfounded.

One is the grown-up adult of the Poseidon Temple, and the other is the dragon, but now, the former is bowing down to the latter.

However, before they reflected it, an amazing long scream suddenly rang through the night sky.

"Mr. Chu Yan, you are really arrogant. There is very little spirit left in your body, so dare to stay here."


In the night sky, as if crossing a blue sky river, then, the sea **** Poseidon appeared.

"A new sea god?"

Chu Yi raised his head and grinned, revealing a row of white teeth, "You are really weak."


The sea **** Poseidon ordered.

Suddenly, a few warriors carrying rocket artillery spoke directly to Chu Yi.


In short, the panic fell to the ground.

He Yun was also dull. He didn't expect that it would be such a scene. The person looking for the Poseidon Temple is really Chu Yi!

"Mr. Chu Yan, you did not expect that we can easily find you, how long can you stay with your crippled body?"

"I don't fight you, these hot weapons alone can kill you."

Chu Yi's eyes were slightly cold, his hands were on his back, and his pride was Lingyun.

"That's fine, I will save you at the Twelve Temples when I save."


His words just fell, and nearly ten bombs all fell where he stood.

In an instant, the fire was soaring and the explosion sounded through the night sky.

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