My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 428: The Twelve Temple Compromise

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The new sea **** Poseidon, anyway, is a two-step peak master, but he was also shot dead by the pig Bajie.

Not to mention other warriors, it is not a blow enemy of Zhu Bajie at all.

He Yun and Li Shuer have been scared for a long time. They even suspected that they had hallucinations. A pig killed all masters. I am afraid that no one will laugh when this joke is said.

But the facts really happened.


"We must have been given the illusion potion, just a pig, how could it be so powerful!"

Li Shuer's pupil shrank, and his heart turned over.

Before her, but wanted to treat this pet pig as her own pet, why did she think that the other party was a **** of killing, killing people without blinking.

Looking at the headless corpse and the exploded brains there, Li Shuer couldn't bear it anymore, and all spit out with a wow.


Fortunately, Li Shuer did not have too much conflict with Chu Yi, but He Yun was different. This time, even he let Chu Yi appear.

Especially when he saw the pet pig he wanted to buy for 10,000 yuan, so terrified that he was as if in the cold wind, and he was shaking.

One billion?

He was disdainful before, but now, such pet pigs cost 100 billion yuan, and they are not too much at all.

And He Yun actually offended such a pig.

All the people around him looked at him with pity and sympathy, and that expression made him ashamed.

Who would have thought that a pig would be so powerful.

Pig Bajie twisted his buttocks, coquettishly moved, and came to He Yun's side.

Seeing Li Shuer on the side, his feet were soft and his head was dazed, he fainted directly.

"What... what are you doing, Uncle Pig..." He Yun sweated on his soles and his mouth was dry.

Pig Bajie smiled and patted on his head.


He Yun was under the eyes of all eyes, his crotch was full of urine, and even bursts of foul odor, and even scared urine, maybe even **** was scared out.

His eyes rolled, and he fainted, hitting the ground with his head.

Zhu Bajie paced away with satisfaction.

"Dead, with so many people, so many masters, and weapons, all of them were solved by a pig. What happened?"

People can't believe it.

The road is already mottled, and the **** smell continues to diffuse while the night is dark, and some have already given off a bad smell.

But at the moment, many people have forgotten their fears, and they look at the young people in the field like a deity.

What happened on this day has completely subverted their outlook on life.

In short, his eyes were splendid, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Let's go, things here have nothing to do with you." Chu Yi said, believing that the Twelve Temples would not count such things on the heads of ordinary people.

"What about you!" asked with a brief concern.

"I still have things."

He waved his hand and disappeared into the vast night alone.


At this moment, in the Temple of Zeus, a master **** gathers again.

They sat on the seats, almost dripping with dignified faces.

"Poseidon, the sea god, is dead again." Athena said, her eyes full of silence, said with difficulty.

This "again" word is an absolute insult to the Twelve Temples.

"You guys, what is your opinion?" God King Zeus spoke lightly, but his voice was also very serious. With his strength, he would not be much stronger than these main gods. It was far inferior to the previous Zeus. He will definitely not be Chu Yi's opponent.

Ares sighed: "Before Poseidon died, he sent me a message with only one word."



Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then all were silent.

If the **** of war Ares saw it, it was an illusion, but Poseidon, the **** of the sea, could not have seen the illusion by both people.

"As far as I know, King Chu Yan does have a pet pig." Athena said, "Now I seriously doubt that the pet pig has excellent fighting ability. I am afraid there is a three-step master."

Speaking of which, she paused for a moment. Is there such a scary animal in this world?

Does this really exist?

But the facts are before them.

Otherwise, why did King Chu Yan escape again and again.

A pig is comparable to a three-step master.

The main gods looked at each other.

"It is very likely that it is the beast in the data left by our ancestors."

Athena speaks amazingly.

That kind of creature is rumored not on the earth, but in the upper realm.

Everyone gasped.

"But that's fine, it means that the ancestors do exist, and the upper realm does exist."

"And what we have to do now is whether to continue fighting with King Chu Yan."

Athena asked, "We, have lost a god, Zeus, two sea gods Poseidon, and a sun **** Apollo. If we use the spirit detector again, it will likely affect the arrival of the **** envoy next year. "

"what do you mean?"

"A truce!" said Athena. "For us, it is our mission to bring the angel to earth. If we blindly consume it with King Chu Yan, the energy stored in our twelve temples will become more and more Less, it’s not worth it."

"And, if you want to take revenge, you only need to endure a few months. Once the angel comes, he will lead us to change the earth again, and King Chu Yan will naturally not be his opponent."

God is so powerful.

The twelve main gods have heard from ancient books.

It is rumored that the angels are all characters in the congenital realm, different from mortals.

"I agree!"

"A truce."

"There is no need to continue fighting now, we just need to wait quietly for the arrival of the angel." There was a excited God.

This is a chance only once in a thousand years. Who wants to waste it?

"Then truce." God Zeus decided.

Everyone was somewhat sentimental. The Twelve Temples, how powerful they were, had never been compromised, but they just could not help truce at this moment.

They have grievances in their hearts, but they are helpless.

Hearing the words, Alan also breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to face Master Chu.

"It's good to have a truce."

"Wait until the angel comes."

His heart is now swaying. On the one hand, he is in awe of Chu Yi, on the other hand, he is afraid of the gods.

Therefore, although he did not betray Chu Yi, some news did not tell Chu Yi.


"What? The twelve temples have compromised?"

President Rui Guo sits in the conference room, and the entire conference room has a secretary with him, and in front of them, there are more than 20 screens, and on each screen, there is a president of a country.

This is a presidential meeting of European countries.

"It is indeed a truce, our people have received information from within."


"How can there be a truce? This time, we intend to use King Chu Yan to consume the power of the Twelve Temples, and then we will destroy the Twelve Temples in one fell swoop, but this truce..."

All of their plans have been ruined.

"No, there is another way, but the speed must be faster." Swiss President Locke said suddenly.

His gloomy eyes were deeply disgusted by the Twelve Temples and King Chu Yan.

"Now, the decisions made by the Twelve Temples are only internal high-level knowledge, not announced, we must rob King Chu Yan before they are announced."

"When King Chu Yan died, I am afraid that China will not be restless. When the time comes, we will use China's anger to smooth out the Twelve Temples."

"As a result, no one knows what we did."

"King Chu Yan, if he is allowed to live, it is also an unstable bomb for the world. This move can not only solve King Chu Yan, but also destroy the Twelve Temples."

After he finished speaking, he looked at everyone quietly.

Everyone was silent, and some people were discussing with their decision-making team.

After a moment--



"no problem!"

The twenty or so presidents or top leaders all nodded in agreement.

No one wants to see this power beyond their control.

Swiss President Locke stood up lightly.

"Now that a decision has been made, then use military power."

In his eyes, a thick murderous intention flashed.

No matter how powerful you are, can you beat the army?

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