My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 430: Man eating shit

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Man, those people are not easy to mess with." The little guide patted Chu Yi's shoulder like a female man.

"That aunt, but the proprietress of Huatian Group, a beautiful girl, is an only child."

"As for the handsome guy, I remember being a young director of a large Shanghai-Shanghai company..."

The little guide shrugs his shoulders lovely, revealing two deep dimples.

"In short, these people and we are not in the same world, buddy, you are still far away from them." The little guide called a buddy to Chu Yi, making Chu Yi a little embarrassed.

Zhu Bajie giggled on Chu Yi's shoulders, but it was better to use the blind eye method, otherwise it would cause chaos.

"Are people in the Songhu market?" Chu Yi looked at it with some doubt. He didn't talk nonsense just now, but these three people were really unlucky. There was a **** disaster, and a bad one was likely to die.

"Moreover, it seems that it is because of the fate of this man named Sun Zhen, and against the mother and daughter."

After a moment of contemplation, Chu Yi withdrew his gaze. There were too many people in the world, and he could not care for everyone.

Over time, there are more and more people in this tourist area.

Zhang Xiaoyu followed behind Chu Yi, not far away.

Her eyes flashed and contemplative, because from small to large, she could feel the aura of different people.

Bad guys, good guys, insidious, spicy... Just like Sun Zhen, this guy didn't feel good about approaching himself.

On the contrary, this stranger, who makes himself a little emotional, has a fascinating breath.

"Damn fellow!" Sun Zhen's eyes were fierce and he gritted his teeth, because after Chu Yi appeared, Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes never stayed on his body.

After thinking for a while, he stepped forward and caught up with Chu Yi.

"Brother Chu came to travel alone?" Sun Zhen put his hands in his pockets, with a ruff, a grin and a very handsome mouth.

"Off your farts." Chu Yi directly gave him a rolling look. In this world, there are always too many people who feel good about themselves.

Sun Zhen didn't expect the other party to be so indifferent, but he also believed that this was a guy who had never seen anything in the world. People in high society would hardly tear their faces on the spot.

"Brother Chu, the Ming people don't tell secret words, let's say, how much do you want to leave this tour group, ten thousand or twenty thousand?"

"Not enough?"

"How can I reimburse you for the entire trip?"

There was a touch of pride in his words, and only his brother, a ghost boy, could speak.

"I hope you don't mess with Xiaoyu anymore."

"She and you are people from two worlds."

Chu Yi looked cold: "Are you here to warn me?"

"There is no warning...but, it also means that."

Sun Zhen pointed to a few ants on the ground. This is the only place without ice.

"Seeing that these ants are not there, don't you think they look like you? You can't turn into a dragon after all your hard work."


Sun Zhen stepped on it, with a disdainful smile on his face, "Anyone can trample them to death."

"If you see it, this is the gap. You are just a ants, and I am a giant. Xiaoyu will never marry a ants in the future. The bags she buys a month are enough for your salary for one year. , You don’t have to be delusional."

After finishing talking, Sun Zhen squeezed his shoes hard, and when he left next, all the ants were dead.

"Look, there is a pile of **** there." Suddenly, Chu Yi pointed to a pile of **** not far away.

Sun Zhen was full of confidence and sneered: "Are you trying to compare me to a shit?"

"It's necessary to copy even the counterattack. It seems that you are not only very tall, but also very illiterate."

Chu Yi ignored it and continued to say: "Do you know what is the value of Yi Tuo's existence?"

"What?" Sun Zhen sneered. He wanted to see what this guy could say.

"Just let people eat!"

Chu Yi's words just fell, and the **** seemed to have wings, and it was too fast to cover his ears, and quickly fell into Sun Zhen's mouth.

Sun Zhen froze on the spot, but nothing happened.

"Brother, don't just rush around. Do you say that a big beauty like Xiaoyu will marry a man who eats shit?"

"Bah ah!"


The rich taste immediately rushed along the taste buds, and he was not good for the whole person, his face was extremely pale, and there was no trace of blood.

"It's delicious, it's hot."

Chu Yi made up a knife, and even shouted loudly: "Everyone is watching, some people are eating shit, very big news."

He shouted again in Chinese and in English.

All of a sudden, everyone looked over.


"Who is this, how can there be such a strange hobby."

"It's really embarrassing for us Chinese people to eat **** and eat it abroad. Is it true that **** abroad is better than domestic ones?"

"Mom, you also saw that this Sun Zhen is not normal at all. How can I marry this kind of person." Zhang Xiaoyu gasped and looked at Sun Zhen, who was full of shit, almost vomited.


"No, there must be some misunderstanding, Xiao Zhenren is still very good, but this is recommended by President Wang." Huang Ying shook his head repeatedly.

Hearing the words of President Wang, Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes dimmed.

The so-called President Wang is Wang Ying. The richest man in the Shanghai and Shanghai markets is almost the richest man in China.

The reason why his parents value Sun Zhen so much is because Sun Zhen is the person recommended by Wang Ying.

That's the richest man in China!

And this Sun Zhen is also a relative of Wang Ying.

"It was said for my happiness, but only for the benefit."

She was a little downcast and did not pay attention to the soles of her feet. One was careless, her body leaned back, and the whole person fell into the water with a thump.

The river, with a thin ice mist, is extremely cold, and most people can't stand it.

Even people who can swim are unbearable.


Huang Ying yelled.

"Xiaoyu, what's the matter with you?" The **** in Sun Zhen's mouth hasn't vomited, and his face is anxious, but when he walks to the lake, he doesn't move.

This lake, the tour guide warned long ago, must not enter.

"Save people."

Huang Ying was very anxious, watching her daughter sink, and she was about to plunge into the lake.

But suddenly, Zhang Xiaoyu's body automatically surfaced.

Finally, they were pulled to the shore.

"It's really troublesome. I reminded her not to wander around the lake long ago." Chu Yi shook his head. If he wasn't by his side, this one would really die.

"Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you, wake up soon."

"Artificial respiration! Quick!"

"Ah? I'm coming!" Sun Zhen stood up at this moment.

The little guide was furious: "What are you coming for, you are full of shit, I'm coming!"

The lovely beautiful little tour guide did artificial respiration to Zhang Xiaoyu, she had learned it specially, so it was very standard.

But it has no effect.

"This... what's going on?" She cried in a hurry.

"Who can save my daughter!" Huang Ying was so full of tears that she was such a daughter.

"The girl's physique is a little special, and it was already cold. It was even more troublesome to meet the cold lake water." Suddenly, an old man came out. He was a Chinese and dressed in plain clothes.

"Are you Mr. Hua Kun?!"

Some people around him recognized him as foreigners, and all seemed familiar to him.

"Really you?"

Huang Ying's eyes widened. This man was the first person of Hua Xia Medicine and a descendant of Hua Tuo. How many people wanted to ask him to see a doctor? Even the country's first leader once visited him.

"Mrs. Don't be excited first. Your daughter wants to wake up now and needs artificial respiration. It's just that he wants a male to give him artificial respiration." Hua Kun said after taking his pulse.


"And there must be masculinity, otherwise it will probably have an impact on the girl's nerves," Hua Kun frowned.


"Me!" Sun Zhen quickly stepped forward.

"You can, but..." Hua Kun looked at Sun Zhen embarrassedly, because there was still some smell of **** in this guy's mouth.

"What are you, do you want such a beautiful young lady to eat **** with you." the little guide exclaimed, "there is another one here!"

She said, pushing Chu Yi out.

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